2010年11月30日 星期二

20101130 Mark Twain The Father of American Literature (2)

Mark Twain: "The Father of American Literature"

Realizing a dream
Though Clemens liked writing, he had always dreamed of piloting steamboats on the mighty Mississippi River. While in his 20s, he decided to do it, training and then working as a riverboat captain for three years. His experiences left a lasting impression on him and even provided the pen name Mark Twain, which he would later use.

Finding fame
In 1863, Clemens began publishing regularly as Mark Twain, but fame eluded him. Then in 1865 he found success with his short story "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County." However, it was his books about two boys growing up along the Mississippi River that would bring him lasting prominence. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn introduced readers to a child’s world of delightful adventures.

Living on
Twain published over 60 works during his lifetime. Then, as he himself had predicted, he died the same year Halley's comet returned – in 1910. One hundred years ago, the world lost a literary giant. But his words still live on in the lives of America's favorite fictional boys, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.

elude v. 逃避/閃避
=> escape, avoid being capture
eg: The deer successfully eluded the tiger and ran into the forest.
=> 這隻鹿成功地閃過老虎跑進森林裡了

elude v. 使…想不起來/難倒某個對象
eg: The details of our contract eluded me.
=> 我看不懂我們契約的細節
eg: A cure for this disease still eludes scientists.
=> 科學家們仍然找不到這個疾病的治療方法

prominence n. 聲望/名聲
=> the quality of being famous
eg: A researcher of prominence will visit our lab today.
=> 一位大名鼎鼎的研究學者今天會來參觀我們的實驗室
eg: The actor gained prominence when he was nominated for an Oscar.
=> 這位演員在被提名奧斯卡金像獎時贏得了聲望

pre- 在...之前
predict v. 預言/預報
=> make a statement about the future
eg: The hurricane was predicted to influence the entire coastal area of Florida.
=> 這場颶風被預報會影響整個佛羅里達州的沿海地區
eg: Many professional analysts predicted that another financial crisis would happen this year.
=> 許多專業的分析師都預言今年還會發生另一次金融危機

pen name 筆名

fame n. 名聲
=> what you have when you are famous

literary adj. 文學的/文藝的
=> something that has to do with literature

//== Chat room ==//

His experience left a lasting impression on him.

impression 印象
lasting impression 深刻的印象
first impression 第一印象、初次的印象
get the wrong impression 誤會、會錯意的意思。

//== Grammar on the go ==//

Then in 1865 he found success with his short story "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County."
=> After some time, Mark Twain finally wrote a short story that receive good public opinions.

found success with
=> to become successful in

eg: After trying numerous different diets to loss weight, Katherine finally found success with her current exercise program.
eg: Although Joseph didn't do well in his studies, he did find success with the school's drama club.



20101129 Mark Twain The Father of American Literature (1)

Mark Twain: The Father of American Literature

One hundred years after Twain's death, his memorable characters live on

In 1835, the return of Halley's comet caused great excitement in the world. That same year in another historic event, the baby who would become the "Father of American Literature" was born. Samuel Langhorne Clemens – known later as Mark Twain – began life on November 30, 1835, in Florida, Mo. When Clemens was around 4, his family moved to Hannibal, Mo., a river town situated on the Mississippi River. His new home provided him with lots of excitement and adventure as steamboats from New Orleans and St. Louis stopped there regularly. The new environment also proved to be fertile ground for a boy with an active imagination and a gift for storytelling.

Discovering his talent
When Clemens was only 11, his father died, leaving the family in financial difficulty. At 13, the boy had to quit school and find a job, working first for a printer. Next he worked for his brother, a newspaper publisher, and it was then that Clemens discovered how much he enjoyed writing. In his free time, he began writing and submitting humorous piece to his brother's newspaper.

literature un. 文學
eg: The professor specializes in modern English literature.
=> 這位教授專精於英國現代文學
eg: In this author’s latest work of literature, you can find a shift from pessimism to optimism.
=> 在這位作者最近的文學作品中,你可以發現他從悲觀到樂觀的轉變。

fertile adj. 肥沃的
fertile ground for something 培養某件事的最佳環境
=> 某件事物的沃土即培養某件事的最佳環境
eg: Touring with his mother's band offered fertile ground for the talented little boy.
=> 和母親一起巡迴演出提供這位有天分的小男孩培養天分的最佳環境

submit v. 繳交/提交
submit sumitted sumitted submitting
eg: You need to submit your application form by this Friday.
=> 你需要在本週五以前提交申請表
eg: The proposal will be submitted next week.
=> 這個提案會在下週呈遞上去

//== Chat room ==//

humor n. 幽默/可笑/滑稽。
eg: a sense of humor幽默感

see its humor 看到它其中的幽默。

humorous adj. 很幽默的
eg: humorous pieces 很幽默的文章/作品。
eg: He began writing and submitting humorous pieces to his brother's newspaper.
=> 他開始寫幽默作品,並提交給他的弟弟的報紙。

humor 心情/情緒/興致
=> mood

humor n. 一時的興致/心情/情緒
eg: In a good humor 心情很好
eg: In a bad humor 心情不好

I'm in no humor to do something.
=> 我沒心情去做某事

//== More Information ==//

A Few Mark Twain Facts:
1. Halley’s comet could be seen on the night Mark Twain was born and the night he passed away.
2. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn the fictional town of St. Petersberg was based on Twain’s hometown of Hannibal Mo.
3. As a riverboat pilot, Twain earned from $150 to $250 a month.
4. Roughing it describes Twain’s journey out West with his brother Orion.

