2011年3月30日 星期三


我還沒有仔細看過這個網站,不過Advanced Studioclassroom介紹這個網站,


2011年3月28日 星期一


2011年3月24日 星期四

20110324 Matt Damon (2)

calculus n. 微積分/計算法
eg: After 9/11, teh calculus of risk changed for international airports and
new security measures had to be implemented.

case in point 明證/恰當的例證
eg: Sometimes you can diet and not lose any weight. Case in point: I dieted for one month without progress, until I started exercising too.

adulation n. 吹捧/奉承
eg: The famous musician seemed to be used to all the adulation and adoring fans.

20110324 Matt Damon (2)

calculus n. 微積分/計算法
eg: After 9/11, teh calculus of risk changed for international airports and
new security measures had to be implemented.

case in point 明證/恰當的例證
eg: Sometimes you can diet and not lose any weight. Case in point: I dieted for one month without progress, until I started exercising too.

adulation n. 吹捧/奉承
eg: The famous musician seemed to be used to all the adulation and adoring fans.

20110324 Matt Damon (2)

calculus n. 微積分/計算法
eg: After 9/11, teh calculus of risk changed for international airports and
new security measures had to be implemented.

case in point 明證/恰當的例證
eg: Sometimes you can diet and not lose any weight. Case in point: I dieted for one month without progress, until I started exercising too.

adulation n. 吹捧/奉承
eg: The famous musician seemed to be used to all the adulation and adoring fans.

Lady Gaga meets Google

2011年3月23日 星期三

20110323 Matt Damon

abiding adj. 持久的/始終不渝的
eg: His abiding love for his country caused him to serve it for most of his life.

ambivalent adj. 有矛盾情緒的/憂喜參半的/好壞參半的
eg: I feel ambivalent about studying abroad. I'm very excited to go, but I know I'll be homesick.

philanthrope n. 博愛的人/慈善家
philanthropist n. 慈善家/博愛主義者
philanthropic adj. 慈善的
philanthropically adv. 慈善地/博愛地
=> done in a manner that shows concern for others, especially by giving them money
eg: Bill Gates is not just a rich businessman; he's also a philanthropist. He has given billions of dollars to charity.
eg: The orphanage received a generous donation from a wealthy philanthropist.
eg: an philanthropic organization 慈善機構

non-partisan adj. 無黨派的/超黨派的
=> not supporting or controlled by any person, special interest group or political party

2011年3月19日 星期六

20110318 The Culture of Curacao (2)

Here I find the Jewish quarter and synagogue, the oldest in the Caribbean;

synagogue n. 猶太會堂/猶太教堂
=> a building in which Jewish people worship and study their religion

At the Old Market, people sit at long, communal tables and eat baked whole snapper, fried plantains, goat stew and the other traditional foods of Curacao.

communal adj. 共享的/共有的/共用的
eg: Because of germs, people are not always eager to eat or drink from communal bowl or cup.

The Queen Emma is a pontoon bridge for pedestrians.

pontoon n. 浮橋
=> a small flat boat or a mental structure of s similar shape used especially to form or support a temporary floating bridge

But when a freighter or cruise ship approaches, the bridge operator fires up the engine, and like a truck driver, steers the Punda end of the bridge a full 90 degrees to the opposite shore so that the length of the bridge is snug up against the Otrobanda side, leaving plenty of room for the ship to pass.

fire up 發動(機器/引擎等)/激發
eg: When the pilot fires up the engine, I know we'll be takign off very soon.

snug adv. 緊貼地/緊密地
eg: The TV stand fits snug up against the wall

2011年3月17日 星期四

20110317 The Culture of Curacao (1)

The Culture of Curacao

Dutch, Netherlands and Holland的關係如下
If you are a Dutch, you are from Netherlands.
Sometimes we call Netherlands Holland, but Holland is a part of of Netherlands.

Curacao is in the Netherland Antilles and became an independent country October 10,
autonomous from the Dutch.

autonomous adj. 自治的/有自治權的
eg: The country became autonomous over 50 years ago, but has struggled to establish a stable government.

Poverty and affluence are side by side as well, even in the touristy part of town along the harbor where the cruise ships dock.

affluence n. 豐富/富裕
eg: She displays her affluence by wearing expensive clothes and jewelry.

To get my bearings, I sign up for a three-hour tour.

get one's bearings 弄清楚自己所處的位置/熟悉環境
eg: To get my bearings, I drove back to the starting point. Then I was able to figure out which way to go.

