2009年10月31日 星期六

20091031 -- The Gaelic Athletic Association (2)

The Gaelic Athletic Association

From the lowest to the highest levels, GAA players are amateurs. More importantly, clubs cannot be sold or even owned by individuals. Instead, each club is based in a community and run by the people of that community. Each year, club members vote to elect a committee to manage the club's affairs. Even at the highest levels, association officials are elected and can only hold their posts for four years.

Despite its focus on amateur sports, the association's business model has proven extremely successful. Over the years, the GAA has built up more than 2.6 billion euros in assets. Last year it earned an additional 64 million euros. An impressive 80 percent of that income was invested back into local GAA clubs.

This year the GAA marks its 125th anniversary. As an organization, it has stood the test of time. The association has demonstrated that community and culture can still be an important part of top-level sports.

committee n. 委員會
=> a group of people who has chosen to make decisions for an organization
eg: Last year we started a committe to help plan student events.

extremely adv. 極端地/非常
=> to a very great degree
eg: Mountain climbing is an extremely exciting hobby.

invest v. 投資
invest in something
eg: Simon would like to invest his money but he has a lot of questions.
eg: Alex invested some of his savings in real estate(房地產).

investment n. 投資
eg: He made a large investment in the stock markets.

demonstrate v. 證明
=> show
eg: Mr. Maxwell stood at the front of the class to demonstrate the experiment.
eg: The research clearly demonstrated the connection between lung cancer and smoking.

demonstrate v. 表明
eg: The change of location of headquarters(總部) demonstrated the company's determination to take over the Asian market.

amateur adj. 業餘的
amateur <=> professional

euros in assets

asset n. 資產/財產(大多數是用複數型)
=> the thing that somebody or a company own
eg: The majority of the couple's assets are in cash.
eg: The most valuabe assets of this company are their copyrights.

asset n. 寶貴的人才/有利的條件
eg: Britney is an important asset of our company.

//== Chat room ==//

stand the test of time 經得起時間的考驗
=> last for a long time

stand out 傑出/突出
=> prominent

stand out like a sore thumb 突出(負面的意思)

it stand to reason 理所當然
=> it makes sense

stand one's ground 不屈服

stand up to someone 勇敢面對某人
=> confront someone

//== More Info ==//

Will Gaelic Games die out? With its stable, healthy economy, Ireland has become a very desirabe place to live. What this means is there are more and more people living in Ireland who aren't Irish. This presents a unique challenge to the Gaelic Athletic Association, which has traditional marketed itself to Irish nationals. So now, the question is: can the GAA help Ireland's non-Irish people develop a passion for Irish sports?

2009年10月30日 星期五

20091030 -- The Gaelic Athletic Association (1)

The Gaelic Athletic Association(蓋爾運動協會)

A different way to play

Professional sports have become big business. Athletes are paid huge salaries. You can buy T-shirts, coffee mugs and seat cushions with your favorite team logos on them. If you have enough money, you can even buy a team and move it from city to city. But that's not how things work in the Gaelic Athletic Association(GAA).

Formed in 1884, the GAA was designed to promote traditional Irish culture and sports. With more than 2,600 clubs and over 1 million members, it's now Ireland's largest sporting organization.

In keeping with its mission, the GAA promotes a range of Irish sports and cultural traditions. That said, the association's best-known sports are Gaelic football and hurling. Both are traditional Irish sports.

Gaelic football is often described as a mixture of soccer and rugby. However, it is older than either of those games. In contrast, hurling is a lot like field hockey. It's Europe's oldest field sport and has been around for at least 2,000 years.

athlete n. 運動員
athletic adj. 運動的
eg: Roberta and Alexandra are very athletic. They swim, play soccer and run.
eg: The athletic facilities here in the gym are pretty old.

athletic adj. 體格健壯的/具有運動細胞的
eg: Jason is an athletic boy. He's good at many sports.

cushion n. 墊子/坐墊/靠墊
=> something that soften you sit on
eg: I brought a cushion because the chairs are very hard.

pro- 向前
promote v. 提倡/促進/宣傳
eg: Carel's job is to promote the development of the downtown area.
eg: The organization promotes literacy programs in poor areas.
eg: The campaign successfully promoted this new product.

mission n. 使命/任務
=> purpose
eg: The organization's mission involves helping poor students get a good education.

mix v. 混合
mixture n. 混合/混和體
eg: The movie is a mixture of laughter and drama.
eg: The style of the band is a mixture of rock and country.
eg: Leave the mixture of flour, eggs and milk in the fridge(冰箱) for an hour.

Gaelic adj. 蓋爾(人)語
=> a people group in Ireland and Scotland

logo n. 標識/商標
= logotype


hurling n. 愛爾蘭式球戲

//== Chat Room ==//

field 大型的戶外球場

diamond (棒)內野/球場
ballpark 棒球場

court (網球,有網子)場地

rink 溜冰場

arena 室內運動場
=> 原為古羅馬的競技場

stadium 大型的戶外運動場
=> open air

hockey rink 曲棍球場
bowling alley 保齡球場
lane 保齡球場內的球道

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

That said, the association's best-known sports are Gaelic football and hurling.

that said
= however

eg: The hostess has asked us not bring anything to the dinner party. That said, we're still planning to take a small gift.
eg: The theater has asked the audience to not take pictures during the performance. That said, many people still had their cameras out.

2009年10月29日 星期四

20091029 -- How to Be the CEO of Your Life- Even in Today's Economy (2)

How to Be the CEO of Your Life- Even in Today's Economy

Your patterns can shift and change over the course of your life and career, says Kossek. The question you need to ask is whether your current flexstyle is working for you or not. Whatever your flexstyle is, you will benefit from these four tips:

1.Distinguish between high-value and low-value work. Give the most time and attention to the high-value stuff; find new ways to deal with the rest.

2.Negotiate more. Offer more of what you can and draw lines when you need them most. Maybe you need to be at home for the kids by 5:00 so that your partner can get to an evening job. Offer to come in early or bring work home.

3.Track your habits. Look at how you spend your time. What does an honest evaluation of your days and weeks tell you?

4.Rethink demands. What is real, unavoidable pressure and what is self-imposed pressure? When it seems that everything is important and nothing can give, it is time to review your priorities.

"Even in turbulent times - perhaps especially in turbulent times - you are the CEO of your life," says Kossek. "You do call more of the shots than you probably realize."

course n. 路程/過程
=> direction
eg: Over the course of a year, Paul usually traveis to 65 different cities.
eg: The trip to Chian changed her course of life dramatically.
eg: During the course of the investigation, the detectives found that many mobs were involved in this case.

draw the line at 劃界線/劃定最後界線/拒絕
=> draw a boundary
eg: Johnny's mom helps him a lot, but she draws the line at doing his homework for him.

self-imposed adj. 自己強加的/自願接受的
=> impose on yourself
eg: Kari has stuck to ther self-imposed, early bedtime for more than a month.

turb- 擾亂
turbulent adj. 動蕩不安的/混亂的
=> changing in a way that is not predictable
eg: Syivia and Jack fight quite often, so I think they have quite a turbulent marriage.
eg: This has been a turbulent week for Patty. She just started her second job.
eg: During turbulent periods of time, people find comfort in literature and music.

call the shots 發號司令/做主
= call the tune
=> make the decision
eg: You have to listen to me in this restaurant. I'm calling the shots here.
eg: Who's calling the shots in this house?

=> follow

//== Chat room ==//

nothing can give 沒有轉圜的空間

give 折衷/讓步
=> yield/change

What gives? 發生什麼事/最近怎麼樣?
= What's wrong?
= What's going on?

Give me liberty or give me death. 不自由吾寧死 by Patrick Henry

2009年10月28日 星期三

20091028 -- How to Be the CEO of Your Life- Even in Today's Economy (1)

How to Be the CEO of Your Life- Even in Today's Economy

Manage the different aspects of your life better

"For years. Many people have felt the different parts of their lives - jobs, families, personal time -are at odds and that there is nothing they can do about it," says Michigan State University distinguished professor Dr. Ellen Kossek. co-author of CEO of Me: Creating a Life that Works in the Flexible Job Age. But even as work demands ratchet up, you can take steps - even small ones - to self- manageyour career and life, says Kossek. She's identified three main "flexstyles" - ways people manage to mix their work and personal life:

A.Integrators tend to blend work and personal matters throughout the day. If you are an integrator. You take personal e-mails or calls on the job and handle work while cooking dinner.

