2010年5月24日 星期一

20100524 Emily Osment - Disney's Newest Rising Star (1)

Emily Osment - Disney's Newest Rising Star

Hannah Montana's best friend is finding her own voice

In the past, those familiar with Emily Osment knew her simply as child star Haley Joel Osment's little sister. These days, however, audiences know her as Lilly Truscott on Disney's hit series Hannah Montana.

A family of actors
Having an actor for a father means Emily has acting in her blood. Not surprisingly, she landed her first acting role at the young age of 6 in a TV commercial. After appearing in several more commercials, Emily made her movie debut in the 1999 film The Secet Life of Girls. However, it was the 2002 role of Gerti Giggles in Spy Kids 2 that brought her worldwide recognition. But if Spy Kids 2 made her famous, Hannah Montana turned Emily into a teenage superstar!

With success comes challenges
Fame and success have brought some changes into the young actress's life. She used to attend public school, but now she has a private tutor. According to Emily, constantly being in the limelight can sometimes be hard. But with a wide array of ongoing projects, Emily's not complaining too much!

series n. 系列
=> 單數型和複數形的拼法都是一樣的
=> television program where the stories fit together
eg: I missed the last episode of the TV series. Can someone tell me what happened?
=> 我錯過了這部電視影集的最後一集。可否有人能告訴我發生了什麼事嗎?
eg: The writer's sci-fi series is simply classic.
=> 這位作家的科幻小說系列簡直就是精典.

recognize v. 認可
recognition n. 認可/贊賞
eg: He received recognition from his colleagues for his contribution to the project.
=> 因為他對這個案子的貢獻讓他得到同事們的認可。

in recognition of something 因為某件事而要表達肯定
eg: He was given an award in recognition of what he did for the company.
=> 公司因為認可他的貢獻而頒獎給他。

array n. 一系列/大批/大量
=> a huge number of something
eg: A wide array of the most fashionable clothing is displayed for the VIP customers to choose from.
=> 多種系最流行的服裝成列在VIP顧客前讓他們挑選。
eg: The splendid array of gourmet food on the table looked so delicious.

in one's blood
=> have special ability/natural ability to do something

=> land a job

debut n. 次露面/初次登臺
=> happen for the first time

superstar n. 超級明星

limelight n. 眾人注目的中心
=> in the public attention
=> in the focus of the public

//== Chat room ==//

=> I don't like to have people's attention on me. (聽起來像是中文式的英文)
=> I don't like the limelight.
=> I don't like to be in the spotlight.

spotlight n. 聚光燈/引人注意的中心
limelight n. 石灰燈/引人注意的中心

spot n. 焦點
to be put on the spot 使某人處於難堪的地位/把某人放在有壓力的情況下

//== More Information ==//

Fun Facts about Emily Osment
Emily likes to play soccer in her free time.
She describes herself as shy.
Emily says she's not great at keeping secrets.
She hopes to someday swim with dolphins.
Emily likes to cook and enjoys making breakfast for her family.
Her mother is an English teacher, and Emily's favorite subjects are English and literature.