Blo-blo lizards skitter through the cacti and a little land crab raises its claws as if to thwart this invasion by tourists.

thwart v. 阻止/阻撓
eg: Debra tried to thwart the dog attack by covering her face with her arms.

2011年3月16日 星期三

20110316 NEWSworthy Clips (3)

NEWSworthy Clips

Automakers and gadget purveyors are increasingly turning to applications for Apple's iPhone and other smartphone as a way to bring more high-tech electronics into cars.

purveyor n. 供應商
eg: Pork purveyors from all over the world attend Memphis' famous barbecue competition.

Their portability allows motorists to keep their auto data close at hand even when they are away from their cars.

portability n. 便於攜帶/輕便
eg: The portability of the new computer tablets makes it easy to work from anywhere.

2011年3月15日 星期二

20110315 NEWSworthy Clips (2)

Yahoo became one of the web's most popular news sources by aggregating and featuring other people's journalism.

aggregate v. 匯集/合計
eg: The website is known for aggregating the top new stories of the day.

The Internet giant launched the Yahoo Contributor Network, harnessing 400,000 freelance writers, photographers and videographers from Associated Content, a firm that Yahoo bought in May.

harness v. 控制(引申為握有)/利用
eg: By harnessing wind power, electricity is provided to the energy-efficient house.

Although others including AOL and Demand Media are also wooing freelancers, Yahoo's ability to distribute to such a vast audience "is not something that exist [elsewhere] on the web today," says Kuke Beatty, Yahoo's general manager.

woo v. 爭取...的支持/尋求...的贊同/追求
eg: We've discovered which techniques are most effective in wooing new customers.

Others forgo payment to share views or interests with a large audience.
forgo v. 放棄/棄絕
eg: I'll forgo lunch today in order to finish early and get to my doctor's appointment on time.

He doesn't know how many editors review the stories, but he says computers check to be sure nothing is plagiarized or offensive.

plagiarize v. 嫖竊
eg: The professor warned us that we will fail his class if we plagiarize.

面對大地震 台日政媒比一比

文 / 王崑義


日本發生芮氏規模9.0 超級大地震,這如果發生在台灣,可能會是一個什麼樣子?想想1999 年發生的「921 集集大地震」,芮氏規模7.3,比這次日本的大地震規模小400 倍,在沒有發生海嘯的情況下,台灣的死亡人數超過2,000 人。

再想想2009 年發生的「八八水災」,卻把整個劉兆玄內閣給淹沒了,馬英九總統從此也被民進黨定位為「無能政府」。

媒體誇張 形塑無能政府




再看看這次的日本,本來他們的首相菅直人在政治獻金疑雲中已經搖搖欲墜,但這次發生大地震以後,他馬上在首相官邸危機管理中心設立官邸對策室,要求所有內 閣成員到官邸,召開緊急應變會議。首相菅直人在會議上還呼籲日本國民此刻更要保持沉著冷靜,「希望每個人都拿出行動來,發揮互助精神,將損失控制在最小範 圍內」。

日本首相菅直人的呼籲並不是沒有效果的,在東京街頭,雖然鐵公路可能都中斷,但民眾還是相當有秩序的在等待, 沒有亂糟糟的樣子,更沒人趁火打劫。記得海地大地震發生時,災民把救災物品搶成一團,一個現代化的國家,和一個開發中的國家人民素質的比較,這一幕應該就 可以看得很清楚。

如果我們再把鏡頭轉到NHK 即時呈現的空拍畫面,他們冷靜而翔實提醒海嘯的正確訊息,即使全城發生大火災,也沒有看到災民呼天搶地的樣子,在日本的電視畫面上,更看不到死屍或遺體,以免讓災難更讓人感覺世界末日的恐怖景象。


台媒亂報 歸咎超級月亮


什麼是「超級月亮」,觀眾其實沒幾個人弄懂。所謂「超級月亮」,是指月亮和地球最近的時刻,所以我們看到的月亮會特別圓。而這次「超級月亮」會發生在今年 3 月19 日那天,到那天會不會再發生阿扁「兩顆子彈」的事件呢?應該是不會,因為現在阿扁的「辦公室」在監獄,沒有人對他再有興趣了。

那回頭來看什麼是「超級月亮」吧!這是因為月球繞地球的軌道是橢圓形的,所以月球跟地球的距離每個月各有一次「近地點」和「遠地點」。最近時(近地點)約 36 萬3,300 公里,最遠時(遠地點)約40 萬5,500 公里。今年地球與月亮將於3月19 日經過「月球近地點」,到時月球與地球的距離將只有約35 萬6,578 公里,是1992 年以來最接近地球的一次。