2010年11月28日 星期日

王品集團董事長 戴勝益:我為何斷絕孩子的退路

戴勝益大家可能很多人不知道他是誰,但只要提到王品牛排、陶板屋、西堤牛排、聚北海昆布鍋、夏慕尼、原燒......這些知名的餐飲名店,可能就會無人不知、無人不曉。育有一兒一女的王品集團董事長戴勝益,跟一般的企業家老爸很不一樣。其他企業家無不處心積慮安排子女在家族企業接班,但是,戴勝益卻堅決不讓子女進入他的餐飲王國,不要說是「接班」了,連去任何一個事業體「上班」都不行。育有一兒一女的王品集團董事長戴勝益,跟一般的企業家老爸很不一樣。其他企業家無不處心積慮安排子女在家族企業接班,但戴勝益卻完全不做此想。王品是全台最大餐飲連鎖集團,除了王品牛排以外,旗下事業體還包括陶板屋、夏慕尼、西堤牛排、原燒、聚北海道昆布鍋等 多個品牌,兩岸店數逾百家,年營業額高達五十多億。



A我很民主,對小孩幾乎是寬容到極點,對我來說 ,小孩子只要不犯法,做什麼都可以。我的教養觀跟一般家長不大一樣。很多家長逼著小孩補習、做功課、學很多才藝,但我觀察,很多家長要孩子學東西,只是為了滿足自己小時候的遺憾;而很多被硬逼著學這學那的小孩,長大以後的表現反而比較平庸。為什麼呢?因為他忙著應付父母的期望,根本沒有空閒去發掘自己真正的興趣。我的小孩一開始都沒學才藝,我也不讓他們補習,等到他們發現自己的興趣時,他會自己來說。像我女兒是在小五那年,才跑來跟我說她想學鋼琴、長笛;我兒子則是在高中時,發覺自己對電腦很有興趣,才開始不斷深入鑽研。我對孩子的課業只有一個要求:只要能夠如期畢業就好,不管排第幾名,我都可以接受。上課,真的是最重要的事嗎?我小學六年都拿全勤獎,這張獎 狀就像是「貞節牌坊」一樣,為了得到它,你就不能隨便「改嫁」。於是在小學六年中,我錯過了太多重要的事:三年級時,我小阿姨結婚,我沒參加;我阿公、阿嬤過世,我沒去送;我家附近做醮,那是六十年一次的大拜拜,可以想像那是多麼熱鬧的場面,但我也未能恭逢其盛……這些事後回想會讓人遺憾萬分的事,六年來大概有十幾件,而我卻為了那一紙無聊的「貞節牌坊」,全都錯過了,這值得嗎?所以我很鼓勵小孩請假,只要家裡有需要家族成員參與的事:旅遊、聚餐……沒問題,儘量請假;就連公司開股東會,他們也可以請假旁聽;甚至只要他們感覺今天很想去爬爬山,也可以請假。他們兩個在班上功課沒拿第一名,但請假次數都是第一名,請到最後,老師還打電話問我:「戴先生,你是存心跟學校作對 嗎?」其實我不是要跟學校作對,只是覺得應該要把時間花在真正有價值的地方。我公司現在也是這樣辦,公司員工只要有重要事情,什麼老婆生孩子、小孩畢業典禮、母姊會,都可以優先請假,人生的關鍵時刻,絕不可缺席。


A我給他們的刻意規劃就是:徹底斷絕他們的後路。早在十幾年前,王品就訂下了「非親條款」,所有幹部的親人都不得進王品工作。我連他們去王品旗下事業打工都不准。拜託!哪個店長敢使喚董事長的兒女啊?那打工有什麼意義?還壞了店裡的規矩。前不久,我又決定把八○%的個人財產捐出去做公益,僅留給他們各五%,而且要到三十五歲以後才能動用。這下徹底斷絕了他們繼承家產的退路,這樣才能逼出他們的潛力 !不然他們就會覺得自己橫豎有靠山,不用努力也不用掙扎,甚至不用去「想像」自己以後要做什麼,反正只要回去當王品的繼承人,坐著吃、躺著吃,甚至當植物人都可以活下去,幹嘛還奮鬥?