B.Separators set apart time and mental space for each primary identity. You focus on one role at a time - when you are at work, you work: when you're with family or friends, you set work aside.

C.Volleyers go back and forth between perious of intense separation and times of integration. A magazine editor's deadlines or an event manager's trade show dates will force periods of separation. But a volleyer will jump back into other commitments and relationships during downtimes.

at odds 不一致的/有矛盾的
=> against, oppose to one another
at odds over something
at odds with someone
eg: Tim and his sister are at odds over how to care for their aging parents.
eg: The two managers are at odds over the marketing strategy.
eg: The withness' description is at odds with the police's.

ratchet up 增加
=> increase
eg: My boss really wants me to accept the promotion. so he's really ratcheted up the pressure.

integrate v. 使結合/使合併
integration n. 整合/合併
eg: The integration of creativity into the workplace helped the workers feel more important.
eg: We won't be able to make any decision until the integration of data is complete.
eg: The European integration is responsible for improving the economy of the whole region.

commitment n. 承諾
=> something you promise
eg: Ethan can't go with us tonight because he has a prior commitment.
eg: Sorry I can't stay for the party-I have a prior commitment.
eg: She's taken too many commitments and became exhausted.

integrator n. 整合之人
=> a person who integrate/bring different things together as a whole of something

separator n. 區分者

volleyer n.
=> A bursting forth of many things together

//== Chat Room ==//

intense adj. 激烈的/強烈的
eg: intense heat 酷熱

intense adj. 認真的/精神集中的
=> 時常用來形容人
eg: intense person 很嚴肅做事很拘謹的人
eg: intense study of English 專心的用功讀英文
eg: intense separation 強烈的分離

intensive adj. 集中的/密集的
=> highly concentrate
=> the person vs. the world
=> 幾乎都是用來形容外在的事物
eg: intensive care unit 加護病房
eg: intensive bombardment 密集的砲擊
eg: an intensive English course 英文密集班

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

But a volleyer will jump back into other commitments and relationships during downtimes.
=> But a volleyer will jump back into other commitments and relationships when things are not so busy.

downtime 停工期
= down time
=> a period of time that you are not so active

eg: Teresa had been so busy with work that she found her sudden downtime to be a blessing.
eg: Many people have chosen to go back to school to get another degree during this economic downtime.

2009年10月27日 星期二

20091027 -- A Bunny's Tale (2)

A Bunny's Tale

"But wait!" the serpent urged.
"One as intelligent as yourself should see fit to help me."
"Intelligent?" smiled the rabbit.
"Most intelligent!" flattered the snake.
"Surely you know I mean no harm. I only ask a favor."
"What favor?" asked the bunny.
"A simple one," replied the crafty serpent.
"Just look through the grass and find a strong stick.
Then kindly lift me out of this miserable pit.
Afterward, we can see one another off... as friends."
"I really shouldn't," said Bunny,
"but maybe I'll look after you, just this once."

So he found a stick and lifted the ugly
snake out of the pit and onto the grass nearby.
"My!" exclaimed the rabbit as he looked over the snake.
"You look disgusting!"
"Yes," grinned the snake," and you look delicious!"
"Delicious?" cried the rabbit. "But I thought..."
"Don't be surprised," said the reptile.
"You knew I was trouble when you lifted me out of that hole."
What happened to the little rabbit I cannot tell.
I didn't dare look on.
But learn a lesson as you look at this simple tale.
When trouble calls- watch out! Keep moving on and don't look back.

flatter v. 諂媚/恭維
=> overpraise
eg: If you flatter the boss, you might get a raise.
eg: He's good at flattering his boss, and that's why he's been promoted.

flatter v. 使高興
eg: I was really flattered that you invited me to your wedding.

crafty adj. 狡猾的/詭計多端的
eg: She's a crafty lady. Don't let her trick you!
eg: Joe always came up with all sorts of crafty ideas that got him into a lot of trouble.
eg: He's a crafty politician. You never know how he will react.

reptile n. 爬行動物/爬蟲類
eg: Turtles, snakes and lizards ar reptiles.

see fit 願意/適當
= think fit
eg: Spend your money as you see fit, but be careful to save some too.

see fit to do something 決定或願意做某事
eg: The publisher didn't see fit to publish the sci-fi novel at the time.

serpent n. 蛇(尤指大蛇、毒蛇)

disgusting adj. 令人作嘔的/十分討厭的
eg: The leftover is disgusting.

//== Chat Room ==//

=> hole/trap

a granite pit

the pits 很倒楣
=> extremely unpleasant situation
eg: Taking exams on your birthday is the pits.
eg: Getting sick on the vacation is the pits.
=> 度假的時候生病真是倒楣

orchestra pit 樂池
=> 劇場裡舞台正前方為樂團所預留的空間,
=> 讓樂團在這pit裡演奏,就不會擋住觀眾的視線

//== Did you know ==//

Like many other small, furry animals, pet rabbits are kept for enjoyment and companionship. Like cats, rabbits can be trained to use a littlerbox and, like dogs. Rabbits can learn to come when called. Rabbits are often kept outdoors in a cage or pen during the day (for exercise and fresh air) and brought inside at night. A pet rabbit typically eats hay, vegetables, and rabbit pellets. Rabbits are alert, timid animals that scare easily.

pen n. 欄/圈/一欄家畜
timid adj. 膽小的/易受驚的
hay n. (做飼料用的)乾草
pellet n. 顆粒狀物/小球

2009年10月26日 星期一

20091026 -- A Bunny's Tale (1)

A Bunny's Tale

When you know you shouldn't - don't

It was quite chilly as Bunny Longears skipped along the forest trail that led home. Suddenly he stopped. He thought he heard someone calling. He listened carefully. He looked around. He saw nothing. But as he started off, he again heard the faint cry. "Please," the voice called, "won't you help me?" "Oh, dear," thought Bunny. "The forest is full of danger. I ought to go straight home, but this is such a strange thing. I'd better look into it." So he turned back and headed toward the voice. He soon approached a deep pit. A cry came from the bottom of the damp hole.

"Please," the voice called, "won't you help me?" "Who are you? What do you want?" asked the curious rabbit. "See for yourself," invited the voice. "I have fallen into this cold, dark ditch. May I look to you for help?" "Well, I'll have to see about it. Come out where I can look you over," replied Bunny Longears. The creature moved into plain view. "I'm just a little garden snake," he grinned slyly. "I can see right through you," Bunny scolded. "You're no garden snake; you're a cold-blooded killer snake. You're nothing but trouble and everyone knows it. Look for help somewhere else." And he turned away.

faint v. 暈倒
faint adj. 虛弱的/衰弱的/
=> soft
eg: Listen carefully. Do you hear the faint sound of music playing?
eg: From a distance you can see the faint glow coming out from the lighthouse.

faint adj. 模糊的/不明確的
eg: We still have some faint hope that our team will win.

pit n. 陷阱/圈套/窪坑/凹處
=> hole
eg: The dog fell into a pit and couldn't get out.

cold-blooded adj. 冷血的/冷酷的/殘忍的
eg: The prisener was a cold-blooded murderer.
eg: Lizards are cold-blooded animals.

warm-blooded 溫血的
eg: a cold-blooded killer 冷酷無情的殺手

look into something 研究/深入地瞭解
=> check something out
=> investgate something
eg: We're looking into the possibility of starting our own business.
eg: The private detective promised that he would look into the case.

look to something/someone
=> ask/rely on something/someone

see about something
= look into something
=> check something out
=> investigate something

ditch n. 水道/渠道

grin v. 露齒而笑

slyly adv. 狡猾地/詭詐地

=> Bunny rabbit

hare n. 野兔

quick like a bunny 速度很快
=> Very or somewhat fast

hop to it 趕緊
=> do it right now
=> hurry
eg: If we're going to meet them for breakfast we'd better hop to it.

//== Chat Room ==//

chilly 冷颼颼的
=> the weather is cold enough to make you feel uncomfortable/unpleasant

shiver 發抖

=> a little cold than normal

a cool fall day

a chilly December evening

brisk (舒服的冷,冷得令人很有精神)寒冷而清新的
eg: a brisk fall morning

crisp (舒服的冷,冷得令人很有精神)清新的/涼爽的
eg: crisp mountain air

freezing 非常的冷
eg: bone-numbing cold 刺骨的寒冷
= bone-chilling cold

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

You're nothing but trouble, and everyone knows it.
=> You're only trouble, and everyone knows it.

nothing but only
= only

eg: How could anyone trust Charlie? He's nothing but a clown!
eg: You shouldn't buy that game because it's nothing but a waste of money.