網路上的傳言,我們的電視台卻拿來大做文章,網友根據歷史記錄,每一次「超級月亮」出現時,地球上就有不同尋常的災害發生。比如2005 年1 月的印度洋海嘯,以及1974 年澳大利亞達爾文遭遇到的龍捲風等。

這項「超級月亮」的傳言, 馬上被我們的天文台專家給否認。而國際電波天文學中心(International Centre for RadioAstronomy)科學家惠勒(Pete Wheeler)也表示懷疑。他在接受媒體採訪時說:「在出現超級月亮前後,地球只會出現比平常低或高的潮汐。屆時將不會因此發生地震或火山爆發,除非那 是原本就會發生的。」另外,澳洲天文學家勒內克 (DavidReneke) 也持相同看法。他指出,陰謀論者總能找到與特定時間扯上關係的天災,並怪罪「超級月亮」。國際天文學專家都否認這項說法,但是我們的電視台卻可以夸夸而 談,而且一談就是半小時。

日本震災 馬政府動作快

這次日本發生大地震,馬英九總統不再像過去的麻木不仁,畢竟已經作了快3 年的總統了,所以他第一時間就趕到中央災害應變中心了解日本震災相關影響。其他在立法院接受質詢的官員,也立刻請假趕過去,為了怕比總統到得晚,座車司機幾乎是使命必達。

我國中央氣象局也表示,根據太平洋海嘯中心發布的第一報海嘯警報,台灣也被列為海嘯觀察名單,海嘯預估將先後抵達花蓮、台東與基隆。中央氣象局發布海嘯警 訊,預估海嘯將於下午5 時32 分抵達花蓮、5 時36 分到達台東,6 時04 分到達基隆,提醒沿海地區民眾提高警覺,嚴加防範,嚴密注意海嘯發展情形。行政院長吳敦義說,已請災防中心通報所有各機關因應。由於海嘯警報的發布,雖然 沒有真正來臨,讓東、北部沿海民眾撿到半天的假,但人命關天,預防總比真正發生的好。

馬英九總統也在第一時間,透過駐日代表致電日本首相菅直人表達慰問與關心。日方也隨即提出救援要求,我國救援團隊將盡快出發,馬總統還說:「我們的朋友受難,一定要積極予以援助」。我國並捐款1 億元給日本協助災民。


情況嚴重 核電廠也爆炸

日本位於福島的核電廠傳出爆炸,情況到底多嚴重,我們的媒體說「恐釀大禍」。我們的原能會核能管制處處長陳宜彬說,根據所知的消息研判,福島核電廠的機組 反應爐應該已經融毀了,當地的輻射劑量將會持續上升,這是核電廠所面臨最高等級的危機。如果情況真是如此,陳宜彬說,日本官方現在只能設法把污染的範圍降 低了。

但是,日本官房長官枝野幸男在12 日晚上8 點多召開記者會,說此次爆炸為廠房牆壁垮塌,並非內部的核反應堆安全殼發生爆炸。他還表示,外部的放射性物質比爆炸前反而有所減少。

而東京電力公司4 名工作人員在爆炸中受傷被送至醫院救治,但無生命危險。他們在聽到爆炸聲前感到如同地震的劇烈搖晃。

另外,東京電力公司為防止核反應堆安全殼內的壓力上升導致破損,從12 日凌晨起著手向外排放內部蒸氣,並於下午2 點多獲得成功。含有安全殼內放射性物質的蒸氣向周邊地區排出後,導致附近輻射量一度增加。


經濟影響 應信專家分析

日本發生大地震之後,許多人開始擔心這對全球經濟的影響到底會有多大?一般的股市分析師說對台灣有得有利,讓人摸不著頭緒。但日本做為世界第二大經濟體, 現在已經被中國超越,所以美國哥倫比亞大學經濟學家韋恩斯坦就說,日本整體經濟不會受到此次地震太嚴重的影響,其短期影響可能小於神戶地震,不過日本政府 仍將面臨一些挑戰。

韋恩斯坦說,雖然11 日地震對於受損最嚴重地區的影響將是災難性的,但從神戶地震來看,日本經濟仍舊可以迅速反彈。

他還說,日本工業產值在2005 年1 月、即地震發生的那一個月下降2.6%之後,到2 月和3 月,又隨著重建工作的加強反彈了3%以上。神戶地震對日本工業中心造成了直接衝擊,地震造成的損失共計13 萬億日圓左右,以當前匯率計算約合1,580 億美元。