A我先講一個故事。我小時候家裡養了一隻雞,但我媽從不餵牠,每天早上把牠從雞舍放出來,牠就「咯咯咯」叫著、抖擻羽毛跑到後山去覓食。因為運動足夠,牠的肌肉結實、雞冠鮮紅、羽毛有光澤。後來,我媽把這隻雞關進穀倉,從此那隻雞每天只要吃飽睡、睡飽吃就好,但是牠反而變得垂頭喪氣,不再活蹦亂跳,沒多久就生病死了。你覺得,小孩做穀倉雞,還是做放山雞好?如果小孩變成穀倉雞,那不是小孩的錯,是父母的錯。我幼時家 裡很窮,但國中以後,我爸的製帽事業逐漸上軌道,家境變得很好,偏偏我爸又沒「斷絕我的後路」,於是我從一隻放山雞,變成穀倉雞。我念台大中文,中文系的學生出路比較窄,班上同學都很有危機意識,為了前途轉系、輔修什麼的,只有我一路混到底。反正我畢業後有三勝製帽可以待啊,怕什麼?我一直到三十九歲孑然一身離開家族企業,另起爐灶創業,才開始發揮自己的潛力,積極求生存,從穀倉雞又變成野外的放山雞。雖然已經是一隻「老雞」,但那時候我才真正充滿企圖心。我之前也掙扎過,要不要捨棄家業自立門戶,後來想到洛夫的詩:「如果你迷戀厚實的屋頂,就會失去浩瀚的繁星。」而我,不想要失去浩瀚的繁星。我的體會是:一定要讓小孩走投無路,他們才會闖出屬於他們的生存之 道。每次看到媒體上企業後代跑趴、泡夜店、玩名牌的新聞,我都很不以為然。我覺得這是未富先貴,這種光鮮亮麗的日子過慣了,以後怎麼可能任勞任怨、苦幹實幹?我不要我的小孩不知人間疾苦,而要讓小孩知道人間疾苦的方法,就是先讓他們過得很疾苦。


A我有很多朋友都把小孩送去念私立的貴族學校,由司機開著黑頭大轎車接送上下課,同學的爸媽都是有頭有臉的人物。但我的孩子國中以前,都念最普通的公立學校。我女兒國中時,坐她附近的同學,有爸爸當水電工的、媽媽在菜市場賣滷味的,也有同學下課後必須去打工貼補家用。我要我小孩接觸的社會是庶民社會,而不是上流社會,我希望他們了解,那才是大多數人真實的人生。我對孩子很寬容,很少給 他們訂規矩,但我不會讓他們過得太舒服。我兒子女兒一直到高中,每個月零用錢都只有一千塊,他們如果遭遇什麼困難,通常我也是袖手旁觀。我兒子以前曾跟同學集資了一千美元,想在網路上買電腦,賣方遠在印度。我心想,這八九不離十是個騙局,但我沒說破,眼睜睜看他把錢匯出去被騙,之後也沒幫他善後,他就自己變賣身邊的東西籌錢還給同學。我就是要讓他經歷過慘痛的教訓,他才會知道什麼叫做「陷阱」,這是一門寶貴的功課。他們兄妹倆出國念書,我事先都沒協助他們申請學校、安排住所;我唯一做的事情就是送他們去機場,給他們一張「留學生活須知」,之後就讓他們「自生自滅」。我女兒到了紐約以後,自己查資料,跟七所學校交涉,爭取面試機會。雖然英文不太通,但憑著筆談、口談、比手 畫腳,竟也讓她弄到一所學校念。解決問題本來就是一種學習,若我什麼都幫他們弄好,甚至還親自帶他們過去,那他們要學什麼?我告訴他們,出國讀書的目的有四項:文憑、語言、國際觀,以及獨立解決問題的能力。我不要求他們念什麼名校,只要是教育部承認的學校就好,功課也只要「能畢業」就好,所以,我叫他們不要整天待在圖書館,要擴大視野,多體驗文化、多結交形形色色的朋友,深入當地人的家庭這些都比功課還要重要。


A我很少幫他們收拾殘局,他們早已「習慣」,所以很少求救,因為求救也不大有用。我兒子當兵時在官田新兵訓練營服役,除了要煮飯、整理靶場,晚上還要站衛兵,很操。他常傳簡訊跟我訴苦,說幾乎沒有時間睡覺, 累得快瘋掉,「爸爸不是很有辦法嗎?怎麼不想辦法讓我調單位?」我一直都不理他,只是勉勵他要忍耐、這是濃縮的學習,直到他退伍前三個月,我才去找他的指揮官。指揮官一看到我的名片,肅然起敬問我:「有何貴幹?」我說:「貴幹是沒有啦,只是聽說我兒子快被你操死了。我是來感謝你的,當兵就是要操才好,如果你這裡很涼,我就想盡辦法把他調走了。」當天晚上,指揮官找來官田地區的鄉紳辦桌歡迎我。之後就把我兒子調到軍官室修電腦,不用戴鋼盔、打綁腿,還有自己的寢室,讓他最後的當兵生活過得比較爽,不過也只剩三個月了。我之所以退伍前三個月才去「關說」,是為了讓兒子覺得,這個老爸其實有在關心他,既然「訓練效果」已經達到了,我也不好做得太「趕盡殺絕」啊,哈哈 哈。