2009年10月24日 星期六

20091024 -- Wearing My White T-Shirt, Khaki Shorts and Flip-Flops (1)

Wearing My White T-Shirt, Khaki Shorts and Flip-Flops

Starting my first semester

I was frightened on my first day of school. Like a kid going to school for the first time, I felt my heart beating fast as I walked to my first class. American universities do things quite differently from most Asian universities. Here in America, we choose every class ourselves. In order to complete a major, students are required to take certain classes. Even with the requirements, students have the freedom to choose which classes to take, the class times and even the professors they want.

This was my first time sitting with so many Americans in a classroom. Unlike many other classmates, I sat quietly by myself. My teacher spoke fast- definitely faster than my English teacher in Taipei. I had a hard time understanding him.

English, without a doubt, is the hardest thing I have experienced so far. Because I'm an international student, communicating fluently with Americans can be really difficult. Most American college students speak quickly while using lots of slang and idioms. I, therefore, struggle with understanding in class and communicating with other students.

Also, reading and writing are equally as important as listening and speaking. When my classes started to get busier, the reading got longer, the papers got harder, and that's when real disaster struck.

professor n. 教授
=> teacher in the college/university
eg: Our history professor is very popular because he makes the subject so interesting.

fluently adv. 流利地
=> smoothly
eg: When you first start to learn a language, it is difficult to speak it fluently.
eg: She can speak three languages fluently.
eg: All students need to learn how to type fluently in their freshman year.

fluent adj. 流利的
fluent in 語言
eg: Nathan is fluent in Spanish.

idiom n. 慣用語/成語
eg: Sean uses a lot of idioms, so it is hard for my European roommate to understand him.

disaster n. 災難
=> very terrilbe event
disaster strike something
eg: An environmental disaster occurred along Alaska's coast when oil from a ship leaked into the ocean.
eg: The disaster happened in the coal mine(煤礦) took many people's lives.
eg: Losing his job was a disaster for Victor.
eg: Everything went smoothly on our way home till disaster struck - we run out of gas.

slang Un. 俚語/行話
eg: The essay he wrote is full of slang.
eg: She was taught not to use slang in her language.
eg: "Buck" is a slang expression for money.

khaki adj. 土黃色的/卡其色的
=> h不發音

//== Chat room ==//


class n. 課程(更廣義的講法,一堂課)
=> go to class
eg: This class will be over in an hour.

class n. 上課的學生
eg: OK, class. It's time for a test.

course n. 課程
=> take a course/class 選修一門課程
eg: I take five courses/classes in this semester.

required courses 必修課(入門課程)
=> lower level introductive courses
=> often called "surveys" => 導論

electives 選修課(中高級課程)
= elective courses
=> tend to be more specialized
=> usually have fewer students

course catalog 課程目錄

//== Grammer on the go ==//

English, without a doubt, is the hardest thing I have experienced so far.
=> English is definitely the hardest thing I have experienced so far.

without a doubt
=> definitely

without doubt
= without question

eg: Stuart, without doubt, the fastest runner on the team.
eg: This year's party is, without question, the most-creative one I have ever attended.

20091023 -- Decorating for the holidays (2)

Conversation A
Laura: Here, Jack. Please put this box of Halloween decorations in the basement.
Jack: Where in the basement?
Laura: With all the other holiday decorations.
And you can bring up the Thanksgiving decorations while you're at it.
Jack: Where are they?
Laura: In the box marked "Thanksgiving decorations" of course!
Jack: We have way too many boxes of different decorations if you ask me.
Laura: Oh, lighten up, Jack. Holiday decorations help get everyone in the mood to celebrate.
Jack: I know. And when you're finished decorating. the house looks
great. But we have so many decorations! And you buy more when they're on sale!
Laura: One can never have too many decorations!

Conversation B:
Jack: There. That's the last string of Christmas light.
Laura: Thank you, Jack! I can't wait until dark so we can turn them on and see how they look!
Jack: They're going to look great. We must have put 60,000 lights on the house.
Laura: We didn't hang that many!
Jack: Ok, probably not. But we still have a lot.
I'm glad these lights don't use much electricity or our bill would be sky-high this month!
Laura: Tonight after dark, let's drive around and look at the Christmas lights.
Jack: Ok, we'll drive into the Westport neighborhood.
All the houses there have really fancy decorations.
Laura: I know! The whole neighborhood gets into the act.

lighten up 放輕鬆/別擔心
eg: Oh, lighten up. Don't be so serious all the time.
eg: Lighten up! I was just joking.
eg: Everything will be alright. Lighten up and stop worrying!
eg: After talking to his best friend, Tim lightened up a bit.

mood n. 心情/心境
eg: I would talk to Amber right now. She's in a bad mood.

string n. 一串
eg: Anne's mom is wearing a beautiful string of pearls around her neck.
eg: a string of pearls 一串珍珠

sky-high adj. (像天一樣高的)非常高的
=> very high
eg: Max can't afford to live in his neighborhood because rents are sky-high.
eg: The boy hit the ball sky-high. It was a home-run.
eg: The price of oil went sky-high today and many industries suffered.
eg: Very few can afford the sky-high rent in Manhatton.

get into the act 參與某種活動
=> participate in
eg: The whole class got into the act and competed in the Science Fair and won the title.
eg: Everyone wants to get into the act of saving more money.

Halloween n. 萬聖節

bring up 養育/提起.../談到

//== Chat room ==//

ski v. 滑雪

sled n. 雪橇
sled v. 滑雪橇

sledding n. 乘雪橇/滑雪橇

build snowman 堆雪人

have snowball fights 打雪戰

Thanksgiving 感恩節

turkey 火雞(感恩節常見的佳餚)

Christmas 耶誕節

//== Grammer on the go ==//

We have way too many boxes of different decorations if you ask me.
=> We have way to many boxes of different decorations in my opinion.

if you ask me
=> in my opinion

eg: If you ask me, he has too much coffee.
eg: She should apply for the job if you ask me.

2009年10月22日 星期四

20091022 -- Decorating for the holidays (1)

Decorating for the holidays

Americans enjoy making their homes look beautiful for holidays

No matter what holiday it is, many Americans love to make their homes look festive. People put up decorations both indoors and out. Lawn displays are very popular at Christmas. And at Easter, people decorate trees in their yards with colored eggs.

Decorations can be simple or expensive. In these do-it-yourself days, many people enjoy making their own decorations, especially children. They make pictures and posters, knickknacks or window displays.

Decorations are not strictly limited to single homes. Some neightborhoods work together to create a neighborhood effect. This is particularly popular at Christmastime. A street may cal itself "Candy Cane Lane" for the Christmas holidays. Every house on the block will have candy canes along with other decorations in its yard.

Some communities even hold contests and give prizes for the best-decorated houses. In some areas, people buy tickets to tour decorated homes. The money from the ticket sales goes to a charity or another good cause.

Simple or extravagant, to many Americans, decorations make the holidays.

lawn n. 草坪/草地
eg: None of the houses on this street have lawn decoratins.

poster n. 海報
=> a large picture that you can place on a wall
eg: Jim put up posters of his favoriate cars in his room.

strictly adv. 僅僅地/嚴格地
=> only
eg: The number of people able to attend the dinner party is strictly limited to 11.
eg: These parking lots are strictly for the use of our VIPs.
eg: We discussed strictly business.
eg: The use of cameras is strictly prohibited in this area.

particular adj. 特別的/特殊地
particularly adv. 特別地/尤其
=> especially
eg: This house is particularly nice looking, don't you think?
eg: Bobby loves to be with children, particularly the toddlers(幼童).
eg: The company is particularly interested in developing new technology.

extravagant adj. 過度浪費的/過度奢侈的
=> fancy/luxurious
eg: The extravagant lifestyle of the young star is the focus of the paparazzi(狗仔隊).
eg: Cathy considers eating out to be extravagant.

festive adj. 節日的/喜慶的/歡樂的
=> joy

knickknack n. 小裝飾物/小擺設

//== Chat room ==//

grill n. 烤爐上面的架子

grill out 在戶外燒烤
=> cooking on the grill

cabin n. (渡假)小木屋

the 4th of July 美國獨立紀念日

watch fireworks 看煙火

bonfire n. 大型營火

2009年10月21日 星期三

20091021 -- Tightening Ties Small Quarters and Sailing Give a Chance to Bond (3)

Bonding under stress

Those new family ties became stronger after the Bachs began testing themselves under sail in November 2007. Though their learning curve proved steeper than imagined, Craig says, they've become increasingly adept at handling the ketch in open water, where they've successfully weathered squalls of 40 to 60 knots. They've also learned to watch out for each other whenever they explore a new port.

