2011年2月11日 星期五

20110211 Training New Staff (1)

Training New Staff

Training new people correctly takes time and energy

Training someone to do a job can be harder than doing the work yourself. It's hard partially because people vary in their approaches to a task. But mostly it's because people's working paces and styles are very different. In the last three months, I have trained two new members in my group. I have to say these have been the longest three months I've had at work. My philosophy of training is to teach someone how to fish instead of just giving him or her the fish.

But human nature makes people want a shortcut to get a job done. They prefer that to taking the time to understand why things are done in a certain way. Their desire for a shortcut is my biggest frustration in training. I try my best to explain the "whys" of a task so the new people understand how to solve a problem on their own. That way they can do it themselves in the future.

=> mainly

partial adj. 部分的
partially adv. 部分地
=> not completely
eg: The house was partially renovated.
=> 這棟房子局部做過裝修
eg: Mark admitted that he was partially responsible for the delay.
=> Mark承認自己要為延誤付部分的責任
eg: The company is partially owned by the government.
=> 這個公司部份是公營的

philosophy n. 理念/人生觀
=> someone's idea
eg: Many young people nowadays adapt the philosophy of “live now, pay later.”
=> 現在許多年輕人順應一種"先買先享受,以後再付錢"的人生觀。
eg: The company's philosophy of management is very human-based.
=> 這家公司管理的理念相當人性化

frustrate v. 使沮喪/阻撓
frustration n. 挫折/失敗
=> something that makes you upset
eg: Despite all the frustrations, Simon is determined to get this deal.
=> 即使有許多的挫折,Simon立志一定要拿到這筆生意。

frustration at ... 對某事的挫折感
eg: Charles expressed his frustration at not being able to help.
=> Charles表達了自己沒有辦法幫上忙的挫折感

//== Chat room ==//

staff n. 一個組織的全體職員/所有的工作人員
=> 不可數的集合名詞
=> refer to administrator or people who perform other duties besides teaching
=> 指一個組織的全體職員/所有的工作人員,因此我們不能說一個人是staff
=> 而要說是個staff member

on the staff 在職/屬於一個組織的員工
eg: She is on the staff of Studio Classroom.
=> 她是空中英語教室的員工

faculty n. 一個學校全體的教職員
=> 不可數的集合名詞
=> refer to people who teach, like a professor

employee n. 一個受雇的人/一個職員
=> 可數名詞
=> workers who are hired to perform a job

//== Grammar on the go ==//

They prefer that to taking the time to understand why things are done in a certain way.

to prefer A to B
=> to think A is better than B

eg: I prefer taking the bullet train to going by plane.
eg: Haley prefers the French café to the Japanese restaurant.

