2010年9月8日 星期三

20100907 Asian Fashion Passion (2)

Asian Fashion Passion

Made in Malaysia: Khoon Hooi
Khoon Hooi has done what no other Malaysian designer could do: He launched a successful global brand from Malaysia. Hooi attended the Malaysia Institute of Art. He studied graphic arts for a year to please his parents but then switched to his passion: Fashion. Hooi's look is known for being feminine, romantic and youthful. Shoppers in cities like New York, Taipei, Bangkok and London discover flowing silk dresses and nature-inspired colors.

Fashion for America's first lady: Jason Wu
Taipei-born Jason Wu exploded onto the fashion since the night of January 20, 2009. That evening, Michelle Obama, America's new first lady, wore an exquisite white gown made by Wu to President Obama's inauguration celebrations. For the boy who had sketched gowns in Taipei bridal shops when he was 5, it was a dream come true. Wu's family immigrated to Vancouver, British Columbia, when he was 9. Wu studied abroad in France during high school and attended college in New York City. In 2006, Wu started his own fashion label, which is known for its modern designs with a clean, classic and feminine look.

launch v. 推出某種新的產品/服務
eg: The company launched a new fragrance for women.
=> 這家公司推出了新的女性香水。
eg: The bank will lauch their online banking service next month.
=> 這家銀行下個月會推出他們的網路銀行服務。

sketch v. 速寫/素描
=> draw it very quickly
eg: The artist sketched his daughter as she was playing in the garden.
=> 這位畫家在他的女兒在花園裡玩耍時,畫下了她的素描。
eg: The architech sketched out a design for the building.
=> 建築師速寫出的這棟建築物的設計圖。

sketch n. 速寫/素描
eg: She did several sketches of the fisherman.

label 品牌/商標
eg: After working under an employer for years, Brenda launched her won label last year.
=> 為老闆工作多年後,Brenda推出他自己的品牌。
eg: The supermarket's generic label has become very successful.
=> 這家超市自有品牌銷售非常成功

designer label 名牌
eg: Many young people enjoy buying designer labels.
=> 許多青年人喜歡買名牌。

graphic arts

feminine adj. 女性的/婦女的

inauguration n. 就職/就職典禮

exquisite adj. 精美的/精緻的/製作精良的

gown n. 女禮服/(婦女穿的)長禮服

//== Chat room ==//

Jason Wu studied abroad in France during high school.
= Jason Wu studied overseas in France during high school.

abroad adv. 國外的
= overseas

aboard adv. 在船/飛機/火車/任何一種大眾運輸工具上

aboard adv. 在某家公司/組織工作
eg: Welcome aboard. 歡迎加入我們公司
=> 在公司遇到新同事可以向他說Welcome aboard.