Other changes have taken place,too, as the family of six has adapted to living together in such tight, often inescapable quarters. In most cases, the kids have learned to give and take, and small annoyances have disappeared.

Equally dispensable is the lust for stuff that governed so much of the life they left. Pared down to a few square feet of living space, each of the Bachs has had to radically readjust their ideas about what they have to have. The impulse to simplify became even stronger after the family visited a struggling orphanage school in Haiti. The need for basic items convinced them to adopt the charitable venture as a fundraising mission.

Even without the influence of their visit to Haiti, however, the unalterable lack of space aboard the boat has changed their attitudes for good.

learning curve n. 學習曲線
eg: Because she had no experience, Sally had a sleep learning curve when she started teaching.

inescapable (adj) 逃不掉的/不可避免的
eg: The consequence of robbing the jewelry store was inescapable, Sam spent three years in jail.

//== Chat Room ==//

give in

give and take 互相讓步

give or take 差不多/相差不到多少

eg: $25.00 give or take a couple of dollars

give up 放棄

Don't give up on English.

take you for

take someone for 把某人誤認為...

//== More INFO ==//

20 ears ago, Craig Bach was a workaholic. In one seven-year stretch, Craig worked 12 hours a day, seven days a week, month after month - all in an effort to reach his dream of being a success. Then, one morning, Craig work up and realized he had four children and a wife he hardly knew. From that moment on, Craig decided true success would come through making his family his number one priority.

20091020 -- Tightening Ties Small Quarters and Sailing Give a Chance to Bond (2)

Preparation to sail

Selling off their businesses as well as the family's farm, the couple started their endeavor with Craig leaving first to begin replanking the hull of a ketch in the Caribbean. Lauren and the kids followed later to lend a hand in a time-consuming overhaul that cost some $500,000 and stretched out over two years.

"The whole idea sounded cool, and then - when I got there - it really looked like a lot of work," Alexis says. "Who's going to do it?' I thought and we figured out pretty soon that it was going to be us."

Moving aboard the gutted boat, the family put in 10 hours a day, 7 days a week for months, slowly reviving the decks and interior of the nearly 50-year-old vessel. While Craig made major changes to the masts and sail plan, the girls focused on the woodwork, with Tracy learning how to use a table saw and Sara applying a 12-coat marine finish.

Inside the big cabin that Sara and Alexis planned to share, the two younger sisters added to their workload by building a dividing bulkhead. That gave each girs a semiprivate berth of her own. "We knew that if we were going to keep the family together, we'd need a separate space for everyone." Craig says.

overhaul n. 徹底檢修/詳細檢查
eg: My car engine needed an overhaul after I had driven it 100,000 km. Then I drove it another 100,000 km.
eg: Our old truck is in the garage for an overhaul.
eg: The bus is scheduled for an overhaul next month.

overhaul v. 徹底檢修
The engine of the car was overhouled.

gut v. 取出內臟/損毀(房屋等)的內部裝置
eg: The war-lorn town was full of gutted buildings and empty streets.
eg: The hotel was gutted by the fire.
eg: The car was gutted by the thief.

revive (v) 甦醒;復甦
eg: Samuel's dream of reviving the family farm began to come true with his first sale of produce.
eg: The architect revived the chapel and many tourists come to visit now.
eg: A hot bath can revive me instantly.

semiprivate (adj) 半私用的
eg: I stayed in a semiprivate room in the hospital with two other patients.

//== Chat Room ==//

lend me a hand

hand me downs

take them off my hands

lend someone a hand 幫助某人/助他一臂之力

hand-me-down 穿人家穿過的衣服

secondhand clothes 舊衣服/二手衣

take something off someone's hands 幫他處理掉他手中用不到的東西

hand it to you
get out of hand 失控
hand it to someone 承認某人在某方面很優秀

2009年10月20日 星期二

20091019 -- Tightening Ties Small Quarters and Sailing Give a Chance to Bond (1)

Tightening Ties: Small Quarters and Sailing Give a Chance to Bond

Living on a boat brings about big changes in the bach faimly

Inside the Bach home in Hampton, VA, it's just another late Wednesday afternoon with mom Lauren taking a break and most of the kids busy in their rooms.

It could be a scene from any place in the neighborhood. Then there's the indisputable movement of the wooden floor as their 75-foot-long seagoing home rolls up and down in the swells kicked up by a southwest wind. After more than 2,500 miles of sailing, however, no one pays much heed to the modest sway of the boat wintering in Hampton, VA, before continuing on a three-year, round-the-world journey. The Bachs and their kids have seen much worse, And thy expect they'll have to deal with many more challenges as they attempt to circle the globe together.

"After their first sail, they were all ready to get off - and some of them still get a little seasick," Craig Bach says. "But with each new place we pulled into, it just kept getting better and better. And now they're all in it for the long haul."

"My husband asked me if I wanted to do this with him... we've always wanted to raise our kids to be independent, self-sufficient, global-minded citizens," Lauren says. "We needed to do something more about the global part. And this was it."

20091017 -- Avatars (2)

Avatars and real life

Using avatars can make playing video games or studying English more interesting. But other sites allow users to do more. Online community Second Life lets avatars do anything from shopping to fighting dragons. Second Life is also unique because players can use their avatars to buy real things like art.

This ability raises questions about the relationship between people and their avatars. In fact, research has shown that avatars can affect their users. Nick Yee, from Stanford's VHIL, claims that avatars can change a user's behavior. If someone has a tall avatar, for example, he or she is more likely to be aggressive. Having an avatar that is either very beauriful or handsome may make one more confident.

Through the use of avatars, the link between online life and real life is growing. It is up to the users to decide to be honest in how they represent themselves. Who will you be?

2009年10月16日 星期五

20091016 -- Avatars (1)


What do you look like on the web?

Today, thousands of people can do things they never thought possible. Some people fly. Other people talk to hundreds of strangers in a foreign language without ever feeling nervous. Some even grow tails or other strange body parts. Well, not really. People aren't really growing tails or flying, but their avatars are.

What is an avatar? It is simply an online representation of a person. Some websites and video games allow players to use avatars for a more personal experience. With avatars, users can see- and control- themselves in a digital world. Users can also choose what they're going to look like in that world. For example, Nintendo's Wii allows players to create their own "Miis," or cartoo-like representations of themselves. Players then can use their Miis to play games or interact with other players. Studio Classroom's online English-learning tool, Cyber Village uses avatars too. Users can choose their avatars' haircuts, clothing, and even add extras like bags or pets.

2009年10月15日 星期四

20091015 -- Mechanics to the Rescue (2)

Mechanics to the Rescue

SC: What can you do to save money on maintenance without putting your car at risk?

RC: I would make sure my tires were at the right air pressure so I could improve my fuel economy. I'd also keep an eye on things under the hood such as oil and brake fluid. It doesn't cost you anything to check those things. It's also good to be familiar with the owner's manual for the car. The need for things like oil changes varies among different cars. Typically, people like to do those things too soon- and that's like throwing money out the window.

SC: Do different grades of gasoline make a difference to your car and its mileage?

RC: In theory, yes. Higher-octane fuels can give better mileage. But if you are going to use higher-octane fuel, make sure your car is tuned up. Things like tire pressure affect mileage greatly.