相比之下,作為11 日地震受損最嚴重地區的北方宮城縣,其經濟規模較小,且更側重於農業和木材業。該地區經濟產值占日本總產值的1.7%左右,不到神戶的一半。因此,短期影響可能要更小。


2011年3月12日 星期六

20110311 Pocket Change (1)

Pocket Change

The race is on to transform your smartphone into your wallet

The Japanese call it osaifu keitai (cell-phone wallet). Flash your phone virtually anywhere you go for almost any purchase and it's automatically logged into a digital expense report. Eat frequently at McDonald's? Tap your phone to pay and your all-in-one debit card/receit tracker/loyalty program may instantly offer you 10 percent off. Today, if you want to enjoy these benefits, you have to go to Japan. But after years of talk, wireless carriers, bank, startups and handset makers are now actively working to transfer Americans' cell phone into mobile wallet. The goal: to snag a share of the processing fees associated with the $3.2 trillion in annual retail credit-card charges, and to turn the $1.2 trillion in cash and check spending into digital transactions.

A new era for credit cards
For the past five-plus years, Visa and MasterCard have used near-field communication (NFC) chips in tap-to-pay credit cards and key fobs. Now they're embracing mobile phones as well.

"Consumers already use phones for online payments," says Josh Peirez, MasterCard Worldwide's chief innovation officer, referring to downlaoded songs and software. "The goal is to get them comfortable doing the same thing in the physical world." Nokia has announced that it will include NFC chips in all its 2011 smartphones, effectively forcing Apple, Research in Motion and other rivals to follow suit.

"... Demand is growing," says Gerhard Romen, Nokia's director of mobile financial services, "and full implementation is what makes a technology go forward." Analysts estimates NFC will become ubiquitous within the next three to five years, which will give wireless carriers newfound leverage in determining the future of the mobile wallet.

log into 登入
=> to access a computer system by providing proper identification

key fob 密碼卡/感應卡/感應扣
=> a small device with a built-in USB flash drive used for data storage or identification

expense report 支出報告/支出報表
eg: Don't gorget to add last month's trip to your expense report before you turn in.

snag v. 搶先奪取/爭奪
eg: Jan hopes to snag one of the designer wedding gowns when they go on sale.

follow suit 跟進/仿效
eg: Once our school enforces the new testing guidelines, it won't be long before other school follow suit.

implementation 履行/實施/引進新措施
eg: Effective implementation of the English program has increased English fluency within the government offices.

2011年3月11日 星期五

日本8.9強震 發布大海嘯警報

2011/03/11 華視新聞  


2011年3月5日 星期六

iPad 2

A Day Made of Glass

20110304 Selling Tunes the 21st-century Way (2)

Selling Tunes the 21st-century Way

Musical fair trade
"As a musician, I make and record all the music, drives of miles to do concerts, eat ramen and sleep on floors. And here these companies were charging up to 15 percent of my sales in perpetuity, just for sending a file from one server to another," Price said. "It really upset me that people were getting ripped off like that."

So he set up a website that charged artists a flat fee to distribute their songs. That meant Jay-Z paid the same amount to post his music on iTunes as someone recording in their suburban garage. When TuneCore launched in January 2006 it disrupted a tradition of taking percentages of sales, which can mean thousands of dollars for a song by a major artist.

While TuneCore also doesn't front money or market bands in the way a label would, its service is part of burgeoning digital toolset that allows artist to be more self sufficient.

A lifeline for indie artists
TuneCore isn't the only outfit that distributes digital music for artists. Companies such as CD Baby, Ioda and Orchard also sell distribution services for do-it-yourself musicians. But TuneCore is perhaps the most well-known in the pack.

Its success isn't just about doing business with [established musicians]. It's also about people like Dave Days, a 19-year-old pop musicians who isn't represented by any labels.

