2010年5月20日 星期四

20100520 Architecture (2)


SC: How do buildings convey ideas?

JJP: A building is like a human being. It has expressions and gestures. A building should express what its role is. A theater should look like a theater. But it should also reflect the type of theater it is, the location and its environment.

SC: Why is good architecture important?

JJP: Everybody lives and works in buildings. Architecture is man-made, and no matter where a structure is, it has to complement its environment. Otherwise it will become an offensive object ecause it doesn't go away. It's very important for architecture to be right for its environment.

SC: How important is local culture and tradition to the design of a new building?

JJP: I think it is very important. If a building does not reflect its locality, then it means the building can be placed anywhere in the world. That would be disappointing because when you go to Thailand, you want to see Thai culture. When you go to Turkey, you want to see Turkish culture. You con't want to see a building from New York City in those places.

complement v. 陪襯/與...相配
=> make things more complete
eg: The shade of her hair complements her complexion.
=> 她的頭髮顏色和她的膚色很相稱。
eg: Grapes and cheese complement each other very well.
=> 葡萄乳酪互相搭配起來很好吃。
eg: Eric's management skills complement his partner Henry's creativity.
=> Eric的管理技巧和他的夥伴Henry的創意相輔相成。

offense n. 引起反感的事物
offensive adj. 唐突的/冒犯的
=> unpleasant
eg: The singer's offensive comments were strongly criticized by the press.
=> 這個歌手唐突的言論遭到媒體強烈批評。
eg: The flowers look pretty, but they have an offensive smell.
=> 這些花看起來相當漂亮,但是聞起來很不舒服。

local adj. 當地的
locality n. 地區/所在地
eg: Certain remote localities were affected by the water shortage.
=> 缺水的問題影響到特定的幾個偏遠地區。
eg: The pilot reported his exact locality.
=> 飛行員報告了他確實地點。

convey v. 運送/搬運/轉運
=> communicate an idea

reflect v. 反射/映現
=> express

man-made adj. 人造的
=> made by human beings

//== Chat room ==//

It has expressions and gestures.
=> personification 擬人化

gesture v. 比手畫腳/作手勢/用動作來示意
gesture n. 一種舉動/一份心意
=> 若你要去商店買東西,你問別人要不要順便幫他買,這就是一個貼心的舉動(guesture)

eg: The stars wink at me. 天上的星星向我眨眼
eg: I think I hear the coffee shop calling your name.

