2010年6月14日 星期一

20100614 The 2010 FIFA World Cup (1)

The 2010 FIFA World Cup

Nations gather in South Africa for their favorite sporting evert!

The FIFA World Cup - international soccer's biggest tournament - has been played every four years since 1930. It was originally planned as an alternative to the 1932 Olympic Games, which weren't going to include soccer. Now it ranks as the world's premier international soccer event and as history's most-watched sporting event. The last World Cup, in 2006, claimed a global audience of 5.9 billion. This number easily exceeds the 4.7 billion who viewed the Olympics in Beijing - the most-watched Olympic Games in history.

Furthermore, this year's at-home spectators get an even greater viewing experience as several matches will be broadcast in 3-D! Nearly 200 teams have spent the past four years competing to qualify for this year's tournament in South Africa. Since the tournament started last Friday, the world's 32 best national soccer teams have been facing off. During the next two rounds of intense competition, all teams but four will be eliminated. Those remaining teams will then contend in four final matches to determine their rank and ultimately the world champion.

tournament n. 比賽/錦標賽/聯賽
=> completitions between several different teams
eg: Wimbledon is one of the most important tennis tournaments.
=> Wimbledon是世界最重要的網球錦標賽之一。
eg: The golf tournament attracted a lot of attention because the grand prize is worth very much.
=> 這場高爾夫球錦標賽因為冠軍獎項非常豐厚,所以引起很多注意。

ex- 向外
exceed v. 超過/超越
=> go beyand, larger/greater
eg: Our team's performance exceeded the school's expectations.
=> 我們隊伍的表現超越學校對我們的期望。
eg: Expenses to set up this branch office have already exceeded our budget.
=> 設定這個分公司的費用已經超出了我們的預算。

contend v. 爭奪/競爭
=> compete
eg: Top dancers from all over the country came to contend for the title.
=> 來自全國的頂尖舞者都來爭奪這個冠軍頭銜。
eg: Ricky will contend against his long-time opponent, Timothy in tonight's match.
=> Ricky將在今晚的比賽中跟他的長期對手Timothy一較長短。

premier adj. 首位的/首要的
=> the most important

spectator n. 觀眾之一/旁觀者/目擊者
at-home spectators
=> people who are watching the games at home

qualify v. 限制/限定
=> successfully get into the competitions by doing well in the past

=> remove

//== Chat room ==//

face off (冰球賽等的)開球/爭球/對峙/對抗
=> 原本來自曲棍球,一場球賽開始時,兩個球員會face off面對面爭奪球
=> 延伸出來的意思為和某人對抗

face up to 勇敢面對某人/某事
eg: He faced up to the challenge. 他勇於面對挑戰
eg: face up to the boss

face the music 勇於承擔責任
=> accept the responsibility
=> 一個人闖禍之後就需要face the music

Let's face it. 面對現實吧
=> We must accept the truth of something
eg: Let's face it, we're not getting any younger.
=> 面對現實吧,我們不會再年輕了.

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

...the world's 32 best national soccer teams have been facing off.

face off 對抗
=> meet face-to-face for a competitive reason

eg: Many people gathered to watch the two world-class chess players face off in Las Vegas.
eg: The two political candidates will face off at a debate later this week.

