2009年7月31日 星期五

20090731-- How Much Should You Spend on Your Pet (2)

How Much Should You Spend on Your Pet?

trivial adj. 瑣細的/不重要的
eg: Jim had a bike accident, but his injuries were trivial compared with when he crashed his car.

discretion n. 自己決定的自由
discretionary adj. 可任意支配的
eg: That is not one of our regualr bills, so please pay it out of our discretionary funds.
eg: The CEO of our company has discretionary grant to encourage those who work hard.
eg: Judeges have discretionary power to decide one's future.

jeopardize v. 危及某各對象/使某個對象陷入危機
eg: The student jeopardized her success on an important test by watching a movie instead of studying.
eg: The rushed decision to expand jeopardized the company's finances.
eg: Overworking can jeopardize your health.

conviction n. 信念/堅性
eg: Andy has strong convictions about politics and shares them with as many people as he can.
eg: It's Larry's conviction that only money can make him happy.
eg: Patricia has strong religious convictions.
eg: The woman's conviction to be a good mother is unshakable .

//== Chat room ==//

companion 配偶/同伴
=> a close friend or a mate

mate 配偶 (對澳洲人來說,mate指的是朋友)
=> husband/wife

spouse 配偶

acquaintance 認識但不是朋友的人,見了面會點個頭,但不會停下來聊天

associate 同事/朋友
=> people we work with

to associate

//== Grammer on the go ==//

Talk about ridiculous!

talk about
=> regarding what was just mentioned, that is

Today sentence means:
Whatever was just mentioned is ridiculous.

Sentence pattern:
talk about + description
=> When we want to comfirm or emphasize the description or impression

eg: Stuart lives a block away from his office, but he always rides his scooter to work. Talk about lazy!
eg: Terry had overslept but was still able to get to the airport in time to catch his flight. Talk about lucky!

