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2011年3月15日 星期二

面對大地震 台日政媒比一比

文 / 王崑義


日本發生芮氏規模9.0 超級大地震,這如果發生在台灣,可能會是一個什麼樣子?想想1999 年發生的「921 集集大地震」,芮氏規模7.3,比這次日本的大地震規模小400 倍,在沒有發生海嘯的情況下,台灣的死亡人數超過2,000 人。

再想想2009 年發生的「八八水災」,卻把整個劉兆玄內閣給淹沒了,馬英九總統從此也被民進黨定位為「無能政府」。

媒體誇張 形塑無能政府




再看看這次的日本,本來他們的首相菅直人在政治獻金疑雲中已經搖搖欲墜,但這次發生大地震以後,他馬上在首相官邸危機管理中心設立官邸對策室,要求所有內 閣成員到官邸,召開緊急應變會議。首相菅直人在會議上還呼籲日本國民此刻更要保持沉著冷靜,「希望每個人都拿出行動來,發揮互助精神,將損失控制在最小範 圍內」。

日本首相菅直人的呼籲並不是沒有效果的,在東京街頭,雖然鐵公路可能都中斷,但民眾還是相當有秩序的在等待, 沒有亂糟糟的樣子,更沒人趁火打劫。記得海地大地震發生時,災民把救災物品搶成一團,一個現代化的國家,和一個開發中的國家人民素質的比較,這一幕應該就 可以看得很清楚。

如果我們再把鏡頭轉到NHK 即時呈現的空拍畫面,他們冷靜而翔實提醒海嘯的正確訊息,即使全城發生大火災,也沒有看到災民呼天搶地的樣子,在日本的電視畫面上,更看不到死屍或遺體,以免讓災難更讓人感覺世界末日的恐怖景象。


台媒亂報 歸咎超級月亮


什麼是「超級月亮」,觀眾其實沒幾個人弄懂。所謂「超級月亮」,是指月亮和地球最近的時刻,所以我們看到的月亮會特別圓。而這次「超級月亮」會發生在今年 3 月19 日那天,到那天會不會再發生阿扁「兩顆子彈」的事件呢?應該是不會,因為現在阿扁的「辦公室」在監獄,沒有人對他再有興趣了。

那回頭來看什麼是「超級月亮」吧!這是因為月球繞地球的軌道是橢圓形的,所以月球跟地球的距離每個月各有一次「近地點」和「遠地點」。最近時(近地點)約 36 萬3,300 公里,最遠時(遠地點)約40 萬5,500 公里。今年地球與月亮將於3月19 日經過「月球近地點」,到時月球與地球的距離將只有約35 萬6,578 公里,是1992 年以來最接近地球的一次。


網路上的傳言,我們的電視台卻拿來大做文章,網友根據歷史記錄,每一次「超級月亮」出現時,地球上就有不同尋常的災害發生。比如2005 年1 月的印度洋海嘯,以及1974 年澳大利亞達爾文遭遇到的龍捲風等。

這項「超級月亮」的傳言, 馬上被我們的天文台專家給否認。而國際電波天文學中心(International Centre for RadioAstronomy)科學家惠勒(Pete Wheeler)也表示懷疑。他在接受媒體採訪時說:「在出現超級月亮前後,地球只會出現比平常低或高的潮汐。屆時將不會因此發生地震或火山爆發,除非那 是原本就會發生的。」另外,澳洲天文學家勒內克 (DavidReneke) 也持相同看法。他指出,陰謀論者總能找到與特定時間扯上關係的天災,並怪罪「超級月亮」。國際天文學專家都否認這項說法,但是我們的電視台卻可以夸夸而 談,而且一談就是半小時。

日本震災 馬政府動作快

這次日本發生大地震,馬英九總統不再像過去的麻木不仁,畢竟已經作了快3 年的總統了,所以他第一時間就趕到中央災害應變中心了解日本震災相關影響。其他在立法院接受質詢的官員,也立刻請假趕過去,為了怕比總統到得晚,座車司機幾乎是使命必達。

我國中央氣象局也表示,根據太平洋海嘯中心發布的第一報海嘯警報,台灣也被列為海嘯觀察名單,海嘯預估將先後抵達花蓮、台東與基隆。中央氣象局發布海嘯警 訊,預估海嘯將於下午5 時32 分抵達花蓮、5 時36 分到達台東,6 時04 分到達基隆,提醒沿海地區民眾提高警覺,嚴加防範,嚴密注意海嘯發展情形。行政院長吳敦義說,已請災防中心通報所有各機關因應。由於海嘯警報的發布,雖然 沒有真正來臨,讓東、北部沿海民眾撿到半天的假,但人命關天,預防總比真正發生的好。

馬英九總統也在第一時間,透過駐日代表致電日本首相菅直人表達慰問與關心。日方也隨即提出救援要求,我國救援團隊將盡快出發,馬總統還說:「我們的朋友受難,一定要積極予以援助」。我國並捐款1 億元給日本協助災民。