A他們真的比較有憂患意識,我兒子早在高中時,就已經開始用一種「如喪考妣」的態度來摸索自己的人生。爸爸這樣「無情無義」,以後真的要靠自己欸,不緊張點怎麼行?他對電腦很有興趣,高中畢業時,就辛辛苦苦去考了一張 CCIE(Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert)證照。這張證照很難考,他年僅十九歲就考上,是考上這張證照最年輕的華人。我問他:「你考這張證照幹嘛?」他回答:「啊你都斷我後路了,我要自己想辦法啊!」我兒子女兒現在在紐約讀書,每一次我去看他們,他們都跟我講很多未來想做的計畫。他們這麼有想法,都是因為我斷他們後路,他們得自力救濟啊。他們對物質缺乏的容忍度也比較高。我去年寒假去紐約看他們,我女兒還是拎著她在逢甲夜市買的、一只不到台幣五百元的大包包。她敢在紐約這個時尚大都會,這麼理直氣壯、毫不自卑的拿著這個夜市包包,有這種精神,我以她為榮。我兒子跟他女朋友在紐約登記結婚,連捧花都自己紮。因為美國新娘捧花很貴,一束要一百五十美元,自己做成本才七十幾元。登記當天,我看其他人都 穿著豪華的燕尾服,只有他穿著一件四十美元的H&M西裝,裡頭搭一件圓領的素色上衣。因為沒有領帶,他拿了一支麥克筆現場在衣服上「畫」了條領帶,旁觀者看了都用力幫他鼓掌,我也覺得我這兒子真有創意!這個婚禮,保證他一生難忘。今年寒假他們回來,我把他們叫過來,宣布我的財產處置計畫。他們其實可以跟我「張」(台語,耍賴)一下,或至少討價還價、看可不可以提高比例,畢竟法律上他們本來可以各得我一半財產,但他們都不假思索就答應了。因為他們知道,我是愛他們才這麼做的。他們明白,爸爸不給他們財富、不讓他們進公司,都是為他們好。畢竟,要有血有汗有淚的人生,才是精采的真人生啊!


(1) 順利完成學業拿到文憑(成績毋需太好,不能整天待在圖書館)。

(2) 英文要學到非常好,說、聽、寫自如(CNN懂 90%以上)。

(3) 交很多外國朋友(各行業各年齡層均有)。

(4) 遊遍全美國各州、各大城、各景點。

(5) 看遍 N.Y. 的所有歌劇、舞台劇、電影、博物館、美術館。

(6) 每日步行10,000步以上,養成每日運動的習慣。

(7) 在「安全保障」與「固定預算費用」下,極力擴大見聞與視野,千萬不要儲蓄。

(8) 深入當地一般人的生活領域。

(9) 開始練習理財,培養「讓每分錢發揮最大效益的本事」。

(10) 培育第一流的公關技巧(讓大家願意接受你、信賴你、協助你)。

(11) 需熟讀《Taiwan Today 》,以及寄去的經濟資訊剪報,不能與台灣的經濟圈脫節。

(12) 四年內務必完成以上事項,回台創業。

作者:李翠卿  出處:親子天下

20101127 Today's Technology Trends(2)

Today's Technology Trends(2)

SC: What technological changes should we expect over the next little while?

EC: Basically, we are going to continue to see smaller, faster and more powerful devices. We are also moving toward more integrated technologies. In smart homes, for example, everything is integrated. You can open windows and doors or turn on lights and appliances remotely.

SC: What impact are mobile technologies having?

EC: Originally, cell phones just made phone calls. Next, they sent text messages and then came images and video calls. Now we’re seeing cell phones that make extensive use of extremely varied applications. Eventually, these applications should let us control the other integrated technologies in our lives, while we’re on the move.

SC: What challenges will need to be faced as technology moves forward?

EC: In most cases, the technology is ready, but the need is not great enough to justify the expense. The exception to this is in the area of surveillance. We also need to ensure dependable cell phone coverage as people move around, especially by plane or high-speed rail.

2010年11月26日 星期五

20101126 Today's Technology Trends (1)

Today's Technology Trends

A closer look at where technology is and where it is going

This month Studio Classroom talks with Dr. Eric Chen. With more than 30 years of experience in computer science, Professor Chen currently serves as the Chair of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Taipei University of Technology. Dr. Chen also directs the university's Internet Application and Services Laboratory. His current research interests include enterprise and cloud computing.

