2010年12月31日 星期五

The Psychology of Change

Why does change trouble us, and what can we do about it?

Most people hate change, which is sad since we often go through intense changes in life. And for some of us, even the smallest changes can upset our day. So the question is: Why do most of us find making adjustments to our lives so hard?

Why we dislike change
Fear of change is nothing new. Over a century ago, the Parisians were unhappy over a particular addition to their city: the Eiffel Tower. In fact, the citizens were so angry about the plans for the tower that they protested its construction. As strange as it may seem, their anger was completely natural. They were given no choice about the huge change that was going to be made, so they became angry.

As strange as it may seem, their anger was completely natural. They were given no choice about the huge change that was going to be made, so they became angry. But we get upset over changes even when we do have a say in the matter. Changes are brought about every day bye the decisions we make: which school to attend, which job to take, whom to marry. Voluntary changes also make most of us uneasy because we don't know how those changes will affect our future.

adjust v. 調整
adjustment n. 調整/調適
adjustment to 調適...
eg: It was a huge emotional adjustment for Sandra when her kids all moved out.
=> 當Sandra的孩子都搬出去的時候,對她來說是情緒上很大的調適
eg: We made some minor adjustments to our proposal before the presentation.
=> 我們在做簡報之前,把提案做了一些微幅的調整

protest v. 抗議/反對
protest agains something/someone 抗議/反對..某事/某人
eg: Many demonstrators gathered in the plaza to protest the new foreign policy.
=> 許多示威者集結在廣場中抗議新的外交政策

protest n. 抗議/反對
eg: The protest against the referee's decision cost the team a yellow card.
=> 對裁判的判決的抗議讓這支球隊得到一張黃牌的代價

voluntary adj. 出於自願的
eg: The company encourages voluntary early retirement by giving more pension.
=> 這家公司用付出更多的退休金來鼓勵自願性的提早退休
eg: Rachel does a lot of voluntary work at the elementary school.
=> Rachel在這個小學做了許多義務性的工作

psychology n. 心理學
=> the way people are thinking about something

intense test
=> difficult test
intense person
=> serious person

Eiffel Tower 艾菲爾鐵塔

//== Chat room ==//

Why do most of us find making adjustments to our lives so hard?
=> 這個句子的find意思為"認為/覺得"
=> 為什麼大多數的人覺得調整生活那麼難
find v. 認為/覺得

How do you find your job?
=> 你覺得你的工作如何? 你喜不喜歡你的工作
=> 使用現在式

How did you find your job?
=> 你當初怎麼找到你的工作的?
=> 使用過去式

find v. 尋找

2010年12月29日 星期三

20101229 Putting Ability Back Into Disability (3)

Putting Ability Back Into Disability (化殘障為優勢)

Next, she finished a residency at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, where she is presently doing a fellowship in a allergy and immunology. Her supervisor, Dr, Robert L. Roberts, admitted to having some initial reservations about her ability to examine patients and their reactions to her. But his reservations were quickly eliminated after observing not only her competence but also the positive responses from her patients. During Kellie's residency, Elaine Hussey brought her 7-year-old daughter with food allergies in for a routine checkup.

After hearing Kellie's story and watching her perform, Hussey came to favor her over other pediatricians. Hussey says, "[Dr. Lim] knows firsthand how devastating a childhood illness can be ... if something were to go really wrong, Kellie would be more likely than other doctors might be to chase down every possibility. Maybe that's not fair of me, but I just think that." If Hussey is right, then perhaps disability is a misnomer. These apparent disabilities are the very things that have made Dr. Lim uniquely able to connect with and care for children in ways other pediatricians can't.

competence n. 能力/稱職
=> ability to do thing well
eg: The new principal showed exceptional competence in school administration.
=> 這位新校長展現出學校行政的超凡能力
eg: The gifted boy's high level of competence in math was recognized while he was only in preschool.
=> 這位資賦優異的男孩在托兒所的時候就被發現他有高超的數學能力

devastate v. 破壞
devastating adj. 破壞性極強的/造成極大傷害的
=> shocking
eg: The hurricane had devastating effects on the coastal area. Many people lost their homes.
=> 這場颶風對沿海地區造成極具破壞性的影響,許多的人都失去了家園
eg: The teacher's harsh words had a devastating impact on the child life.
=> 這位老師嚴厲的話在這位孩子身上造成傷害性的影響

chase v. 追逐
chase down 找出
eg: The police chased down a suspect they saw at the scene of the crime.
=> 警方找到一名在犯罪現場看到的嫌犯
eg: The research team is determined to chase down the causes of the new disease.
=> 這個研究團隊立志要找出造成這個疾病的原因

residency n. 住院醫師的實習期
=> a period of time when a medical student is receiving training

fellowship n. 研究員職位/研究員薪金

immunology n. 免疫學
=> the study of the immune system

firsthand adj. 第一手的/直接的

misnomer n. 誤稱/人名誤載/寫錯姓名
=> a word that does not fit the meaning of the thing

//== Chat room ==//

Maybe that's not fair of me, but I just think that.
=> 我這麼做或許是不公平的,但我覺得林醫師就是比其他醫生好

It's not fair of me.
=> 我這麼做是不公平的
=> 也就是我對別人不公平
=> 如果推薦一本書給朋友,但是你自己根本沒有讀過
=> 你可以說It's not fair of me to recommend a book I haven't read.

It's not fair to me.
=> 對我不公平
=> 很多小朋友會對父母抱怨It's not fair.
=> 講完整一點就是It's not fair to me.


2010年12月28日 星期二

20101228 Putting Ability Back Into Disability (2)

Putting Ability Back Into Disability

Just five months after becoming infected, Kellie was ready to begin the fall semester back in her regular classroom. Since she was originally right-handed, she had to relearn how to write, eat and do other everyday task with her left hand. Over time, she gave up her wheelchair for prosthetic legs that give her life more independence and her step a slight bounce. While both parents encouraged Kellie, her mother, who had been blind since age 20, was uniquely able to instill in Kellie a never-give-up attitude.

