2010年10月16日 星期六

20101016 The AIRPod (1)

The AIRPod

Never worry about gas again!

What do you and Motor Development International's (MDI) newest car have in comon? You both rely on air to operate. Does that sound impossible? Well, it's true! You don't put gas in this vehicle - it runs on the same thing you breathe!

How it works
The AIRPod is powered by an engine that runs on compressed air. Several high-pressure tanks on the car supply the air.

MDI claims the vehicle can go 220 kilometers before the tanks need to be refilled. The tanks take only minutes to refill at special air stations.

What the car can do
Use the car's joystick to drive this cute car through the city. But since the vehicle's top speed is 45 kilometers per hour, you won't be breaking any speed records. The standard model has room for three medium-sized adults and one child. The car costs about $8,000. But best of all, it costs less than $1.50 per 200 kilometers to drive and is pollution-free!