SC: What is the difference between computer science, computer engineering and management information systems (MIS)?

Eric Chen (EC): In general, computer science tends to deal with theory, methods and processes. In computer engineering, the emphasis is on applying those theories to real-world situations. In contrast, Management Information Systems goes a step further and focuses on applying various technologies in business situations.

SC: What areas of computer technology are growing in importance?

EC: There are a lot of exciting things happening with technology right now. Currently, there is a lot of emphasis on mobile technologies – like cell phones. There is also a lot of interest in search technology, especially with regard to searching for things like images and videos.

SC: What areas of computing are becoming less important?

EC: We are currently seeing a shift away from computer science and toward engineering and MIS. I don't know that it's because computer science is becoming less important. It's just that theory has developed so quickly that businesses need a chance to catch up with applications.

emphasis n. 強調的重點
=> focus
=> 複數形為emphases
eg: The main emphasis of the program is to help foreign students to adjust more easily to the university.
=> 這個課程的重點是要幫助外國學生更容易適應大學生活
eg: We should put more emphasis on the quality of our products instead of our marketing strategies.
=> 我們應該多看重產品的品質而不是市場策略

shift n. 轉移/轉變
eg: The poll is designed to collect information regarding the shift in consumers' demands.
=> 這份調查是設計用來收集有關消費者需求的改變的訊息
eg: The politician's drastic shift from supporting the Republican Party to the Democratic Party is a big risk.
=> 從支持共和黨到支持民主黨的急劇改變對這一位政治家而言是相當大的風險

application n. 應用/運用
eg: The applications from this research are mostly used in the field of medicine.
=> 這個研究的應用大多數是應用在醫學的領域
eg: Engineers are still working on developing a practical application of the theory.
=> 工程師們還在努力發展這個理論實用的應用方式

theory n. 理論

engineering n. 工程

management information system[MIS]

//== Chat room ==//

the Chair of the Computer Science Department
=> 計算機科學系系主任
=> chair是chairman的縮寫
=> 這裡chair指系主任

chairwoman 女性的系主任
chairperson 中性的系主任

chair v. 擔任主席
ex: chair a meeting 擔任一個會議的主席

//== Grammar on the go ==//

What areas of computer technology are growing in importance?

growing in importance
=> becoming more importance
eg: Having clean water to drink is a subject growing in importance.

growing in + noun

growing in popularity
eg: Ever since the bakery started selling their special cakes, the bakery has grown in popularity.

growing in confidence
eg: Timothy’s unique internship position has allowed him to grow in confidence.

2010年11月25日 星期四



An Arab student sends an e-mail to his dad, saying:
一個阿拉伯學生發了封伊媚兒給他老爸, :

Dear Dad

Berlin is wonderful, people are nice and I really
like it here, but Dad, I am a bit ashamed to arrive at my college with my pure-gold Ferrari 599GTB when all my teachers and many fellow students travel by train.

柏林很棒, 這裡的人很和善, 我很喜歡這裡,可是我每天開著我那純金打造的法拉利 599GTB。上學時都感到有些不好意思,因為老師和其他大多數同學都是搭火車上學的.

Your son, Nasser 兒子敬上

The next day, Nasser gets a reply tohis e-mail from his dad:

My dear loving son
Twenty million US Dollar has just been transferred to your account. Please stop embarrassing us. Go and get yourself a train too.

兩千萬美金已經轉進你的戶頭了, 拜託你別再給我們家丟人現眼快快也去給自己買一列火車吧!

20101125 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (1)

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

America starts Thanksgiving in style

Today in America, most families are gathering together for a feast. In addition, they will play games or watch football together. However, for many, the holiday doesn't seem complete without viewing this large parade in New York City.

How it started
Back in 1924, many of Macy's Department Store employees were European immigrants. Wanting to celebrate American holidays as they did in Europe, they staged a parade. The parade consisted of three floats, four bands and many animals from the Central Park Zoo. Many Macy's employees dressed up and marched in this parade too. And Santa Claus appeared at the parade's end - still a tradition 86 years later!

Today's celebration
Some aspects of this parade have changed over the years. Floats, marching bands and Santa are still a part of the parade, but animals aren't. Those watching today will see numerous giant balloons shaped like animals or famous cartoon characters. Ten thousand people now take part in this parade. More than 3.5 million watch from the sidewalks, and the expected TV audience is 50 million. Many Americans just can't imagine a Thanksgiving without the magical Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

parade n. 遊行
eg: Many townspeople gathered at the Plaza to watch the parade.
=> 許多鎮民聚集在廣場看遊行
eg: People wear green outfits to attend the St. Patrick's Day Parade.
=> 人們穿著綠的打扮參加聖帕特里克日的遊行。

parade v. 遊行
eg: Firemen and paramedics parade through the streets.
=> 消防隊員和救護人員一起在街上遊行