It's probably best to do a little experiment. Use a tank of gasoline and check your mileage, and then try the higher octane and check your mileage again. See if the trade off in better mileage is worth it because obviously, higher octane costs more money.

economy n. 經濟/(本課指)節約性
eg: Their goal was to achieve better economy in their use of water.
eg: This new device can boost the fuel economy.
eg: With the sky-high oil price, most people tend to buy fuel economy cars.

manual n. (使用)手冊
=> small book that shows you how to do something
eg: You should always check the manual before trying to fix the fax machine.
eg: The software comes with a 200-page manuel.
eg: Henry read the DIY manual for the cabinets before assembling them.

tune up 調整/調音
eg: Martin's motorcycle is always clean and tuned up.

trade off n. 交換/交易
eg: When buying a computer, there is always a trade off between quality and price.
eg: To Vivian, giving up a nice job is an acceptable trade off for staying home with the kids.
eg: Both the husband and the wife are vey successful, but the trade off is they seldom see each other.

hood n. (美)(汽車的)車蓋

brake fluid n. (用於液壓器的)煞車油

octane n. (化)辛烷

//== Chat room ==//

keep an eye on something 注意/盯著看某樣東西
=> watch somethig carefully

keep an eye out for something 尋找某樣東西
=> search/watch for something
eg: Keep an eye out for your car.

keep your eye on the ball 專心

see eye to eye 和某人看法一致
=> agree on something

see with half an eye 一目了然

2009年10月14日 星期三

20091014 -- Mechanics to the Rescue (1)

Mechanics to the Rescue

Everything you wanted to know about cars but were afraid to ask

SC: Used cars can be cheaper than new ones, but they can also be riskier. How do you know you are getting a good used car?
RC: A lot of people check consumer guides that tell you which cars are built with quality and last well. Guides also list which car parts are good and which tend to fail. If you've got a mechanic that you trust, take the car to that mechanic. Pay him or her to look it over and check all the major components. That's always money well-spent.

SC: How can you find a good mechanic?
RC: In North America, mechanics have to get their "Class A License". Getting the license requires about 9,000 hours of work as an apprentice, completion of college courses and passing a written test. Having a license is one mark of a mechanic's ability.

Dealerships often have factory-trained technicians. They tend to be well-trained, but they can also be pricey. You can also rely on word of mouth. If you've found a good mechanic, quite often you'll tell pepole.

mechanic n. 修理工/技工
=> people who are especially trained to work
=> with cars and machines and they will go to school to take courses.
=> They are professional at fixing cars.
=> They know a lot about the machines.
eg: I need to take my car to the mechanic. It is not working properly.
eg: Greg is one of the top mechanics of this garage.
eg: Ray works as an aircraft mechanic.

technician n. 技術人員/技師(比mechanic還要高)
=> a person who has been trained technical skills
eg: The technicians are trying to fix the plane's engines.

com- 一起
component n. 構成的零件/元素/元件
=> part of something
eg: These second-hand computer components are still useable.
eg: Vegetables and fruits are important components of a healthy diet.

license n. 證照
eg: Last Tuesday, Salina passed the test and received her driver's license.

word of mouth 口耳相傳
=> people telling each other in informal conversations
eg: News often travels by word of moth.

apprentice n. 學徒/徒弟/見習生
=> a person who learns to someone who is more skills
eg: Charlie was a carpenter's apprentice for several years before he became a real carpenter.
eg: Most chores and hard work were done by the apprentices.

dealership n. 代理權/經銷權

pricey adj. (口語)高價的/貴的
=> expensive

//== Chat room ==//

car care 汽車保養
=> keep a car in good condition

hair care 頭髮保養
health care 健康保養

take care of something 照料/照顧某樣東西

take care 保重/小心
(1) 和朋友說再見時,除了可以說good bye也可以說take care
(2) 小心
eg: Take care that you don't burn yourself.
eg: Take care that you don't catch a cold.

eg: He doesn't have a care(憂慮/煩惱) in the world.
=> He doesn't have any worry in the world.

//== Grammer on the go ==//

That's always money well-spent.


eg: He is a well-known.
eg: It is a well-written story.
eg: That is a job well-done.
eg: It was a song well-played.
eg: a job well done
=> a job that is well-done
eg: a song well played
=> a song that is well-played

2009年10月13日 星期二

20091013 -- Music to Patients' Ears (2)

Music to Patients' Ears

Jose Haro personally experienced the benefits of music therapy when he was recovering from heart surgery. During his recovery, he played a piano whose keys lit up, indicating which keys to touch to play along with the background music. Soon, he was playing tunes and noticing something strange. "I was searching for my pain," he says of his experience, " but it was gone."

While Haro's experience provides anecdotal evidence of the power of music to relieve pain, scientific research has proven music also helps patients with Alzheimet's isease and and arthritis.

In addition, music therapy helps premature babies. Doctors are tapping into a powerful way to teach premature babies that haven't yet learned how to suck: lullabies. Doctors use a device that soothes the babies by playing music when they suck on a pacifier. Soon, the babies learn to suck in return for music, gaining weight faster and going home earlier than those who don't use the device.

Even perfectly healthy people are discovering the power of music to calm and heal. Drum circles attract people who find stress relief in pounding out rhythms. While music isn't a cure-all, it does make life a little easier.

anecdotal adj. 軼事的/趣聞的
eg: Harry's description of the accident is only anecdotal. We don't know the facts.
eg: This report mostly consists of anecdotal evidence.

anecdote n. 傳聞/趣聞
eg: the anecdotes of celebrities 名人的趣聞

pre- 之前的
premature adj. 早產的
eg: This premature baby is at a greater risk for infection than a full-term baby.
eg: premature baby 早產兒
eg: Brenda was born a premature infant, and that's why she has developed more slowly.

premature adj. 草率的
eg: The decision seems a little premature without consulting others.

soothe v. 起撫慰(或鎮定)作用/安慰/使平靜
=> make someone calmer or less anxious or less upset
eg: Whenever her baby cries uncontrollably, Mary soothes him by singing softly and patting him on the back.
eg: The soft texture of the blanket can soothe her.
eg: Massages can soothe tense muscles.

soothing adj. 慰藉的/使人寬心的/鎮靜的
eg: I love the soothing atmosphere of the spa.

cure-all n. 萬靈丹
=> something cures anything
eg: My mom thinks this vitamin is a cure-all for all kinds of problems, but I don't believe her.

Alzheimer's disease 阿爾茨海默氏病/早老性痴呆病
arthritis n. 關節炎

lullaby n. 催眠曲/搖籃曲
pacifier n. 橡皮奶頭

//== Chat room ==//

He played a piano whose keys lit up.
=> He played a piano, the keys of which lit up.

eg: The car, whose engine is old, still runs smoothly.

= who is
eg: Who's coming?

//== Grammer on the go ==//

Soon, the babies learn to suck in return for music...
=> The babies soon learn to suck in exchange for music....

in return for 報答/回報
=> payment or an exchange for something

eg: Brian is willing to mow the lawn for his parents in return for some extra spending money.
eg: In return for your kindless, I would like to invite you out for dinner.

2009年10月12日 星期一

20091012 -- Music to Patients' Ears (1)

Music to Patients' Ears

Music calms, comforts and may even heal

Throughout time, people have loved music for its ability to transport them into a world of rhythm and melody. Recently, more and more hospitals and clinics have been tapping into the power of music - not only to comfort patients, but to help them heal as well. Welcome to the world of music therapy.

After each of the two world wars, musicians visited hospitals and played instruments for injured soldiers suffering from emotional and physical pain. Today's music therapists continue this practice, playing instruments such as guitars and harps to bring comfort to their audiences.

Therapist Eric Mammen encourages his patients at a children's hospital to participate with him as he plays. During visits with 13-year-old cancer patient Lawrence Garcia, Mammen encourages Garcia to beat on electric drums while he plays the guitar. The therapy won't cure his cancer, but it does, according to Garcia's mom, take away much of the boy's depression.