While growing up, she had watched her mother overcome challenges to live as normal a life as possible. After receiving a university degree and her first medical school rejection, Kellie was accepted into the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) medical school - her favorite of six that did accept her. Unfortunately, during her first year at UCLA, her mother passed away. Just before Sandy Lim died, Kellie promise her mother that she would graduate from medical school. Living up to that promise in 2007, Kellie not only claim her diploma, but also received the John M, Adams Award - UCLA's highest honor in pediatrics.

in- 進入
instill v. 漸漸灌輸/逐漸培養
instill something in someone
=> put a feeling/idea/principal in one's mind/heart
eg: Doing house chores can help instill children's sense of responsibility.
=> 做家事可以幫助小孩培養責任感
eg: It's the parents' job to instill morals and values in the lives of their kids.
=> 在生活中灌輸孩子們道德感和價值觀是父母親的責任
eg: Tanya's basketball coach instilled strong self-confidence in her life.
=> Tanya的籃球教練在她的生命中灌輸她強烈的自信心

pass away 去死/死亡
= die
=> 較文言的用語
eg: Hank went back to his hometown yesterday because his grandfather passed away.
=> Hank因為爺爺過世,昨天回去家鄉了
eg: The old lady passed away in her sleep at age 90.
=> 這位老太太在睡夢中過世,享年九十歲

live up to something 實踐/說到做到/不辜負
=> fullfill
eg: The band's new album lived up to their fans' great expectations.
=> 這個樂團的新專輯沒有讓他們的粉絲失望
eg: Jack is a man of his word. He always lives up to his promises.
=> Jack是一個說到做到的人,他總是實踐他的承諾。

wheelchair n. 輪椅

prosthetic adj. 【醫】義肢的/假體的
=> artificial body part

pediatrics n. 小兒科
pediatrician n. 兒科醫師

//== Chat room ==//

every day adv. 每一天
eg: I get up at seven o'clock every day.

everyday adj. 日常的/平常的
eg: She had to relearn how to write, eat and do other everyday task with her left hand.
eg: everyday task 日常事務
eg: everyday life 日常生活
eg: everyday clothes 平常穿的衣服

2010年12月27日 星期一

20101227 Putting Ability Back Into Disability (1)

Putting Ability Back Into Disability

Dr. Kellie Lim's life is a lesson in overcoming disabilities

"We don't think you'll be able to do the things you need to do in medical school," a premier medical school admissions counselor told Kellie Lim. This was obviously upsetting seeing as Kellie had just scored in the 90th percentile on the MCAT – the notoriously difficult medical school entrance exam. This valedictorian of her Michigan high school class had received a biology degree from prestigious Northwestern University and hardly needed to prove her academic ability. What the counselor doubted were her physical abilities.

Society's word for Dr, Lim is "disabled," but her story suggests otherwise. She only faintly remembers being 8 years old and having bacterial meningitis, an often life-treating infection. To save her life, doctors amputated both legs below the knee, her righ arm at the elbow, and three fingertips on her left hand. During Kellie's 4-month hospital recovery, her monther, Sandy Lim, said to her,
"Wouldn't it be great to be a pediatrician? They're so nice and so smart, and they saved you!" Little di Kellie's mother know that she was planting a seed that would grow into a big dream.

dis- 否定
disability n. 殘障/障礙
=> a certain kind of inability
=> blind is a kind of disability
eg: The boy suffers from a learning disability.
=> 這個男孩有著學習上的障礙。
eg: The girl with multiple disabilities writes with a sound-activated computer.
=> 這個犯有多重障礙的女生用聲控電腦來書寫。
eg: Even though Cindy is deaf, she hasn't let her disability stop her from pursuing her dreams.
=> 即使Cindy是聽障,可是她從來沒有讓這個障礙阻止她追求夢想
eg: Children wtih learning disabilities need visual aids to help them absorb what they're learned.
=> 有學習障礙的孩童需要視覺的輔助來幫助他們吸收所學的內容

percentile n. 百分位數之一
the + _th percentile 表示在...百分位數
eg: Her test score put her in the 72nd percentile.
=> 她的考試成績讓她居於百分之七十二的百分位

percentage n. 百分比/百分率
eg: A large percentage of our employees commute to work.
=> 我們的員工中很高的百分比都通勤上班

amputate v. 截肢/切斷
=> cut off the body in order to save another part of body
eg: Because the patient suffere from a serious infection, the doctor was forced to amputate his left arm.
=> 由於這個病患有嚴重的感染,醫生被迫要切除他的左手臂

amputation n. 截肢/切斷
eg: After the amputation, he went through a long period of physical therapy.
=> 截肢之後,他經歷很長階段的復健valedictorian

valedictorian n. 【美】(畢業典禮時)致告別辭的學生代表
=> a person who has the highest academic rank in the class after a period of four years

faintly adv. 僅僅
=> barely

meningitis n. 腦膜炎
=> an infection in the spine

pediatrician n. 兒科醫師

//== Chat room ==//

politically correct 政治正確
=> 每過這幾年流行politically correct的辭彙,
=> 字義上這些詞彙和政治沒有關係
=> 而是指對社會中的不同族群或是團體必須加以尊重

the handicapped n. 殘障者(帶有殘廢的涵義)

the disabled n. 殘疾/殘障
=> 現在最被接受的用法為the disabled

the physically challenged 肢體受挑戰的
=> 較有禮貌的方式稱呼殘障者

mentally challenged n. 智障

technology challenged 對科技不擅長
-> had hard time understanding technology

//== Grammer on the go ==//

This was obviously upsetting seeing as Kellie had just scored in the 90th percentile on the MCAT – the notoriously difficult medical school entrance exam.
=> This was obviously upsetting since Kellie had scored in the 90th percentile on the MACT ...

seeing as
=> considering the fact

eg: Seeing as it's going to rain, why don't we postpone the hike and go watch a movie instead?
eg: I decided not to have the partym seeing as everything's busy.

seeing that
eg: Seeing that none of the students were prepared, the teacher gave them one more day to study for the test.

seeing how
eg: Seeing how our guests are all vegetariants, I don't think we should take them to the steak house for dinner.