emigrant n.(移出去的)移民
immigrant n.從國外移民進來的移民
=> people who have moved out of thier country into a foreign country in order to live/work
eg: Leo’s father was an Italian immigrant.
=> Leo的父親是一位義大利的移民
eg: Illegal immigrants will be sent back immediately.
=> 非法移民會被立即遣返

float v. 漂浮
float n. 遊行的花車
eg: The float was decorated with carnations and roses.
=> 這個花車是用康乃馨和玫瑰花裝飾而成的
eg: The dancers on the floats dressed like characters in fairy tales.
=> 這台花車上的舞者穿著童話故事中人物的衣服

in style 別具風格的
=> in a very likeable stylish way

stage a parade
=> here stage means "organize something that is shown"

march v. 齊步前進

magical adj.
=> wonderful/exciting/special

//== Chat room ==//

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
=> 這裡的parade是指遊行

parade n. 行列
eg: a parade of people 行列人一個接一個出現的人
eg: a parade of books 接連不斷的書

parade v. 炫耀
=> show off
eg: parade around the neighborhood in his new car
=> 開著新車繞來繞去炫耀他的新車。

//== Grammar on the go ==//

Many Americans just can't imagine a Thanksgiving without the magical Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Subject + can't imagine a + something + without + something.

eg: Many Chinese just can't imagine a Lunar New Year celebration without firecrackers.
eg: Jeff is always online, so he can't imagine living in a place with no Internet access.

2010年11月24日 星期三

20101124 Why We Gave Away Our Home (3)

Why We Gave Away Our Home

Back home, our friends and family kept asking us, "What is it like to live in half the space?" Before we downsized, we were a little worried. Would we feel squeezed? Or like we'd made too big a sacrifice? Two years later, I can tell you: it's the best move we ever made. As we worked together on our family project, those interconnected moments became more frequent. The more we shared, the more we laughed, teased and bonded. As Hannah said the other day, "We learned how to really trust each other."

We don't expect anyone else to copy what we did and sell their home. We had more than enough house, and it was something we could cut in half to help those in need. But most people can find some commodity in their lives they could give up, whether it's time (having the hours of TV you watch each week and volunteering instead?) or stuff (donating half the clothes in your closet?).
Like us, your family could set out to make a small difference in the world – and transform yourselves in the process.

downsize v. 縮小/縮減編制
=> quickly reduce the size of something in order to make smaller
eg: The company downsized their customer service department last year.
=> 這家公司在去年縮減了客服部的編制
eg: The owner of the factory decided to downsize the manufacturing lines from two to one.
=> 工廠老闆決定將兩條生產線縮減成一條

inter- 兩者之間
interconnect v. 使互相聯繫或連接
=> have a lot connections in itself
eg: The problems of poverty, a low level of education, and drug-abuse are interconnected.
=> 貧窮、低教育程度以及濫用藥物這些問題都是彼此連接在一起的
eg: The periodical meetings offer all the departments opportunities to interconnect.
=> 定期的會議讓各部門有機會彼此聯繫

commodity n. 有用/有價值的東西
eg: Business tact is a valuable commodity for a salesperson.
=> 談生意的技巧對一位業務員來說是極其有用的

commodity n. 產品
eg: The country's most valuable commodities are diamonds and silver.
=> 這個國家最有價值的產品是鑽石和銀

=> do the same things that someone has done

set out to do something
= begin to do something

//== Chat room ==//


homeowner 房屋持有人
euphemism 是一種委婉、婉轉的說法

retirement home 美國退休人士住的公寓
nursing home 老人院

2010年11月23日 星期二

20101123 Why We Gave Away Our Home (2)

Why We Gave Away Our Home

First, we needed to figure out where our money would go, a process that took about a year. We narrowed down our areas of interest to three: water (over 1 billion people on the planet have no access to clean water), homelessness (as many as 3.5 million Americans a year live on the streets), and poverty (one in six people worldwide survives on about $1 a day). We watched videos, researched organizations, and interviewed heads of charities. We tested out what it was like to be hungry by doing hands-on activities like the 30-Hours Famine, a program run by the nonprofit World Vision.

We finally chose The Hunger Project, a U.S.-based nonprofit that works with villagers in Africa, Asia and South America and helps them move from poverty to self-reliance. Our funds specially went to pay for building two centers – each containing a meeting place, a bank for microloans, a food-storage facility and a health clinic. Together, the hubs would serve more than 20 villages in eastern Ghana. To complete our year of change, we traveled to meet the villages and were blown away by their industriousness and warmth.