Days, who markets his musics on YouTube, has sold more than 250,000 singles on iTunes alone, using TuneCore. While iTunes takes a 30 percent cut of every song sold, TuneCore collect only its flat annual fee -- $9.00 a song, $19,99 album -- no matter how many times the music is sold and for as many online stores as artists select. TuneCore collect the revenue from iTunes and elsewhere on behalf of musicians, allowing artists to withdraw the money whenever they want for no additional fee.

ramen n. 拉麵

flat fee 固定費用
=> a pricing plan that charges a fixed amount for a service, regardless of usage

perpetuity n. 永遠/永存/不滅
in perpetuity
=> going on forever

rip (someone) off 敲竹槓/剝削
=> to cheat someone by charging too much money

=> short way of saying "independent"

front v. 預付錢/付訂金
=> to pay someone an amount of money before they start a job

=> group
=> an organization, company or team

burgeoning adj. 增長迅速的/發展很快的
=> developing quickly

2011年3月3日 星期四

Smartphone Symphony

Wang's passion for developing Smartphone music led him to co-found Smule, or "Sonic Mule." This start-up allows him to share his music research with the masses by developing apps that feature "interactive and expressive audio." To date, the company's most popular product is Ocarina, an app that turns the iPhone into an electronic version of the ancient wind instrument of the same name. Users create melodies by placing their fingers on the touch screen's four animated finger, holes and then blowing into the phone's microphone. It looks and sounds as if the users are playing real ocarinas!

In line with the company's goal of creating interactive apps, Smule designed Ocarina with a World Listener mode. When this mode is selected, users can listen to Ocarina players from around the world whose locations are represented on a global map. As Wang says, Ocarina is perhaps the first instrument in history that allows players from around the world to hear each other. To date, more than 40 million performances have been shared within the Ocarina community. And if Wang has his way, millions more will soon join this global Smartphone symphony.

inter- 在兩者之間
interactive adj. 互動式的
eg: This interactive computer game has become really popular lately.
=> 這個互動式的電腦遊戲最近變得非常流行
eg: This interactive computer system allows you to make your reservations at any time.
=> 這個互動式的電腦系統可讓你以隨時預約
eg: Language development is an interactive process.
=> 語言發展是一種互動式的過程

version n. 同一種物件的不同版本型號/樣式
eg: The latest version of this computer software costs over $1000.
=> 這個電腦軟體的最新版本要價超過一千美金
eg: A Chinese version of this novel will be published in May.
=> 這本小說的中文版會在五月份出版

mode n. 電腦/電話設定的狀態
eg: The computer was set to hibernation mode.
=> 電腦被設定為休眠的狀態
eg: The office phone was set to automatic-transfer mode during the holidays.
=> 假期的時候辦公室的電話會被設定為自動轉接的模式

animated adj. 動畫的

in line with
=> in agreement with

Ocarina n. 小鵝笛

//== Chat room ==//

coin v. 創造
eg: a newly coined word
=> 一個新創的字

=> 在facebook 上刪除好友,引申為不想和某人當朋友。

blend 混合字

=> 由Sonic和Mule所組成的,這種由兩個字組成的字稱作blend(混合字)

=> 由breakfast和lunch所組成的blend(混合字)

compound 複合字,
eg: smartphone, newspaper, eyebrow

2011年3月2日 星期三

20110302 Smartphone Symphony(2)

Smartphone symphony

Described as a "vocal instrument," Improvox helps even terrible singers sound like professionals by correcting their pitch in real-time. Users sing into their phone's microphones and slide their fingers across their touch screens to adjust background harmony and add in effects like echo and reverb. Indeed, Improvox provides tools similar to the ones used in professional recording studios so the users can adjust their sound. And when they'er done singing, they have the option of saving their performances and sharing them with friends via e-mail.

Dr. Ge Wang, a professor at Standford University's Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics(CCRMA), specializes in making computer-generated music more mobile. His efforts have led to the formation of such experimental groups as the Princeton Laptop Orchestra(PLOrk) and the Stanford Mobile Phone Orchestra, or MoPhO. Dressed in black and wearing gloves with round speakers attached, the members of MoPhO look more like super heroes or rock stars than orchestra members. As Wang conducts, they make music by moving their hands in different directions and sliding their fingers across their iPhones' touch screens.