2010年12月26日 星期日

20101225 The Music of Christmas (2)

The Music of Christmas

Silent Night
The beautiful carol Silent Night is the most-recorded and performed carol of all. It started as a poem written by a pastor back in 19th-century Austria. Then his friend set it to music. Now almost 200 years later, the song's lovely words still touch people's hearts.

Silent Night, Holy Night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon virgin mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace!

Joy to the World
In 1719, accomplished author and scholar Isaac Watts composed a poem based on Psalm 98 in the Bible. Nearly 100 years later. American choir director Lowell Mason set it to music giving us this joyful Christmas carol.

Joy to the World!
The Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King.
Let ev'ry heart prepare Him room
And heav'n and nature sing
And heav'n and nature sing
And heav'n and heav'n
and nature sing!

perform v. 表演/演出
eg: The orchestra performed in several European cities.
=> 這支交響樂團在歐洲的幾個城市演出
eg: The pop star will perform with his band on stage tonight.
=> 這位流行歌手今天晚上會和他的樂團上台表演

perform v. 執行/完成
eg: The surgery will be performed tomorrow morning.
=> 這個手術明天早上會執行

infant n. 小嬰兒。
eg: The products were specially designed for infants.
=> 這些產品是特別為嬰兒設計的
eg: The Johnsons brought their 3-month old infant to the picnic with them.
=> Johnson夫妻帶著他們三個月大的寶寶跟她們一起去野餐
eg: infant care 幼兒照顧
eg: an infant teacher 幼兒教師

accomplish v. 完成
accomplished adj. 優秀的/造詣精湛的
eg: Wesley is an accomplished violinist who has won several important competitions.
=> Wesley是一位造詣精湛的小提琴家曾經得過好幾樣重要的比賽
eg: Peter is accomplished in computer program design.
=> Peter在電腦程式設計上相當的傑出

//== Chat room ==//


The beautiful carol Silent Night is the most recorded and performed carol of all.
the most recorded carol of all 在所有聖誕歌曲中被錄製最多的
=> 被錄製最多的,這邊的record為動詞念法

set the record 創下紀錄
hold the record 保持紀錄
break the record 打破紀錄.

off the record 不公開的/不可引用的
for the record 要別人紀錄下來的,即一種聲明或是一種公開的表態

//== Grammer on the go ==//

The beautiful carol Silent Night is the most recorded and performed carol of all.
=> 在所有聖誕歌曲中被錄製最多的是Silent Night

most + verb in past participle form
eg: Princess Diana was the most photographed woman in the 20th century.
eg: Paris was the most visited city in the world in 2009.

2010年12月25日 星期六

20101224 The Music of Christmas (1)

The Music of Christmas

Christmas songs fill the heart with the magic of the season

Each year at Christmas, we hear many beautiful songs. Their melodies are so appealing that we hum them long after the song has ended. These traditional carols capture the beauty and wonder of the Christmas story.

Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Charles Wesley, who wrote over 6,000 songs during his lifetime, penned the words to this carol. Famous composer Felix Mendelssohn wrote the melody. The words and music were never meant to go together. But in the 19th century, an organist joined the music and words together to create this favorite carol. Here is the first verse:

Hark the herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!
Peace on Earth and mercy mild
God and sinners reconciled."
Joyful, all ye nations rise
Join the triumph of the skies
With the angelic host proclaim:
"Christ is born in Bethlehem"
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"

verse n. 文字的一段或一節, 一節歌詞,
eg: Henry quoted a few verses from Shakespeare in his love letter.
=> Henry在情書中引用了Shakespeare的幾行詩
eg: The entire audience sang along with the singer on the last verse of the song.
=> 所有觀眾跟著歌手一起唱祝這首歌的最後一段歌詞

re- 再一次
reconcile v. 重新使和好如初/使和解
reconciled with 和誰和解
=> 常用被動式.
eg: The couple was finally reconciled with each other after not speaking for a week.
=> 這對情侶彼此不說話一星期之後終於和好如初

reconcile v. 使調和
eg: It's not been easy to reconcile the two companies' pints of view.
=> 要調和這兩家公司的意見向來都不容易

triumph Un. 勝利/重大的成功
triumph over 勝過...
eg: The election results were an absolute triumph for the political party.
=> 這次選舉結果對這個政黨來說是完全的勝利
eg: Tina's triumph over her disabilities is a story that has touched many people.
=> Tina戰勝殘障的故事感動了許多人

//== Chat room ==//

=> 英文是可以活用的語言,需多名詞往往會演變成動詞

pen n. 筆
to pen something 用筆寫下來
=> use a pen to write something

I.D. card n. 身分證
to card someone 要求某人出示身分證,用意為確定某人是不是of legal age

of legal age 屬於法定年齡

Google 搜尋網站
to google something 上google網站查詢

2010年12月23日 星期四

20101223 Christmas at the Biltmore House (2)

Christmas at the Biltmore House

"A Vanderbilt Christmas Celebration"
Visitors today are equally awed by the beautiful estate - though it's smaller now at around 7,000 acres- and the palatial house with 34 bedrooms, 43 bathrooms and 65 fireplaces.