Music therapy can elevate patients' moods and ease the symptoms of depression according to the American Music Therapy Association. Other benefits include relieving pain, calming tension, aiding sleep, counteracting worry or fear, and easing muscle tension.

tap into something 利用/開發
=> try to get benefit from something
tap tapped tapped tapping
eg: Our group decided to tap into the experiences of other parentswith physically challenged children.
eg: Many companies tapped into the cheap labor of this country to make
a fortune.

tap into 連上線
eg: She's capable of tapping into many wealthy investors.

therapy n. 治療法
therapist n. 心理治療師
eg: Mr. and Mrs. Jones decided to see a marriage therapist to help
them resolve a problem.
eg: a language/a speech therapist 語言治療師
eg: a physical therapist 復健師
eg: The patient was in theraphy for years.

counter 反方向地
act 起作用
counteract v. 起反作用/抵消/綜合
=> reduce prevent the bad affect of something by doing something to have the opposite effect
eg: Antioxidants(抗氧化物) can counteract the effects of aging.
eg: Grapefruit juice(葡萄柚汁) sometimes counteracts the effects of medicne.

elevate v. 振奮(情緒等)/舉起/抬起
=> lift up
eg: The good news elevated our morale(士氣).

relieve v. 緩和/減輕/解除
eg: The medicine can relieve your pain temporarily.

harp n. 豎琴

//== Chat room ==//

music to one's ears
=> 聽到好消息/好聽的話時,可以說it's music to my ears.
eg: It's music to my ears.

all ears 洗耳恭聽
=> very eager to hear what someone is going to say
eg: I'm all ears.

fall on deaf ears 沒聽進去/有聽到但是沒反應

wet behind the ears 涉世未深
=> young, not experienced
=> 動物剛出生,全身是溼的,表涉世未深

earful n. 大量/滔滔不絕 => have heard enough
get an earful (帶有負面的消息)聽到一大堆的話
eg: I got quite an earful of her chatter. 聽到一大堆的話
eg: The boy heard an earful of his father's scolding.
eg: She gave me an earful about her husband's infidelities.
=> 她滔滔不絕地對我說有關她丈夫外遇的事。

//== Did you know ==//

What is music therapy?
According to the American Music Therapy Association, "Music therapy is an established healthcare profession that uses music to address physical, emotional, congitive, and social needs of individuals of all ages." Music therapy not only helps those recovering from disabilities or illnesses but also improves the quality of life for healthy individuals. So, what are you waiting for?
Go listen to some music!

2009年10月11日 星期日

20091010 -- Hsineh Chih-Mou (3)

Hsineh Chih-Mou

Adventures with a purpose

The constant possibility that his next day could be his last has been a powerful force in Hsieh's life. Certain that living for himself would be a waste of time, he spends his life serving others.

Hsieh loves helping Taiwan's youth who are at risk. Having been in their shoes, he is able to help young people who face violence as well as behavior and drug problems.

Hsieh currently teaches at National Taiwan Sport University. Each year, his students plan, organize and lead an overseas adventure trip that somehow meets people's needs. For example, the 2006 Alaskan adventure was a way to raise money for an at-risk youth program in Taiwan.

In 2007 and 2009, after climbing in the Himalyas, Hsieh's students completed several projects for a Sherpa community shcool. And in 2008, after conquering the 5,895m Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, his class built restrooms for a nearby school. In addition, they initiated a community-wide soccer program.

Hsieh's example helps others to discover the adventure and satisfaction of living generously.

in one's shoes 處於...的處境
eg: Sheila's job is too stressful. I would never want to be in her shoes!
eg: David has so many problems to deal with today. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.
eg: If I were in your shoes, I would refuse this offer.

behavior n. 行為
=> what people do
eg: Changing one's behavior patterns is not always easy.

conquer v. 征服/克服/使投降
eg: After finally conguering her hear of heights, Denise jumped off the rock into the water.
eg: The city was conquered in just 3 days.
eg: Scientist finally conquered the fatal disease after years of effort.
eg: Ellen finally conquered her stage-fright(舞台恐懼症) and gave a wonderful speech.

initiate v. 開始/發動/發起
eg: Even though he is a little shy, lan initiated a conversation with a pretty girl on the bus.
eg: The boy claimed that he didn't initiate the fight.
eg: The writer initiated a reading program for disadvantaged kids(弱勢兒童).

Sherpa n. 雪巴人

//== Chat room ==//

-wide 遍及...

community-wide 遍及整個社區
=> involve the whole community

worldwide 全世界的
=> 不能說globalwide,只能用global

countrywide 全國的
eg: a countrywide election

nationwide 全國的
eg: a nationwide threat



//== More Info ==//

One of Hsieh Chih Mou's past adventures was sea kayaking in Alaska to raise money for an at-risk school program in Taipei. Another 2008 adventure saw a group climbing Africa's highest mountain, Mt. Kilimanjaro, to help build facilities for a local school. Hsieh also once led adventures into the Himalayas to help build a classroom for a nearby school - and then helped fill the school's library with 1,000 books.

2009年10月9日 星期五

20091009 -- Hsineh Chih-Mou (2)

Hsineh Chih-Mou

Persevering through medical challenges

During the next eight years, Hsieh finished his Ph.D. and took groups of at-risk youth on outdoor wilderness trip. Then in 2006, a serious heart attack permanently damaged his heart. Consequently, his weakened heart now supplies only 55 to 60 percent of the total oxygen that a healthy heart pumps.

Only four months after heart surgery, he led a group of university students on a sea kayaking trip in Alaska. For Hsien, falling into the near-freezing Alaskan water with his heart condition would almost certainly be fatal. Two weeks in such dangerous water taught him and his group lessons about overcoming fear with courage and faith. Hsieh accepted an even greater challenge in the Himalayas the following summer. The oxygen-poor air at great heights causes a person's heart to work extra hard. Hence, climbing mountains is expecially risky for people with heart disease. Until that summer, no one with Hsieh's heart condition had ascended above 4,500m, By climabing the 6,189m Island Peak, he set a new record for altitude among people with his heart condition.

surgery n. 手術
eg: Alex will need to stay in the hospital for two days after his surgery.

fatal adj. 致命的
=> causing or leading to death
eg: Jonathan was in a car accident, but fortunately it wasn't fatal.
eg: This contagious disease might be fatal.
eg: The fatal car accident took his life.
eg: The coach made a fatal mistake and lost the game.

hence adv. 因此
= therefore
=> for this reason
eg: These computers are compact and inexpensive. Hence, they are popular with students.

ascend v. 攀登/上升/登上
eg: It takes 15 minutes to ascend those stairs, so I always take the elevator.
eg: The mountaineers were slowly ascending to the peak.

descend v. 下降
eg: The airplane is descending to the airport right now.

persevere v. 堅持不懈
=> persist
persevere in/with
eg: Despite her illness, Helen perseveres in her attempt to finish college.
eg: If you persevere to achieve your dream, one day your dream will come true.

kayaking n. 皮划艇運動

//== Chat room ==//

at-risk (通常形容人) 有受虐待危險的/有傳染疾病危險的
=> describe people need special care
eg: at-risk children 可能遭受虐待的兒童

risky adj. 危險的/有風險的(形容某件事或某個活動)
=> talk about any situations or things that involve danger

at risk of something 冒著某一種危險(用在人身上)
eg: John is at risk of losing his home.
eg: Students are at risk of loosing their English if they do not practice enough.

2009年10月8日 星期四

20091008 -- Hsineh Chih-Mou (1)

Hsineh Chih-Mou

Meet at university professor who uses his past to help other' futures

A keen outdoorsman, Hsieh Chih-Mou has climbed to the summits of numerous mountains. But life hasn't always been full of high points for Hsieh. He's certainly experienced and learned from his share of low points as well.

Growing from his past
Growing up in a violent home put Hsieh on the path toward a life of crime. Getting into fights with people and into trouble had become a habit for him. After stealing a stranger's motorcycle, he was arrested and put in a detention center. Three days after being released, he failed his second year of high school. This low point was a life-changing wake-up call for Hsieh. He realized he was becoming someone he didn't want to be.

So, Hsieh decided to turn his life around by finishing high school, college and a master's degree program. Combining his interests in psychology and outdoor recreation, he went on to complete a Ph. D. in experiential education and adventure therapy at Indiana University. After becoming a Christian in graduate school, he determined to use his life to serve people.

keen adj. 熱心的/熱衷的/深切的
=> passionate
eg: With over 100 antiques, my aunt is a very keen collector.

wake-up call 電話叫醒的服務
eg: My wake-up call will be at 6:00 a.m.

wake-up call 警告/警訊
eg: The stock market crash was a huge wake-up call for the government.
eg: Ricky's brush with death come as a wake-up call and caused him to stop drinking.

turn something around 徹底地改變
eg: The team's best player turned the game around by scoring 10 points in two minutes.
eg: The teacher turned her studnets' attitudes toward learning around.
eg: The new manager turned this failing company around.

recreation n. 消遣/育樂
=> play, opposite of working
eg: Although the conference was a week long, they scheduled an entire day for recreation.
eg: William's favoriate forms of recreation are soccer and tennis.
eg: The resort's recreation facility needs to be improved.
eg: Molly enjoys outdoor recreation a lot.

experiential education 體驗教育

summit n. (山等)尖峰/峰頂

detention center 【美】(青少年罪犯的)臨時拘留所

//== Chat room ==//

share 一份
=> a port of something that belongs to someone

one's share of something 有足夠數量的
=> someone has experience say particular situation more than just a few times
=> posses a amount of something
eg: The movie has a share of memorable moments. 不少難忘的片段
eg: California has a share of fires and earthquake.

one's fair share of something 一個人應得的一份
eg: has its fair share of museum
eg: I have my fair share of cake.

more than one's fair share of something 過多的不幸事情
=> usually used with something unplesant
eg: Frank has more than his fair share of financial problems.
=> Frank很不幸有過多的經濟問題

//== Grammer on th go ==//

Growing up in a violent home put Hsieh on the path toward a life of crime.
=> Growing up in a violent home put Hsieh in the direction toward a life of crime.

put someone on the path toward something
=> path:direction(通常出現在寫作)

eg: With all the wise career choices, he's made, Bradley is on the path toward success.
eg: After months of careful negotiations, the two companies are now on the path toward a business agreement.