voc- 聲音
vocal adj. 聲音的/使用嗓音的
eg: The vocal techniques for singing operas take years of training to master.
=> 演唱歌劇的聲音技巧需要幾年的訓練才可以掌握
eg: Lips are an important vocal instrument.
=> 嘴唇是非常重要的發聲樂器
eg: The vocal part of this picee of music was recorded in another studio.
=> 這首曲子原聲的部分是在另一間錄音室錄製的

via prep. 透過/經由
=> by way of
eg: We had our meeting via Skype.
=> 我們透過Skype 開會
eg: I ordered a new cell-phone via on-line shopping.
=> 我透過網上購物訂了一支手機
eg: The plane flew from Taipei to LA via Tokyo.
=> 飛機由台北起飛經由東京飛到洛杉磯

conductor n. 指揮家
conduct v.指揮
eg: This piece of music is considered extremely difficult to conduct.
=> 這首曲子被認為是極度困難指揮的曲子
eg: Henry has been conducting a church choir for several years.
=>Henry 指揮一個教會的唱詩班已經有幾年的時間了

pitch n. 音高
=> the quality of note

echo n. 回音

reverb v. 回響
= reverberate
=> long lasting sound that cause things to vibrate

acoustics n. 聲學
=> scientific study of sound
=> how sound is received/sent out

computer-generated 電腦生成的

//== Chat room ==//

speaker n. 演講者
keynote speaker 大會主持人

speaker n. 喇叭/揚聲器
= loudspeaker

woofer n. 低音喇叭
subwoofer n. 超低音喇叭

2011年3月1日 星期二

20110301 Smartphone Symphony (1)

Smartphone Symphony

Grab your phone and make some music! The days of carrying around both a cell phone and an MP3 player are history. Nearly all cell phones sold today double as music-listening devices, with Smartphones going one step further. Thanks to features such as built-in motion sensors and touch screens, Smartphones have turned cell phones into music-making devices that respond to a user's hand movements. Music apps available now allow users to produce the sounds of instruments by tapping virtual drums and forming chords on virtual strings. The following musical apps are two of the most powerful and creative ones on the market.

Robert Taub, a famous concert pianist, was looking for a way to help his daughter remember musical compositions. His original idea was to develop software that could photograph a score, play it back and allow a student to imitate the music. Taub decided to leave his performing career behind and form a start-up company called MuseAmi for the purpose of developing such a musical app. Although MuseAmi's first app, the iPhone app called Improvox, doesn't live up to Taub's original idea, it does break new ground.

double as something 兼具另外一種身分/功能
eg: The dining room table double as Josh's worktable.
=> 餐廳的餐桌也兼具Josh的工作桌
eg: Before we find a substitute, the receptionist, Becky, will have to double as our operator.
=> 在我們找到替代者之前接待員Becky會兼任我們的接線生

score n. 樂譜
eg: The score of this new song can be downloaded on the internet.
=> 這首新歌的樂譜可以從網路上下載
eg: This music genius memorized the whold score of Symphony No.7 by Beethoven.
=> 這位音樂奇才可以將整首Beethoven的七號交響曲背起來

score n. 戲劇/電影配樂
eg: The scores for this animated movie were written by a Chinese composer.
=> 這部動畫電影的配樂是由一位中國的作曲家所寫的

start-up n. 新創立的公司
eg: This start-up software company only focuses on the local market for now.
=> 這家新成立的軟體公司目前只針對當地的市場
eg: A lot of people are paying attention to this start-up because the owner is a celebrity.
=> 因為這家新公司的老闆是一位名人,許多人都很關注這家公司

Although MuseAmi's first app, the iPhone app called Improvox, doesn't live up to Taub's original idea,
=> Although MuseAmi's first app, the iPhone app called Improvox, doesn't satisfy/fulfill Taub's original idea,

//== Chat room ==//

muse n. 靈感的來源
=> 繆斯,宙斯的九個女兒
=> 這些muse精通善長詩歌,音樂,舞蹈,歷史等。
=> 靈感的來源,任何給你靈感的東西都可稱做muse
eg: exercise is my Muse.
=> 運動是我靈感的來源。

muse v. 深思熟慮/沉思/冥想
eg: I'm musing over a trip to South America.
=> 我在慎重思考要不要去南美洲

//== More Information ==//

As the creativity and power of music-making apps continues to grow, some music bands are turning in their traditional instruments for smartphones.

One such group, iBand, a trio from Europe, plays original music using iPods and iPhones with costume-designed musical apps. Although the group features computer-generated music, the band's singer, Mara, still uses her actuarial voice to sing the group's lyrics.

//== Grammer on the go ==//

Although Museami's first app ... doesn't live up to Taub's original idea, it does break new ground.

break ground
=> to make progress or achievement that no one else has done before.

eg: In 1960 Sirimavo Bandaranaike of Ceylon (or Sri Lanka) broke new ground by becoming the world's first female prime minister.
eg: The medical team broke new ground when they discovered how the new drug could fight cancer cells in mice.