narrow down something 縮小範圍/選項
=> make something smaller and clearer by removing things that are less important
eg: There are so many sites in New York to visit, so we narrowed down our choices to the ones we can get to by subway.
=> New York有好多可以參觀的景點,我們縮小範圍,選擇地鐵可以到達的地點。

self-reliance n. 自力更生/不依靠别人
eg: Studying in a boarding school helps students develop self-reliance.
=> 在寄宿學校讀書可以幫助學生培養自立的精神
eg: The aim of the agricultural team is to help the villages to develop a sense of self-reliance.
=> 這支農業隊的目標是幫助村民培養自力更生的意識

industrious adj. 勤勞的
industriousness n. 勤奮/勤勞
=> work very hard
eg: The industriousness of Asians has helped many Asian countries to soar economically in the past ten years.
=> 亞洲人的勤奮幫助許多亞洲國家在過去十年内在經濟上有很大的成長

famine n. 饑餓

30-Hours Famine 飢餓30

microloan n. 微型貸款

Ghana n. 迦納

heads of charities
=> the leaders of the charities

//== Chat room ==//

as many as 3.5 million Americans a year live on the streets

on the street 在街上
=> on the sidewalk (US美國人的用法)

in the street 在街上
=> on the sidewalk (UK英國人的用法)

對美國人來說in the street是指在馬路當中,
為了避免混淆可以使用out on the street來表示在馬路當中
表達走在路上walk on the sidewalk 走來人行道上

out on the street來表示在馬路當中
walk on the sidewalk 走在人行道上

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

We traveled to meet the villages and were blown away by their industriousness and warmth.
=> We traveled to meet the villages and were strongly impressed by their industriousness and warmth.

blow away
=> carried away by certain force (通常一般的用法)

to be blown away
=> to strongly impress (本篇文章的用法)

eg: Selena was blown away by the dinner her boyfriend had prepared; she didn't expect him to cook so well.
eg: Thomas blew his classmates away when he appeared at the class reunion 200 pounds lighter.

2010年11月22日 星期一

20101122 Why We Gave Away Our Home(1)

Why We Gave Away Our Home

One family makes a dramatic decision to help others

Sometimes the things we believe are holding our families together really aren't. Need proof? Let me share our story. My family is a fairly typical American foursome: My wife, Joan, and I live in Atlanta with our two teenagers, Hannah, 17, Joseph, 15, and two dogs.

Ten years ago, we moved into our dream house – a spacious, three-story historic home – thinking it would bring us the joy we desired. It was a beautiful place, but as our children grew up, our sense of togetherness began to fade away. In the big dream house, we scattered in different directions.

One day when Hannah was 14, she became upset about the disparities between the world's haves and the have-nots. "She challenged us to be" a family that makes a difference in the world, even if it's a small difference." Joan asked her, "What are you willing to sacrifice? Your house? Your room?" Hannah said yes to both. After talking it over as a family, we decided to sell our house and move to one that was half its size and price – and donate the difference to charity.

threesome 三個人一組
foursome n. 以四個人為一組/兩隊為單位
=> a group of four people work together
eg: Let's make up a foursome and play bridge!
=> 我們四個人兩隊一起玩橋牌吧!
eg: Why do we invite George and Nina and make up a foursome to go to the movie?
=> 我們為什麼不邀請George和Nina我們四個人一起去看電影呢?

space n. 空間
spacious adj. 寬敞的
=> has a lot of space
eg: The cabin has a spacious living room with a fireplace.
=> 這棟木屋有寬敞的起居室,裡面還有壁爐。
eg: You can enjoy spacious accommodations for a reasonable price at the YMCA.
=> 在青年會館你可以用合理的價錢享受寬敞的住宿空間

dis- 否定
parity 平等/相同
disparity n. 不相同/懸殊
=> the differences between people and certainly the difference make them not equal
eg: The disparity between the couple eventually caused them to break up.
=> 這對情侣的懸殊差異終究造成他們分手
eg: There's a considerable disparity in the amount of income males and females make.
=> 男性與女性的收入有相當大的差異

scatter v. 消散/分散
=> move apart in different directions

donate v. 捐獻
=> give something to someone

//== Chat room ==//

historic home

historic adj. 歷史上有名的/有歷史性的。
=> what is important in the history
eg: The White House is a historic house.

historical adj. 根據歷史的/有關歷史的
=> whenever exists in the past whether it is important or not
eg: historical novel 歷史小說


historic times 古老的時期 
= historical times

2010年11月21日 星期日

20101120 The Famous Caves of Jeita Grotto (2)

The Famous Caves of Jeita Grotto

Today visitors can walk through the "upper galleries" but must go by boat to explore the lower level. The thunderous noise from the waterfall at the cave entrance fades into the distance as boats travel deep into the cave.

Sculptures in stone
The upper level, with its three massive chambers, boasts the world's biggest stalactite at 8.2 meters and captivating stone formations. Visitors gaze on ancient rocks that look like giant mushrooms, chandeliers, frozen waterfalls, ice castles and more. Many of the formations have been aptly named for the images they best represent – like the famous "Romeo and Juliet" and the "Pisa Tower" formations.