An even more spectacular treat, though, awaits those who visit during the annual "Christmas at Biltmore" event. Known as one of the largest Christmas displays in the Southeast, the event boasts nearly 100 decorated Christmas trees and more than 1,000 wreaths and bows. Thirty thousand lights illuminate the Biltmore House and another 150,000 lights light up the estate. During the holiday event, thousands of ornaments also decorate the Biltmore House and its grounds.

People visiting at night are greeted on the front lawn by a 55-foot spruce tree covered with 32,000 lights. Inside, Christmas music, candles and glowing fireplaces provide a festive setting for guests viewing the thousands of decorations spread throughout the house. More than 300,000 people are expected to attend this year's display entitled. "A Vanderbilt Christmas Celebration," which started in November and runs until January 2, 2011.

Thanks to the Vanderbilts' dedication to preserving the Biltmore estate, people today - like the original guests 115 years ago - can still experience the famed Vanderbilt hospitality.

awe v. 使敬畏/使驚嘆
eg: The tourists were awed by the spectacular view of the Grand Canyon.
=> 觀光客們被大峽谷壯觀的景色給震撼了
eg: I was awed by the singer's beautiful voice.
=> 歌手美麗的歌聲震撼了我

awe n. 害怕/敬畏
eg: I'm in awe of my grandfather, even though I'm an adult now.
=> 即使我現在已經是個成人了,我對祖父還是十分的敬畏

illuminate v. 照亮/用燈裝飾
eg: The neon lights illuminate the dark night of the city.
=> 這些霓虹燈照亮了城市黑暗的晚上
eg: The windows of the bookstore were illuminated with Christmas lights.
=> 書房的櫥窗用了聖誕燈來裝飾

illuminate v. 啓發
eg: His instruction really helped me by illuminating the complicated issue.
=> 他的教學讓我讓我明白了這個複雜的議題真的幫助了我

hospitality Un. 款待/好客
eg: Eileen always treats her guests with great hospitality and makes them feel very welcome in her home.
=> Eileen總是對客人待以最好的款待讓客人覺得賓至如歸
eg: I sent a bouquet of flowers to show my gratitude for the hostess' hospitality.
=> 我送了一束花來表達對女主人的熱情款待的感謝

palace n. 宮殿
palatial adj. 宮殿的/廣大的/宏壯的

wreaths and bows
wreath n. 花圈
bow n. 蝴蝶結

ornament n. 裝飾品

spruce tree 雲杉
=> a kind of pine tree

//== Chat room ==//

Thousands of ornaments decorate the Biltmore House and its grounds.
=> 上千個飾品裝飾著biltmore House以及它的庭院

grounds n. 建築物周邊的庭院
eg: These are private grounds.
=> 這裡是私人庭院

ground n. 地面

grounds n. 動機/理由
eg: He resigned on the grounds of ill health.
=> 他因病辭職

grounds n. 沉澱物
eg: coffee grounds 咖啡渣

//== More information ==//

Imagine you go to the Biltmore during the Christmas holiday season and take a tour of the estate. After experiencing so much Biltmore Christmas magic, you realize that you are inspired to decorate your own home in a similar style. But, where do you begin? You start by joining a free Biltmore holiday decorating seminar where Biltmore staff offer Christmas decorating tips and fresh ideas for your own home.

20101222 Christmas at the Biltmore House (1)

Christmas at the Biltmore House

America's largest home sparkles with magic at Christmastime

On Christmas Eve in 1895, George Washington Vanderbilt of New York City unveiled his mountaintop masterpiece. This beautiful house had taken 1,000 men six years to construct. But what had inspired Vanderbilt to choose this remote location in the mountains neart Asheville, N.C., for his summer home and "little mountain escape"?

Where it began
In the 1800s, Vanderbilt's grandfather Cornelius amassed a fortune in the shipping and railroad business. By the turn of the century, the Vanderbilts were some of the world's richest people and faced some of the same privacy issues as today's celebrities.

This prompted George Vanderbilt to begin searching for a getaway - a place where he and his family could escape the ever-watchful press. While traveling in eastern North Carolina, Vanderbilt was captivated by the region's scenery. He chose a mountain ous location there that would provide privacy and allow him to pursue hisinterests in art and horticulture.

A castle fit for a king
If Vanderbilt's Christmas Eve guests had expected a modest second home, they must have been amazed as they crossed his 120,000-acre estate. The carriages then delivered them to the 250-room French chateau equipped with a swimming pool, bowling alley and much more!

un- 否定
veil n. 面紗
unveil v. 首次展露或公開
=> 去掉面紗,即首次展露或公開
eg: The remote tribe's wedding ceremony traditions were unveiled for the first time in National Geographic.
=> 這個偏遠部落的傳統在世界地理雜誌中第一次展現給世人
eg: The new hybrid car will be unveiled today at the car show.
=> 這種新型使用兩種燃料的車展中首次公開

turn of the century 世紀之交
the time is end of one century and start another new century.
=> Year 1999 cross the year 2000 is turn of the century.
=> 指一個世紀的結束與另一個世紀的開始的時代。
eg: The king's death at the turn of the century bagan a new era in the kingdom.
=> 在世紀之交時,國王的去世開始了這個王國的新世代
eg: The empire collapsed at the turn of the century.
=> 這個帝國在世紀之交時瓦解了

getaway n. 休閒度假的去處
eg: Larry sees his cabin in the mountain as his favorite getaway.
=> Larry認為他山上度假小木屋是他最喜歡的忙裡偷閒的地方
eg: The resort was listed as one of the favorite gataways for the rich and famous.
=> 這家度假中心被列為富豪名人最愛的度假勝地之一

getaway n. 短的假期
eg: Alex and his wife had a weekend getaway by the lake.