情況嚴重 核電廠也爆炸

日本位於福島的核電廠傳出爆炸,情況到底多嚴重,我們的媒體說「恐釀大禍」。我們的原能會核能管制處處長陳宜彬說,根據所知的消息研判,福島核電廠的機組 反應爐應該已經融毀了,當地的輻射劑量將會持續上升,這是核電廠所面臨最高等級的危機。如果情況真是如此,陳宜彬說,日本官方現在只能設法把污染的範圍降 低了。

但是,日本官房長官枝野幸男在12 日晚上8 點多召開記者會,說此次爆炸為廠房牆壁垮塌,並非內部的核反應堆安全殼發生爆炸。他還表示,外部的放射性物質比爆炸前反而有所減少。

而東京電力公司4 名工作人員在爆炸中受傷被送至醫院救治,但無生命危險。他們在聽到爆炸聲前感到如同地震的劇烈搖晃。

另外,東京電力公司為防止核反應堆安全殼內的壓力上升導致破損,從12 日凌晨起著手向外排放內部蒸氣,並於下午2 點多獲得成功。含有安全殼內放射性物質的蒸氣向周邊地區排出後,導致附近輻射量一度增加。


經濟影響 應信專家分析

日本發生大地震之後,許多人開始擔心這對全球經濟的影響到底會有多大?一般的股市分析師說對台灣有得有利,讓人摸不著頭緒。但日本做為世界第二大經濟體, 現在已經被中國超越,所以美國哥倫比亞大學經濟學家韋恩斯坦就說,日本整體經濟不會受到此次地震太嚴重的影響,其短期影響可能小於神戶地震,不過日本政府 仍將面臨一些挑戰。

韋恩斯坦說,雖然11 日地震對於受損最嚴重地區的影響將是災難性的,但從神戶地震來看,日本經濟仍舊可以迅速反彈。

他還說,日本工業產值在2005 年1 月、即地震發生的那一個月下降2.6%之後,到2 月和3 月,又隨著重建工作的加強反彈了3%以上。神戶地震對日本工業中心造成了直接衝擊,地震造成的損失共計13 萬億日圓左右,以當前匯率計算約合1,580 億美元。

相比之下,作為11 日地震受損最嚴重地區的北方宮城縣,其經濟規模較小,且更側重於農業和木材業。該地區經濟產值占日本總產值的1.7%左右,不到神戶的一半。因此,短期影響可能要更小。


2011年3月11日 星期五

日本8.9強震 發布大海嘯警報

2011/03/11 華視新聞  


2010年10月16日 星期六



from: ICRT EZnews

ordeal n. 嚴峻考驗
eg: The parents went through a terrible ordeal when their child was kidnapped.
=> 當孩子遭到綁架時,父母親經受了一次可怕的折磨。

rivet v. 集中(目光、注意力)/吸引
eg: His peculiar dress riveted our attention.
=> 她奇怪的穿著吸引了我們的注意

miner n. 礦工

rescue v. 拯救/救援
rescue n. 拯救/救援

unfolde v. 顯露/表露/呈現

ascent n. 上升/登高

capsule n. 膠囊

barely adv. 僅僅


Subject: Chile ...
Return to Table of contents

In international news ....

The last of the Chilean miners has been rescued -- ending a 69-day ordeal that riveted the world.

Luis Alberto Urz-ua appeared at the surface to cheers and applause from some 2-thousand people ....

His rescue through 2-thousand feet of rock .. completed a 22- and a half hour operation that unfolded with remarkable speed and flawless execution.

The 33 miners made the smooth ascent inside a capsule called the Phoenix - which was 13 feet tall, barely wider than their shoulders and painted in the colors of the Chilean flag.

2010年4月15日 星期四

Tibetan earthquake

From ICRT EZnews

Tibetan earthquake

The death toll from a strong earthquake in China's remote and mountainous Tibetan plateau has climbed to 617, even as convoys of trucks carried in supplies and tents for survivors braving the cold.

As darkness fell, freezing temperatures left little hope for anyone still trapped under the rubble of homes, schools and monasteries in the ruined seat of Yushu county, which bore the brunt of the quake.

The sports stadium there is now a makeshift hospital, but inadequate for the number of injured people.

Nearly 10,000 people were injured in the quake, almost 1,000 of them severely.