So many raindrops
While most people marvel at the grottoes' stone formations, scientists explain how they came into existence. Over thousands of years, dripping water fell into crevices in the limestone, gradually widening the cracks and eventually creating open spaces under the earth. Over time, calcium-rich water dripping from the ceiling formed the stalactites and stalagmites that people see today. Visitors to Jeita Grotto witness a masterpiece of water and time. Jeita Grotto is the only cave among the finalists in the New7Wonders of Nature competition.

花博天使生活館 -- Pavilion of Angel Life




When you visit the Flora Expo, you'll probably get tired just trying to see everything here, but that's okay, because I know a good place where you can take a break.

Located in the Xinsheng Park Area, the Pavilion of Angel Life is not like any other pavilion at the Expo because it has its own lifestyle.

The big kitchen, beautiful dining table and spacious living room under the high ceiling create a calm and peaceful living space. Visitors can come in to take a nap or simply meditate.

We would like to express particularly slow life in Taiwan, so I try to arrange the space (that is) very quiet, very elegant.

The interior is a fantasia of flowing water and flower landscapes. The producer of the pavilion, Serina Lai, says that fusing art with technology presents the ever-changing nature of Taiwan's waters and mountains.

During the daytime around here, it is a park and everything is green, and during the night, we just bring the natural landscape into our house.

By providing an extraordinary resting area, the Pavilion of Angel Life gives its visitors a chance take a break from their busy exploration, with style.

fantasia n. 幻想曲

You can see also the following article

2010年11月19日 星期五

20101119 The Famous Caves of Jeita Grotto (1)

The Famous Caves of Jeita Grotto(親身體驗夢遊仙境)

Discover the fantastic world beneath the earth in Lebanon

Like a trip down Alice in Wonderland's famous rabbit hole, a journey into the mystical world of Jeita Grotto reveals beauty, fantasy and mystery! Lebanon's renowned limestone caves – located about 20 kilometers from Beirut–are known for their enormous size and amazing formations. The spectacular Jeita Grotto cave complex consists of two levels, which comprise the longest cave structure in the Middle East.

The rediscovery
Scientists believe people lived in the caves during prehistoric times, but a modern discovery of them wasn't made until 1836. One day, American missionary William Thomson walked approximately 50 meters into the lower level before an underground river prevented him from going further. Before turning back, he shot his gun into the air, and the echoes from the shot told him that he had stumbled across a massive cavern.

The first official exploration of the lower caves began in 1873 and continued even when they were finally opened to the public in 1958. Later that year, the ongoing exploration resulted in the discovery of the upper caves. To celebrate the grand opening of the upper level in 1969, a musical concert was held within one of the cavern's enormous rooms.

myst- 神秘的
mystical adj. 神秘的
eg: Mystical stories about fairies in the woods seem to appeal to kids.
=> 有關樹林中小精靈的神祕故事似乎能吸引小朋友的注意力
eg: In the movie, the sisters visited the mystical castle and got trapped there.
=> 在電影中這對姊妹去了這神秘的城堡,而且被困在那裏

pre- 在...之前
historic adj. 在歷史上有重大意義的
prehistoric adj. 史前的/在有文字記載之前的
=> the time before the written history
eg: The prehistoric paintings are well preserved in the museum.
=> 這些史前的繪畫完好的保存在博物館中

prehistoric adj. 老掉牙的(有些戲謔的成份)
eg: Dad's prehistoric car still runs.
=> 爸爸那部老掉牙的車子還是可以行駛

stumble v. 絆倒
stumble across 偶然遇見/碰巧發現
=> accidently discovery something
eg: I stumbled across my high school English teacher yesterday at the MRT station.
=> 我昨天在捷運站巧遇我的高中的英文老師
eg: The divers stumbled across a shipwreck while diving around the remote island.
=> 這些潛水者在這偏遠的海島潛水時碰巧發現一艘沉船的殘骸

grotto n. 洞穴/石室
=> small cave

renowned adj. 有名的/有聲譽的

limestone n. 石灰岩/石灰石
eg: limestone cave 石灰岩洞

missionary n. 傳教士
=> a person who travel to a foreign country in order to spread their religion

=> enormous/huge

=> cave

grand opening
=> first official opening

//== Chat room ==//

soft opening 試賣階段開幕

grand opening 開幕典禮
=> 一家店開始營業後往往會舉行一個grand opening
=> 但是grand opening不一定是在開張的第一天舉辦
=> 很多的店家會先soft opening(試賣階段),
=> 所謂的soft opening是試賣的階段
=> 業者會先低調營業先熟悉市場再花幾個禮拜的時間做調整
=> 等一切都上軌道之後才舉辦一個隆重的grand opening

//== More Information ==//

What is the difference between a cave and a cavern? A cave is a large hole underground, or in the side of a hill mountain. Officially, a cave must be large enough that some portion of its interior will not receive direct sunlight. A cavern is a specific type of cave that forms when some of the caves rock (usually limestone) is dissolved by water.