//== Chat room ==//

privacy n. 隱私
paparazzi n. 狗仔隊(複數)
=> 集合名詞
=> 一般稱狗仔隊都是說paparazzi,不分多寡

paparazzo n. 一個狗仔

2010年12月21日 星期二

20101221 Employee Wellness (2)

Employee Wellness

I participated in "walk During Lunch Day" and was astonished to see that hundreds of people showed up at the event. It turned out to be not only an exercise event but also a social event where I encountered many others from different departments. We walked and chatted and had a lot of fun during that lunch hour.

Although I didn't win a prize in the drawing, I was glad I had made the effort to participate. Now I know where to go for a walk around campus during lunch hour and I'm in the habit of doing it.

Joan and her coworker Sara discuss their office's wellness events.

Joan: I wish they'd organize a "Walk During Lunch Day" more often.

Sara: Why? You can walk on your own at lunchtime.

Joan: I do walk on and off, but I need something to motivate me.

Sara: And someone to accompany you?

Joan: Right, Exercise is more fun with friends.

Sara: So find a friend to walk with. There must be someone in your department. Or organize a lunchtime walking group.

Joan: That's a good idea. I'll send an e-mail around this afternoon.

astonish v. 使大為吃驚/使驚訝
eg: It astonished me that many students don't read much outside of the classroom anymore.
=> 我感到很驚訝現在很多學生課堂之外不在讀什麼課外讀物了
eg: I was astonished that Cathy refused my help to babysit for her.
=> Cathy拒絕我幫她帶小孩讓我感到很錯愕

draw n. 抽獎
drawing n. 抽獎活動
draw v.抽獎/畫畫
eg: At the end of the party, there was a big drawing for a free trip to Hawaii.
=> 派對結束後,有免費去夏威夷旅行的大抽獎
eg: The winners of the drawing need to fill out a form before collecting their prizes.
=> 抽獎的得主必須在領取獎品前填寫一份表格

on and off adv. 斷斷續續/不時地
eg: Pam works out on and off so she never loses much weight.
=> Pam斷斷續續地健身,所以她從來都沒有減掉多少體重
eg: Bobby and Kate wrote email to each other on and off after graduation.
=> Bobby和Kate畢業之後斷斷續續地通電子郵件

//== Chat room ==//

walk v. 走路

take a walk 散步
take a walk
=> 如用命令口氣對一個人說take a walk,就是很不客氣的一句話即"出去滾開"

walk on eggshells 要非常的小心/謹慎
=> 走在蛋殼上,要非常的小心,謹慎

walk one's feet off 走了很多的路
=> 把腳走斷了,意即走了很多的路

2010年12月20日 星期一

20101220 Employee Wellness (1)

Employee Wellness
Keeping employees healthy is a priority for my company

People are the most important asset of my company, so we are well taken care of. Many wellness events held throughout the year help employees maintain a healthy lifestyle because prevention is the best medicine. On campus, many services are available for a reasonable price. These include heart screening, flu shot clinic, on-site dietitian, weight management center, and a massage and fitness center. These on-site services make it convenient for employees to attend to these things instead of postponing or ignoring them.

I personally like the one-site flu shot clinic as it saves me a trip to the hospital. I always prompt my coworkers to get their flu shots on time. I don't want them to get sick because I spend a lot of hours working with them every day.

Other interesting yearly events such as "Bike to Work Day" and "Walk During Lunch Day" invite employees to get a taste of a healthier lifestyle. These events also include prizes as an incentive to encourage everyone to get out of their chairs and participate.

pre- 提前
prevention n. 預防
eg: The research is aimed at cancer prevention.
=> 這個研究的目標在於癌症的防治
eg: The government spent a lot of its budget on a new crime prevention program, unfortunately, the program didn't have the effect they desired.
=> 政府花了須多預算在犯罪防治計畫,但不幸的並沒有達到預期的效果

site n. 地點
on-site adj. 現場的/駐廠的/駐校的
eg: Our school has an on-site nurse in our health center.
=> 我們學校健康中心有一位住校的護士
eg: The army set up an on-site medical treatment center right outside the collapsed buildings.
=> 軍隊在塌陷的建築物外面設置了現場的醫療中心

incentive n. 鼓勵/激勵
eg: Little kids love incentives like stickers or stamps.
=> 小小孩喜歡貼紙或印章等等的獎勵品
eg: Tim's boss promised him a big bonus as an incentive to win the case.
=> 老闆承諾要給Tim很多的紅利當作這場官司的獎勵
eg: The supervisor offered cash incentives to encourage their staff to work overtime.
=> 上司提供現金的獎勵鼓勵員工們加班

//== Chat room ==//

get a taste of a healthier lifestyle
=> 這裡的taste意思為滋味/經驗

get a taste 嘗試
=> try it out
get a taste of something-嘗試去做某件事。

taste 品味/鑑賞力
=> refer to someone's judgement
eg: a man of taste 很有品味的人

leave a bad taste in your mouth 留下不好的回憶
=> 留下不好的回憶,如同吃了苦的藥,感覺不好受

//== Grammar on the go ==//

I personally like the on-site flu shot clinic as it saves me a trip to the hospital.

to save someone a trip
=> to keep from having to make a trip

eg: If you help me turn in this report, it would save me a trip to the teacher's office.
eg: I could have asked you to get something for me from the supermarket and save myself a trip.

2010年12月19日 星期日

20101218 A Trip to the Dentist (2)

SC: Is there such a thing as brushing your teeth too much?

JC: The outer surface of a tooth is enamel. It is the hardest part of the human body, but the thickness of the enamel does not increase throughout your life. Rather, it decreases because it wears out.

SC: Why is flossing so important?

JC: Brushing can only remove the plaque from the smooth surfaces of your teeth. A lot of food actually gets trapped between teeth. Flossing is the most effective way to clean that food out. If you brush your teeth too hard day after day, you will wear down the enamel. Then your teeth will become more sensitive and might even develop cavities.