Tibetan Buddhist monks have turned out in force to help rescue efforts, although the town's main Buddhist monastery lay in ruins on a nearby hillside.

plateau n. 高原

brave v. 勇敢地面對
eg: They braved the storm to rescue the earthquake survivor.
=> 他們冒著暴風雨搶救地震的生還者。

makeshift n. 臨時代用品
eg: Use an box as a makeshift for the house of the puppy.
=> 用這個箱子當作這個小狗的窩

inadequate adj. 不適合的/不足以滿足需要的
eg: Inadequate preparation caused the restaurant's opening to be a total disaster.

rubble n. 粗石/碎石/瓦礫堆
monastery n. 修道院
bore v. 鑽/挖/鑿
brunt n. 衝擊/撞擊
turn out in
hillside n. 山腰/山坡

2009年8月18日 星期二

2009年8月11日 星期二

Typhoon Morakot 莫拉克颱風災情

from ICRT EZ News

Latest figures indicated that the death toll from Typhoon Morakot currently stands at 14 dead with 34 wounded

The numbers of missing is far higher, with several villages in the south obliterated by mudslides.

Thousands of people are unaccounted for due to those disasters

A gap in Provincial highway 16 has led to seven cars falling into the water, resulting in at least 12 people being swept along with their vehicles.

Tens of thousands of people are trapped around the country due to landslides and washed out roads, including 20 thousand in Nantou County, and an additional 10 thousand gaoxiong.

In the Tainan-Gaoxiong area, 580 thousand households are without water supplies.

Nationwide, there are 23 bridges that were rendered impassable by the storm, a new record for Taiwan.

obliterate v. 沖刷(掉)/消滅
eg: The heavy rain obliterated all footprints

mudslide n. 塌方
landslide n. 山崩

household n. 家庭/戶
nationwide adv. 在全國

render v. 使得/使成為
eg: His color blindness renders him for getting a driving license.

impassable adj. 不能通行的

2009年8月3日 星期一

China replaces US as India's largest trade partner

from http://in.finance.yahoo.com/

By fe Bureau

China has emerged as India's largest trading partner, replacing US in 2008-09. Apart from increasing trade engagement with the neighbouring country and weak demand for foreign goods in the US, which is reeling under recession contributed to this.

According to a reply filed by minister of state for commerce Jyotiraditya Scindia in Lok Sabha on Monday, bilateral trade engagement between India and China stood at Rs 1,63,202 crore (nearly $ 36 billion) in April to February 2008-09, an increase of nearly 7% over Rs 1,52,713 crore in the year ago period. In the same period under consideration, bilateral trade between India and the US dipped 7.5% and stood at Rs 1,55,353 crore (approximately $ 34 billion).

Exports from India had increased 3.4% in dollar terms and 17% in rupee terms during 2008-09.

Significantly, trade deficit - the difference between exports and imports - with China expanded 41% in the period under consideration and stood at Rs 92, 676 crore (nearly $20.3 billion), pointing towards fast expanding imports from China. This is nearly one fifth (18%) of India's trade deficit during the period under consideration, the highest for any of its trade partners.

According to data available with the commerce ministry, imports from China expanded 28% and stood at Rs 1,27,938 crore ($ 28.10 billion) in April to February period of 2008-09. In fact, increase in large number of chemical and metal items import from China has been of concern for India, which has initiated many anti-dumping and safeguard duty mechanism investigations to ascertain if Chinese companies are adopting any unfair trade practice.

Historically, the US has been India's top trading partner. Exports to the US have mostly been greater than imports, as a result of which India has enjoyed a trade surplus. However, hit by the economic recession, demand for goods in the US plummeted, impacting exports from India as well.

apart from 除...之外
reel 倒退
bilateral adj. 雙方的/雙邊的
crore (印度)一千萬盧比
dip v. 下跌
ascertain v. 查明/確定/弄清
plummet v. 筆直落下

Rs 盧比簡寫
rupee 盧比(印度、斯里蘭卡、尼泊爾等的貨幣單位)
trade deficit 貿易逆差
trade surplus 貿易盈餘

2009年7月23日 星期四

Interest rates not likely to rise this FY - Ahluwalia

from : http://in.biz.yahoo.com/business-news/index.html

Interest rates not likely to rise this FY - Ahluwalia

NEW DELHI (Reuters) -
Interest rates in India are unlikely to rise during the course of the year and worries about a high fiscal deficit being sustained into the future were misplaced, a top policy adviser said on Wednesday.

"If you are asking me whether I think interest rates are going to harden in the course of the current year, I would not assume that," Montek Singh Ahluwalia, deputy chairman of India's Planning Commission, told reporters.

Analysts expect interest rates may start rising towards the end of the fiscal year as the government plans to borrow a record 4.51 trillion rupees ($93 billion) in 2009/10 to fund a widening fiscal deficit.

fiscal adj. 財政的/會計的
fiscal year 會計年度/財政年度
fiscal deficit 財政赤字

deficit n. 赤字
a foreign trade deficit 外貿逆差

sustain v. 支撐/承受/承擔
harden v. (價格/通貨等)變堅挺/上漲

deputy n. 代理/代理人
eg: You can cowork with my deputy when I am on the holiday.

deputy adj. 代理的/副的[Z]
eg: deputy mayor 代理市長

rupee n. 盧比(印度、斯里蘭卡、尼泊爾等的貨幣單位)

widen v. 放寬/加寬/擴大
eg: The street is now being widened.