2009年10月7日 星期三

20091007 -- Electrical Safety (1)

Electrical Safety

Be careful with electricity

Look around your home, and you'll likely find many electrical appliances. While they can make your life easier, they can also be dangerous. If not properly maintained, appliances can cause fires. In a normal year in the United States, electrical appliances are reponsible for 67,800 house fires. What can you do to be safe? Here are some tips:

Chech the cords on your appliances regularly.
Replace all the worn or damaged ones immediately.

How many things do you have plugged into one outlet?
Plugging too many items into one outlet can be dangerous.
Be careful not to use one small plug for too many gadgets.

Keep electrical appliances away from wet areas.
Be especially careful in the bathroom and kitchen.
If an appliance falls into the water, do not touch it.
Unplug it first. Even if an appliance is turned off, it can shock you.

If an appliance has a three-prong plug, use it only in a three-hole outlet.
Never cut off the third prong and try to fit it into a two-hole outlet.
Electricity is important in the modern world- use in properly.

electrical adj. 電的/用電的
eg: This store sells electrical goods like irons and coffeemakers.
eg: All the electrical equipment needs to be checked again before the concert.
eg: electrical circuit 電路

electric adj. 用電的/電動的
eg: an electric car 電動車

appliance n. 用具/設備
eg: My mon's favorite appliance is the dishwasher!
eg: Modern appliances like washing machine can make your life much easier.
eg: These kitchen appliances are all imported from Germany.

cord n. 絕緣電線
eg: Does the TV cord reach across the room or is it too short?

plug into 從某個地方接通電源
plug plugged plugged
=> connect
eg: Ivan's sister plugged her hair dryer into an outlet beside the mirror.
eg: We need to find a place to plug the TV set into.

plug in 連接
eg: All you have to do is plug in the computer, and the program will start to run.

outlet n. 電源插座
=> small square box that will be in your wall
=> the plug goes into

unplug v. 拔去...的塞子(或插頭)
=> disconnect it from electricity source

prong n. 分支

worn adj. 用舊的/磨壞的

gadget n. 小機件/(小巧的)器具
=> small useful appliance

//== Chat room ==//

Chech the cords on your appliances regularly.

regularly adv. 定期地
=> do something at fixed interval
eg: We brush our teeth regularly every day.

irregularly adv. 不規則地
=> not regularly

regular <=> irregular

seldom adv. 很少/不常

infrequently adv. 不常地
frequently adv. 時常地

//== Grammer on the go ==//

If not properly maintained, appliances can cause fires.
=> If they are not properly maintained, appliances can cause fires.


eg: When Elaine is shopping at the mall, she always visits the stationery store.
=> When shopping at the mall, Elaine always visits the stationery store.

eg: If you get bitten by a snake, get medical help as soon as possible.
=> If you bitten by a snake, get medical help as soon as possible.

2009年10月6日 星期二

20091006 -- Which Do You Prefer a Mac or a PC (2)

Which Do You Prefer: a Mac or a PC?

Conversation B

Beth: Apple does have some great programs,
and I've heard that the Mac operating system is pretty user-friendly.
Still, some of the programs I use are only available for PCs.
It would be pretty disappointing if you bought a Mac and
then found out that some of your favorite programs are not compatible.

Adam: You don't need to worry about that anymore!
These days, you can actually boot-up Windows on a Mac computer.
Newer Macs can potentially let you use any program you want,
even if it's designed for a PC.
I don't see PCs offering those capabilities.

Beth: That's true- most PCs can't run programs made for Macs.
But they don't need to. There are so many PC users
that there is more software available for PCs.
And all those users create a great incentive for technology companies to be innovative.

Adam: I would have to disagree. You can tell just by looking at
the new Windows operating system that Microsoft has integrated some of the same design features as Apple.

Beth: I'll have to see that for myself. In the meantime,
keep thinking about the pros and cons before you make a decision.

com- 一起
compatible adj. 相容的
eg: Gina got a new keyboard, but it is not compatible with her computer.
eg: This new software might not be compatible with my computer system.

compatible adj. 協調的/一致的
eg: After dating for a while, Nancy realized that she and Hank were not compatible.

potential adj. 可能的/潛在的
potentially adv. 潛在地/可能地
eg: The potentially offensive material should be removed from this paper before submits it to professor.
eg: This new medicine might potentially become the number-one-selling medicine for diabetes.
eg: The potentially useful evidence was kept a secret from the public.

innovative adj. 創新的
=> new and creative
eg: As a designer, Ronald has many opportunities to be innovative.
eg: This innovative software system will definitely replace many old ones.
eg: This scientist's innovative theory wasn't accepted when it was first introduced.

integrate v. 使成一體/使結合
=> unite two different things together
eg: Whenever he teaches, Dan tries to integrate games and activities into his lessons.

incentive n. 刺激/鼓勵/動機

//== Chat room ==//

user-friendly 讓使用者容易操作使用電腦的
=> easy to use

environmentally-friendly 不會傷害到生態環境的
eg: Recycling is more environmentally-friendly than burying your garbage in the ground.

child-friendly 不會傷害兒童的
=> safe for young children

pedestrian-friendly 不會傷害到行人的
=> safe to walk around

2009年10月5日 星期一


商業週刊第1138期 用11年等蘋果樹開花的木村阿公















































20091005 -- Which Do You Prefer a Mac or a PC (1)

Which Do You Prefer: a Mac or a PC?

Are all computer systems created equal?

For more than two decades, avid computer enthusiasts have been debating the merits of Macs and PCs. With two new operating systems, Apple's Mac OS 10.6 and Microsoft's Windows 7, the question remains: Is one system better than the other?

Conversation A
Adam: I'm in the market for a new computer and I'm leaning toward buying a Mac.
Beth: Before you think about purchasing anything, you should really compare the quality and cost of the two platforms. I think PCs are better computers, and they cost about half as much as Macs do.
Adam: Not really. If you compare a Mac and a PC with similar features, you’ll find they often cost about the same.
Beth: Maybe so, but there are so many companies that make PCs. You have a lot of more options to choose from.
Adam: Actually, I like the simplicity of choosing from only one manufacturer line of products.
Beth: I guess it depends on what you want to use your computer for. My PC is great for reading emails and creating documents.
Adam: With the Mac, I could do those things. But I would also get programs that allow me to add photos, record music and even make movies.

avid adj. 熱心的/衝勁十足的
=> have strong desire
eg: Toby is an avid fun of the theater. He watches a play every week.
eg: Mark is an avid baseball fan. He collects so many baseball cards.
eg: Sean made an avid effort to impress his future mother-in-low(岳母).

in the market for something 想買某樣東西
eg: Carrie just sold her old car and is now in the market for a new one.
eg: Dad is in the market for a van(休旅車).
eg: Although this house is really nice, we're not in the market for such a big house.

platform n. 平台/(本文章指)電腦的介面
eg: Billy just bought his first Mac. He is still getting used to the new platform.
eg: This kind of graphic software can be used with almost any Windows platform.
eg: This program runs on Macintosh system platforms.

simplicity n. 簡單
eg: Jill likes the simplicity of her new phone. Even a small child could use it.

document n. 文件
eg: The spy was sent on a mission to steal top-secret documents from the government.

operating system 作業系統

//== Chat room ==//

Are all computer systems created equal?

All men are created equal. 人人生而平等
=> 這邊用equal,表示用來強調all men

Gettysburg Address 蓋茲堡演講
Declaration of Independence 美國獨立宣言

All men are created equally.
=> 如果用equally,表示用來強調動詞create

//== Grammer on the go ==//

I think PCs are better computers, and they cost about half as much as Macs do.

half as much as
eg: Janice's new job lets her earn three times as much as the other job.
eg: This year's class budget is a third as much as last year's.

