2010年1月19日 星期二

20100119 Sport Stacking (2)

Sport Stacking

Benefits of sport stackig

Besides being fun and competitive, sport stacking also has many benefits. It improves an individual's hand-eye coordination, quickness and reaction time. Using two hands at once develops both sides of the brain. This development can improve other activities where two hands are needed such as playing an instrument.
It can even help in the classroom. Some stackers have shown increases in test scores and levels of concentration!

The best news is that sport stacking is for everyone! Unlike many sports, people of all backgrounds, abilities and ages can enjoy it. With time, patience and practice, even people who are not athletic can become excellent stackers. If your school or organization does not offer sport stacking, you can buy your own kit. Then you can enjoy the benefits of this fun sport at home. Encourage your friends to join you. Set up your very own competitions. Before you know it, you'll agree that this sport really stacks up!

benefit n. 利益/好處
eg: The benefits of living in a city include the convenience and the exciting entertainment.
eg: The new community center will be a great benefit to the neighborhood.

hand-eye coordination 手眼睛協調

reaction time 反應時間

concentrate v. 集中/全力以赴
concentration n. 集中/專心/專注
eg: A quiet environment improves the students concentration.
eg: I lost my concentration when I heard the music outside the classroom.

patience n. 耐心/忍耐/耐性/毅力
=> the ability to wait or
=> the ability to be patient without getting angry or frustration

stack up 比較/競爭/一較高下
stack up against something 與...競爭
eg: Do you think this new software can stack up against other similar products?

//== Chat room ==//

able adj. 能夠
ability n. 能力/本領

skill n. 技巧/特殊的技術/技能
=> 需要獲取而來

people skills 待人處事的技能/人際關係的能力

talent n. 天賦/才能
=> born with special skills

//== More Information ==//

How to "Pile the Plastic"
Steven Puruganan, a Filipino-American from Longmeadow, Massachusetts, really knows how to "pile the plastic." He currently holds the world records for all sport stacking events. In the time it takes me to read this one sentence, about ten seconds. Puruganan can perform the 3-3-3 stack, the 3-6-3 stack, and the cycle stack. Needless to say, that plastic is moving pretty fast!

