2009年10月27日 星期二

20091027 -- A Bunny's Tale (2)

A Bunny's Tale

"But wait!" the serpent urged.
"One as intelligent as yourself should see fit to help me."
"Intelligent?" smiled the rabbit.
"Most intelligent!" flattered the snake.
"Surely you know I mean no harm. I only ask a favor."
"What favor?" asked the bunny.
"A simple one," replied the crafty serpent.
"Just look through the grass and find a strong stick.
Then kindly lift me out of this miserable pit.
Afterward, we can see one another off... as friends."
"I really shouldn't," said Bunny,
"but maybe I'll look after you, just this once."

So he found a stick and lifted the ugly
snake out of the pit and onto the grass nearby.
"My!" exclaimed the rabbit as he looked over the snake.
"You look disgusting!"
"Yes," grinned the snake," and you look delicious!"
"Delicious?" cried the rabbit. "But I thought..."
"Don't be surprised," said the reptile.
"You knew I was trouble when you lifted me out of that hole."
What happened to the little rabbit I cannot tell.
I didn't dare look on.
But learn a lesson as you look at this simple tale.
When trouble calls- watch out! Keep moving on and don't look back.

flatter v. 諂媚/恭維
=> overpraise
eg: If you flatter the boss, you might get a raise.
eg: He's good at flattering his boss, and that's why he's been promoted.

flatter v. 使高興
eg: I was really flattered that you invited me to your wedding.

crafty adj. 狡猾的/詭計多端的
eg: She's a crafty lady. Don't let her trick you!
eg: Joe always came up with all sorts of crafty ideas that got him into a lot of trouble.
eg: He's a crafty politician. You never know how he will react.

reptile n. 爬行動物/爬蟲類
eg: Turtles, snakes and lizards ar reptiles.

see fit 願意/適當
= think fit
eg: Spend your money as you see fit, but be careful to save some too.

see fit to do something 決定或願意做某事
eg: The publisher didn't see fit to publish the sci-fi novel at the time.

serpent n. 蛇(尤指大蛇、毒蛇)

disgusting adj. 令人作嘔的/十分討厭的
eg: The leftover is disgusting.

//== Chat Room ==//

=> hole/trap

a granite pit

the pits 很倒楣
=> extremely unpleasant situation
eg: Taking exams on your birthday is the pits.
eg: Getting sick on the vacation is the pits.
=> 度假的時候生病真是倒楣

orchestra pit 樂池
=> 劇場裡舞台正前方為樂團所預留的空間,
=> 讓樂團在這pit裡演奏,就不會擋住觀眾的視線

//== Did you know ==//

Like many other small, furry animals, pet rabbits are kept for enjoyment and companionship. Like cats, rabbits can be trained to use a littlerbox and, like dogs. Rabbits can learn to come when called. Rabbits are often kept outdoors in a cage or pen during the day (for exercise and fresh air) and brought inside at night. A pet rabbit typically eats hay, vegetables, and rabbit pellets. Rabbits are alert, timid animals that scare easily.

pen n. 欄/圈/一欄家畜
timid adj. 膽小的/易受驚的
hay n. (做飼料用的)乾草
pellet n. 顆粒狀物/小球