SC: How do you know when it's time to visit the dentist?

JC: In addition to your routine checkups, you should also go to the dentist if you have any problems with your teeth. If you feel any discomfort- a toothache or heat sensitivity- go to the dentist Even if you don't have pain, but just discoloration, bleeding gums or swelling, you should still go to the dentist. Dentists can cure dental diseases and make peple healthier.

2010年12月17日 星期五

20101217 A Trip to the Dentist (1)

A Trip to the Dentist

Don't forget to brush

SC: Why are people so terrified of dentists?

JC: Patients can't see what a dentist is doing in their mouths. All they can see are scary-looking instruments. And then there is the drill and the terrible, high-pitched noise it makes. There's also the inevitable pain caused by having a nele stuck in your mouth. Scaries of all are the stories of bad experiences your friends have told you. Put all of those things together and people can't help but be scared of dentists!

SC: What should I look for when choosing a good dentist?

JC: You should try to find a kind and patient dentist who will listen to you. You can also try dentists that are recommended by your friends.

SC: What's the best way to prevent dental problems?

JC: The best way to prevent dental problems is to take good care of your own teeth. Brush your teeth after eating, and more importantly, use dental floss after every meal. It's also important to go to the dentist for a routine checkup every three to six months.

pitch n. 音調
high-pitch adj. 聲音尖銳/音調很高的
eg: The high-pitched voice is easily recognized even in a noisy crowd.
=> 那高亢的音調聲即使在吵雜的人群中還是很容易被辨識出來
eg: The high-pitched screeching tires of the passing car woke us up last night.
=> 昨天晚上經過的車子的輪胎尖銳聲音把我們吵醒了

dent- 牙齒
dental adj. 牙齒的/牙科的
dental problems 牙齒問題
dental floss 牙線
eg: Dental insurance isn't provided by our company.
=> 我們公司並沒有提供牙齒保險
eg: Karl's dental treatment cost us over $700.
=> Karl的牙齒治療要花費我們超過七百元美金
eg: I have a dental appointment on Thursday.
=> 我禮拜四有牙醫的預約

checkup n. 檢查
=> the time when you visit the doctor to see if there is any problem
medical checkup
dental checkup
health checkup
eg: Larry suffers from diabetes, so he has regular checkups with his doctor.
=> Larry患有糖尿病,所以他去醫生那裏做定期的檢查
eg: Every company employee is require to have a physical checkup every year.
=> 每一位公司的員工都被要求要做一年一次的身體檢查

//== Chat room ==//

teeth n. 牙齒
teethe v. 長牙齒

中文說長牙齒,英文不能說growing teeth
除了可以說teething,也可以說The baby's teeth are comingin。

人老了牙齒掉光了就需要依賴dentures也就是false teeth,

= false teeth

//== Grammer on the go ==//

Scaries of all are the stories of bad experiences your friends have told you.
=> The story of bad experiences your friends have told you are the scaries of all.

這樣的倒裝句型用來強調之用,用Scaries of alll開頭,可以讓讀者感到好奇,進而想繼續往下看。
心裡會冒出這樣的疑惑:What is so scary?
接下來的句子就將原因帶出:The stories of bad experiences your friends have told you.

The most of something可以應用在以下的句型Adjective + be + subject

Everyone at the party wore a silly costume and Regina's outfit was the most ridiculous one.
=> Everyone at the party wore a silly costume, most ridiculous of all was Regina's outfit.

Paul sampled many kinds of dishes on his trip: deep-fried insects were the strangest things he ate.
=> Paul sampled many kinds of dishes on his trip: strangest of all were deep-fried insects.

2010年12月16日 星期四

20101216 The Magic of Movies (3)

The Magic of Movies

You'll also find heart-stopping action in theaters this winter. The action thriller Unstoppable stars two-time Oscar winner Danzel Washington. Washington plays an experienced locomotive engineer, who, with the help of a young conductor, must stop a long, unmanned train. The train, nicknamed "The Beast," is loaded with flammable liquids and poison gas and is hurtling toward a highly populated area. Audiences will be amused at the romantic comedy Morning Glory. In it, a hard-working TV producer has trouble with her career and love life.

She decides to revive her last-place morning news show, so she pairs a legendary TV anchorman with a former celebrity gossip specialist. Harrison Ford and Diane Keaton play the anchorman and gossip specialist respectively. The resulting clash of personalities plays out both on and off the air. Reese Witherspoon stars in How Do You Know, a comedy drama about professional athletes and their love lives. Witherspoon plays a professional softball player who has both a corporate executive and major-league pitcher vying for her affections. Take time to see a movie this winter, and don't forget the popcorn!

hurtle vi. 猛衝/奔馳
=> go very quickly, probably out of control
=> hurtle為不及物動詞,後面要加介系詞才能接受詞
eg: The frightened horse hurtled toward the fence and almost got away.
=> 這隻受到驚嚇的馬向籬笆猛衝幾乎要逃走了
eg: The kids hurtled down the stairs to answer the door when they heard the bell ring.
=> 小朋友聽到門鈴響的時候衝下樓要去開門

anchorman 男主播
anchor 不分男女主播
=> 現在比較多使用的字為anchor,是用於男女主播
eg: The anchorman tried to stay calm as he broadcasted live from the scene of the explosion.
=> 這位男主播在爆炸現場直播的時候,試著保持冷靜
eg: The TV station hired young anchors to replace the old ones.
=> 電視台聘用了年輕的主播替換舊的主播

vie v. 爭奪/激烈競爭
=> compete for something
vie for something
=> vied (過去式), vying (現在進行式)
eg: The two brothers vie for their mother's attention every day.
=> 這兩位兄弟每天都在爭奪媽媽的注意力
eg: Many companies are vying for the top spot in the market.
=> 許多公司為了爭奪市場領先地位而競爭激烈

locomotive n. 火車頭
=> a word for train

flammable adj. 易燃的/可燃的/速燃的
=> able to easily burn

legendary adj. 著名的

//== Chat room ==//

You'll also find heart-stopping action in theaters this winter.

