2010年12月16日 星期四

20101215 The Magic of Movies (2)

The Magic of Movies

Fantasy-adventure fans won't want to miss The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. In it, Lucy and Edmund and their cousin Eustace are swallowed up by a painting in Lucy's room. Rescued by the ship the Dawn Treader. the group undertakes a quest to find the seven lost lords of Narnia. In Gulliver's Travels, Jack Black plays Lemuel Gulliver, a struggling writer. Gulliver hopes to impress a travel editor by taking a boat to the Bermuda Triangle. He survives a brutal storm and finds himself on an island populated by 6-inch-tall people.

Tron: Legacy, the sequel to the 1982 film about video game programmer Kevin Flynn,
tells the story of Kevin's son, Sam. While investigating his father's disappearance, Same is thrust into the digital world of Tron. He reunites with his father, and they try to escape from the cyberuniverse that Kevin created 25 years earlier. Those who enjoy historical dramas must see The King's Speech, which is inspired by from the true story of England's King George VI. A speech therapist helps the stuttering king prepare to deliver the most important speech of his life.

quest v. 探索/尋求/追求
quest for something 尋求某物
=> search for something
eg: The movie is about a quest to find a lost treasure under the sea.
=> 這部電影是有關一個尋找海底失落寶藏的故事

quest to something 追索要做的事情用
eg: The reporter's quest to find the truth was hindered by some politicians.
=> 一些政客阻擋了這個記者對真相的探索

legacy n. 遺產/先人遺留給後人的東西。
eg: William's grandfather left him a large legacy.
=> William留了一大筆遺產給他
eg: Romans enjoy the cultural legacy left by their ancestors.
=> 羅馬人享有祖先留下來的文化遺產。
eg: The war left a legacy of hatred and pain.
=> 戰爭留給後人的是仇恨與痛苦

stuttering v. 口吃/結結巴巴地說話/結巴。
eg: Victor couldn't stop stuttering as he delivered his speech.
=> Victor在演講的時候無法停止口吃
eg: Shannon suddenly began stuttering when the boy she liked walked in the room.
=> 當Shannon看到她心儀的男生進入房間後,突然就結巴了起來

Bermuda Triangle 百慕達三角洲

//== Chat room ==//

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

swallow 吞噬
are swallowed up by a painting
=> 被一幅畫吞噬了

swallow one's pride 放下身段
=> 把驕傲吞下去。意即放下身段

hard to swallow 難以認同/難以接受
=> 難以下嚥

a bitter pill to swallow 下能不做的苦差事,不能不吞下去的屈辱
=> 吞下苦藥丸,即是吞下能不做的苦差事,不能不吞下去的屈辱
=> have a hard time accepting something

