2011年2月18日 星期五

20110218 Fashion Goes Green (1)

Fashion Goes Green 時尚吹起環保風

When it comes to fashion, green is the new black

Every day you wake up and get dressed. But have you ever stopped to think about the clothes in your closet? Most likely, they were manufactured in distant countries under hazardous conditions in pollution-emitting factories before being loaded into shipping containers or trucks. From there, they made the long, oil-burning journey across land and sea to finally arrive in local shops, and ultimately, in your closet.

Every time the fashion industry carries this process out, it's at the expense of the environment. And what's more, most of the clothes produced - including the ones found in your closet - are not made from sustainable materials.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this environmental problem: sustainable fashion. Also known as eco-fashion, it is the concept of considering the environmental impact of what you wear each day. So what exactly makes eco-fashion so eco-friendly? For one, it encourages designers to create clothing using green fabrics and fibers such as organic cotton and bamboo. In addition, designers and manufacturers are encouraged to use responsible production techniques, which include producing materials that use fewer toxic chemicals and striving for more energy-efficient processes.

hazard n. 危險/危險物
hazardous adj. 有害的/有危險的
=> dangerous, poisonous
eg: The chemicals in the detergent were reported to be hazardous to human bodies.
=> 這個洗潔精被報導對人體有害
eg: A hazardous working environment can damage the workers' health in a very short period of time.
=> 危險的工作環境可以在短時間內就危害工人的健康

expense n. 犧牲/損失/代價
all the expense of something/somebody 以...付上代價/以犧牲某人為前提
eg: He made a lot of money at the expense of his family. 
=> 他賺了很多錢,但是犧牲了家庭.

toxic adj. 有毒的
=> poisonous, dangerous.
eg: These toxic chemicals need to be stored in special containers.
=> 這些有毒的化學物質必須用特殊的容器儲存
eg: Toxic fumes can cause nausea and dizziness.
=> 有毒氣體可能會引起噁心或是暈眩

sustainable adj. 能保持的/能維持的
=> continue for long perioud of time

eco 生態學
= ecology

fiber n. 纖維

fabric n. 織物/織品/布料
=> put the fiber together, they create fabric

//== Chat room ==//

When it comes to fashion, green is the new black. 
=> 我們都知道在配色的時候,黑色是所謂的基本款,
=> 也可說是永遠的潮流,因為它和所有的顏色都很搭配
=> 現在越來越注重環保,所謂的green就是注重環保的意思
=> 所以這個句子的意思為"環保已經融入了服裝設計"
=> 環保已經是新的黑色,即新的主流
=> 可以把這個慣用語套用在不同的地方

40 is the new 30
=> 40歲的人越來越會打扮/保養,長相就像三十歲一樣年輕

When it comes to computer, small is the new big
=> (電腦趨勢)小型的電腦取代了大型電腦

//== Grammer on the go ==//

What's more, most of the clothes produced are not made from sustainable materials.

what's more
= in addition, furthermore
=> Use "what's more" when you want to add more information.

eg: Because we just bought a new house, we can't afford to go on a trip this year. And, what's more, we still have to pay for our kids' tuition.