heart-stopping 驚心動魄的
=> 使心臟停止的,即驚心動魄

=> 由於觀衆的熱烈掌聲而使得表演中斷的某個動作或表演

conversation stopper
=> 是對話停止,即無法使對方對話延續的答覆.
=> 如果你和一個人講話,他的答覆都讓你無法接下去
=> 他的答覆就是conversation stopper

//== Grammer on th go ==//

Harrison Ford and Diane Keaton play the anchorman and gossip specialist respectively.
=> Harrison Ford plays the anchorman, and Diane Keaton plays the gossip specialist.

respectively adv. 分別地
=> in the order that was just mentioned.

eg: In our class play, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Samantha will play Goldilocks, Robert will play papa Bear, Mandy will play Mama Bear, and Terry will play Baby Bear.
=> In our class, Goldilocks and the Three Bears Samantha, Robert, Mandy and Terry will play Goldilocks, Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear respectively.

Sandra plays the saxophone, Violet plays the violin, and Charlie plays the cello.
=> Sandra, Violet, and Charlie play the saxophone, violin and cello respectively.

20101215 The Magic of Movies (2)

The Magic of Movies

Fantasy-adventure fans won't want to miss The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. In it, Lucy and Edmund and their cousin Eustace are swallowed up by a painting in Lucy's room. Rescued by the ship the Dawn Treader. the group undertakes a quest to find the seven lost lords of Narnia. In Gulliver's Travels, Jack Black plays Lemuel Gulliver, a struggling writer. Gulliver hopes to impress a travel editor by taking a boat to the Bermuda Triangle. He survives a brutal storm and finds himself on an island populated by 6-inch-tall people.

Tron: Legacy, the sequel to the 1982 film about video game programmer Kevin Flynn,
tells the story of Kevin's son, Sam. While investigating his father's disappearance, Same is thrust into the digital world of Tron. He reunites with his father, and they try to escape from the cyberuniverse that Kevin created 25 years earlier. Those who enjoy historical dramas must see The King's Speech, which is inspired by from the true story of England's King George VI. A speech therapist helps the stuttering king prepare to deliver the most important speech of his life.

quest v. 探索/尋求/追求
quest for something 尋求某物
=> search for something
eg: The movie is about a quest to find a lost treasure under the sea.
=> 這部電影是有關一個尋找海底失落寶藏的故事

quest to something 追索要做的事情用
eg: The reporter's quest to find the truth was hindered by some politicians.
=> 一些政客阻擋了這個記者對真相的探索

legacy n. 遺產/先人遺留給後人的東西。
eg: William's grandfather left him a large legacy.
=> William留了一大筆遺產給他
eg: Romans enjoy the cultural legacy left by their ancestors.
=> 羅馬人享有祖先留下來的文化遺產。
eg: The war left a legacy of hatred and pain.
=> 戰爭留給後人的是仇恨與痛苦

stuttering v. 口吃/結結巴巴地說話/結巴。
eg: Victor couldn't stop stuttering as he delivered his speech.
=> Victor在演講的時候無法停止口吃
eg: Shannon suddenly began stuttering when the boy she liked walked in the room.
=> 當Shannon看到她心儀的男生進入房間後,突然就結巴了起來

Bermuda Triangle 百慕達三角洲

//== Chat room ==//

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

swallow 吞噬
are swallowed up by a painting
=> 被一幅畫吞噬了

swallow one's pride 放下身段
=> 把驕傲吞下去。意即放下身段

hard to swallow 難以認同/難以接受
=> 難以下嚥

a bitter pill to swallow 下能不做的苦差事,不能不吞下去的屈辱
=> 吞下苦藥丸,即是吞下能不做的苦差事,不能不吞下去的屈辱
=> have a hard time accepting something

2010年12月14日 星期二

20101214 The Magic of Movies (1)

The Magic of Movies

What's showing this winter at a theater near you?

When you go to the movies, what do you watch? Exhilarating action films? Romantic comedies? Animated adventures? Whatever you enjoy, you'll find it on the silver screen this holiday season. Three animated films promise adventure and excitement in 3-D. In Megamind, a supervillain named Megamind discovers that his life is boring without an adversary, so he creates Titan, the perfect superhero. Unfortunately, Titan decides to destroy the world and Megamind has to save it. Disney's Tangled is an adaptation of the Rapunzel fairytale about a princess who has spent her entire life in a tower.

After falling in love with a clever young man, she must venture out into the world to find him. Yogi Bear follows the adventures of two bears, Yogi and Boo Boo, who live in Jellystone Park. When the greedy mayor wants to close the park, Yogi and Boo Boo spring into action to save their home.