20091003 -- Moon Cakes (1)

Moon Cakes

Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with this Chinese treat

Today is Mid-Autumn Festival - and the best way to celebrate is by eating a moon cake! Packed with meaning, round moon cakes suggest the moon, which is full tonight. Moon cakes also represent family gatherings. The word for family gathering, tuan yuan (團圓) includes the character for round. Traditional moon cakes have paste fillings covered with pastry. Flavors vary by location, with Cantonese-style cakes being the most popular. But bakeries and hotels now offer uniue - and nontraditional - flavors like green tea, chocolate and evedn durian!

The trend started 29 years ago in Hong Kong with "snow-skin" moon cakes. The outer layer is made of rice cake. Snow-skin moon cakes come in colors like pink, purple and yellow and in a variety of flavors. Ice-cream moon cakes are selling like hot cakes. A few years ago, some stores began offering ice-cream moon cakes coated with chocolate. In some locations, these cakes sell so quickly that people need to order them in advance! Moon cakes with their tasty flavors and happy meanings bring out the joy of the holiday.

represent v. 代表/表示/象徵
eg: Lisa's wedding ring represents her husband's love and commitment to her.
eg: Owning a car represents freedom.
eg: In this painting, the rainbow represents hope.
eg: Josh represented his company at the regional meeting.

filling n. 裝填/裝填物/(糕點的)餡子
eg: This chocolate cake has a cream filling inside it.
eg: The cream filling inside the puffs is made of non-fat milk.
eg: The filling of these pillows is 100% goose down.

sell like hot cakes (idiom) 十分暢銷
eg: These colorful MP3 players are selling like hot cakes, You'd botter buy one soon!
eg: The little girl's first album is selling like hot cakes in England.
eg: Batteries sell like hot cakes before typhoons hit.

trend (n) 趨勢/傾向/時尚
eg: Valerie loves following fashion trends. She's always buying different clothes!

durian n. 榴槤(樹)

//== Chat Room ==//

the autumnal equinox 秋成
the Harvest Moon 秋分前後之滿月

blue moon 長久
eg:I haven't seen her in a blue moon. 我已經很久沒看到他了.

full moon 滿月
gibbous moon 隆起的月亮
quarter moon 四分月/半月
crescent moon 新月形月亮
half moon 半月

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

In some locations, these cakes sell so quickly that people need to order them in advance! in advance early You need to prepare your ingredients in advance. Get your concert tickets in advance.

in advance 事先
eg: You need to prepare your ingredients in advance.
eg: Get your concert tickets in advance.

2009年10月2日 星期五

20091002 -- Magic Marrakesh (2)

Magic Marrakesh

Djeaa el Fna Square
In the center of the dusty city lies the famous Djemaa el Fna Square. During the day, the square is filled with performers and merchants. Dozens of magicians, acrobats, snake charmers, henna artists, performing Barbary apes, and traditional medicine sellers amaze visitors. As the sun set, chefs set up food stalls, and the square transforms into a huge open-air restaurant. Diners can sample grilled eggplant, deep-fried fish, bean soups, and all sorts of spiced meats. A cup of sweet mint tea tops off any meal nicely!

The old city
Inside the city's medina - its walled, ancient quarter - lies a maze of small, winding streets. The medina also houses the city's traditional market, the largest one in Morocco. The market, or souk, serves locals and tourists alike, selling pastries, spices, carpets, leather bag, colorful scarves and more. The shrewd vendors charm tourists with their good English and unusual goods. The city's exotic sights, sounds, smells and tastes make it unforgettable. So while vacationers leave Marrakesh, the magic of Marrakesh never leaves them.

dusty adj. 都是灰塵的
eg: We drove down a long, dusty road on our way to the tiny African village.
eg: In the spring, the city becomes very dusty.
eg: This dusty road leads to the small town.

dusty adj. 帶著灰色調的
eg: dusty pink 帶著灰色調的粉紅色

acrobatics n. 特技/雜技表演
acrobatic adj. 像雜技般的/像特技一樣的
acrobat n. 特技演員
=> acrobat do many tricks with their bodies
eg: The acrobats impressed the audience with their amazing flips and jumps.
eg: Tim is an circus acrobat.
eg: The pitcher made an acrobatic save and no runs were scored.

eg: The actor went to China to study martial arts and acrobatics.

transfrom v. 轉變
eg: My son's favorite superhero drives a car that transfomrs into an airplane.
eg: A caterpiller transforms into a butterfly.

pastry n. 酥皮點心(如餡餅/水果派)
eg: The little bakery on the corner is filled with delicious-looking pastries.

shrewd adj. 精明的/狡猾的/機伶的
=> good at seeing different situations, making judgement
eg: My father is a shrewd businessman.
eg: She is a shrewd businesswoman who knows a good deal when she sees one.
eg: He was was shrewd enough not to offend his boss.

henna n. 散沫花染劑
merchant n. 商人
carpet n. 地毯
scarf n. 圍巾
grilled adj. 烤的

//== Chat room ==//

spiced 有加香料的
=> food containing spices
eg: spiced meat 用香料醃過的肉

spicy adj. 辣的
=> hot

spice something up 添加趣味/增加情趣
=> make it more interesting or exciting
eg: The professor's joke help spiced up his boring lectures.

Variety is the spice of life. 變化是生活的調味品

//== Grammer on the go ==//

A cup of sweet mint tea tops off any meal nicely!

top off
=> end something in a special way

eg: The Jones family topped off their movie evening with ice cream.
eg: The hostess topped off the dinner banquet with their amazing homemade chocolate cake.

20091001 -- Magical Marrakesh (1)

Magical Marrakesh

Find the heartbeat of Morocco in colorful and exciting Marrakesh

Marrakesh has many names – The Red City, Pearl of the South, The Heartbeat of Morocco – and lives up to them all. This bustling city charms visitors with its beautiful palaces, ancient winding streets, colorful goods, and lively city square.

Located in central Morocco, Marrakesh rests at the foothills of the snowcapped Atlas Mountains. Its location and rich cultural traditions make it one of the hottest tourist destinations in North Africa today.

A mosque, a palace and a garden
Near the city center, the towering minaret of Koutoubia Mosque rises up from a sea of rose-colored buildings. The historic building features eye-catching ceramic tiles and decorative arches. Non-Muslims cannot enter the mosque, but its haunting call to prayer can be heard throughout the city five times a day.

Another city treasure, the 19th-century Bahia Palace, boasts impressive mosaic ceilings and tiled courtyards. The lovely Jardin Majorelle, a beautiful garden filled with rare plants, also attracts tourists. After enjoying the flowers, many guests check out the paintings, pottery and jewelry on display at the garden's Islamic art museum.

bustle v. 忙忙碌碌
=> t不發音
=> very busy
bustle with something 充滿某個事物
eg: This bustling market is one of the city's main tourist attractions.
eg: This bustling market is one of the largest in the country.
eg: This city is bustling with all sorts of activities and excitement.

tile n. 磚/瓦
eg: Jill's bathroom floor is covered with blue and yellow tiles.
eg: The owner used imported tiles on the floor of the entrace of his house.
eg: They used ceramic tiles(磁磚) on their roof.

tile v. 鋪上磁磚
eg: We're going to tile our bathroom this weekend.

haunt v. 縈繞在心頭
haunting adj. 縈繞在心頭的/令人難以忘懷的
eg: The remains of the building are a haunting reminder of last year's terrible fire.
eg: The haunting memories of the car accident still troble her.
eg: The photographer captured the haunting beauty of Alaska.

courtyard n. 庭院/天井
eg: Many of the campus's classroom building have courtyards where students can relax or study.

foothill n. 山麓丘陵

snowcapped adj. 頂部被雪所蓋著的
=> covered snow on the top

mosque n. 清真寺/回教寺院
=> a building that is specially made for Muslims

minaret n. 清真寺的尖塔

arch n. 拱/拱門

//== Chat room ==//

nickname 暱稱


=> the Windy City

New York City
=> the Big Apple

=> Hollywood
=> tinsel是一種金光閃閃用來裝飾的鋁箔紙條,
=> 雖然閃亮發光但是給人一種很廉價俗氣的感覺,
=> 這是也當初Hollywood為什麼會得到這個稱號。
=> 但是經過多年的使用這個稱號已經不再有他原本負面的涵義,
=> 只是用來形容閃耀奪目的Hollywood

=> the City of Lights