Romance fans will enjoy Due Date.
Robert Downey Jr. plays a father-to-be trying to reach home for the birth of his first child. He hitches a ride with an aspiring actor and on the cross-country trip encounters one disaster after another.

exhilarate v. 使振奮/使高興
exhilarating adj. 令人興奮的/刺激的
eg: The amusement park's exhilarating roller coaster ride attracts many young visitors.
=> 這家遊樂場刺激的雲霄飛車吸引許多的年輕遊客
eg: The video footage captured the exhilarating atmosphere of the car race.
=> 這段影片捕捉了賽車比賽令人興奮的氣氛

adversary n. 對手/敵人
=> opponent/enemy
eg: Our football team will compete against our long-time adversary tonight.
=> 我們的足球隊今晚要和我們長期以來的死對頭決一勝負
eg: The one-time best friends are now adversaries in the business world.
=> 這對以前最好的朋友,現在成為生意場上的敵手。

hitch v. 搭便車
=> get arrived from someone
eg: Our car broke down so we decided to hitch a ride back home.
=> 我們的車子壞了,所以決定要搭便車回家。
eg: Howard hitched a lift to Vegas from a passing RV.
=> Howard搭了一部經過的休旅車便車到了拉斯維加斯

=> Titan is a word to refer someone who is big/strong/incredible important

venture out 出外探險
=> do something or go somewhere that it might actually be dangerous

father-to-be 準爸爸

//== Chat room ==//

mega adj. (口語)很大的
=> large in size

mega bucks 數目很大的金錢

megastar 巨星
=> superstar

megadose 很大劑量的藥

=> 人口超過一千萬的大城市,像Tokyo, Los Angeles or New York City都可以稱作megacity




2010年12月13日 星期一

20101213 Brain Foods (1)

Brain Foods

Some foods are better for your brain than others

No matter what you do today, your brain will need fuel to function. And some fuels are better than others. Here are some foods that are especially good for your brain:

Scientists think these "brain berries" may actually strengthen connections between cells in the brain. Plus, their antioxidants help protect brain cells from damage caused by old age and stress.

Wild salmon
This favorite fish offers many benefits for the brain. It contains vitamins and healthy fats that improve one’s mood and protect against memory problems.

Matcha tea
The Japanese have uses this tea for centuries to both focus and calm the mind. The tea’s specially ground leaves are loaded with nutrients that benefit the brain and body.

In general, nuts are high in vitamin E, which makes them excellent brain food. Walnuts, however, have healthy fats and antioxidants that make them especially beneficial for our brains. No food can magically change the brain. However, regularly eating foods like these will help keep your brain healthy.

fuel n. 燃料
eg: This eco-friendly car consumes 50% less fuel than regular cars.
=> 這種環保車比一般車輛消耗少50%的燃料
eg: The driver pulled over to make sure his fuel tank wasn't leaking.
=> 駕駛把車輛靠邊停車以確認油箱沒有漏油
eg: Many developed countries are trying to reduce their fuel consumption.
=> 許多發達國家都在嘗試減低他們得耗油量

strengthen v. 加強/強化
eg: Spending quality time together can strengthen the relationship between parents and children.
=> 有品質的共處時光讓親子關係更加親密
eg: The bridge's structure needed to be strengthened after the flood.
=> 洪水過後這座橋的結構須要加強

beneficial adj. 有益的/有幫助的
eg: Josh has been under a lot of stress lately; taking a vacation would be very beneficial to him.
=> Josh最近的壓力很大,度假對他來說會有很大的幫助。
eg: Moderate sun exposure is beneficial to newborns.
=> 適度地曬太陽對新生兒有幫助

//== Chat room ==//

Walnuts, however, have healthy fats...
=> healthy fats 健康的脂肪
=> 脂肪照理說是不好的東西,難道會有好的脂肪嗎?
=> healthy fats聽起來很矛盾
=> 其實這一類片語在英文叫做xymoron
=> xymoron是把互相矛盾的字並列以獲得特殊的效果的一種修辭法

xymoron 矛盾修飾法

pretty ugly
=> really ugly

awfully good
=> really good

dead serious
=> really serious

//== More Information ==//

A few English idioms based around the word "brain" include, "To pick someone's brain (or brains)", which means to find out what someone else is thinking by questioning them. Peter picked the rich businessman’s brain for ideas on how to start a business. Next, "To rack (one's) brain" means to think long and hard. I racked my brain for two days trying to figure out how I offended my girlgriend.

2010年12月12日 星期日



20101211 Should You Diet or Not (2)

Conversation B

Nate: No. Dieting usually means that people sacrifices certain foods but only for a short time. After the diet ends, almost everybody goes back to their old ways of eating.

Carla: OK. But if a diet works, why not get back on it whenever you need to drop a few pounds?

Nate: Well, what’s the point in working so hard to lose weight, only to gain it all back again? Besides, it’s not good for your body to keep yo-yo dieting.

Carla: But sometimes you want to lose weight really quickly, and some of the new diets can help you accomplish that.

Nate: It’s not worth it, though, because many of the fad diets are just unhealthy. For instance, extremely low-calorie diets can cause you to lose muscle tissue, and others can increase your risk of heart disease.

Carla: So what should you do to sustain weight loss?

Nate: Instead of just trying to reach a certain number on the scales, you need to develop some healthy habits.

Carla: Like what?

Nate: I know you’ve heard it before, but healthy foods and regular exercise really are the keys to keeping weight off.

Carla: OK. You’ve convinced me. From now on, I’ll focus on getting trim the healthy way!

sacrifice v. 捨棄/犧牲
eg: Mandy and her husband sacrificed a lot to support their kid’s education.
=> Mandy和她的老公為了支持孩子們的教育犧牲很多
eg: Many people sacrificed their time to volunteer for the charity campaign.
=> 許多人犧牲自己的時間志願參加這個公益活動

sacrifice n. 捨棄/犧牲
eg: Sometimes we forget how much of a sacrifice our parents make for us.
=> 很多時候我們會忘記父母親為我們犧牲了多少

yo-yo diet 一下子節食,一下子放縱大吃的溜溜球節食法
eg: The government’s yo-yo tax polices were strongly criticized by the people.
=> 人們嚴厲地批評政府搖擺不定的稅法

sustain v. 維持/保持
eg: To sustain the present rate of sales growth, we need to find new ways to merchandise our products.
=> 如果要保持目前業績成長的速度,我們必須找到新的產品銷售方式。
eg: The coach required harder training of our team in order to sustain our momentum.
=> 教練要求我們球隊作更困難的訓練來保持我們的動力