2010年12月2日 星期四

20101202 Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Lives (2)

Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two Lives

By 1832, 20-year-old Dickens was employed as a newspaper reporter. As his writing skills developed, he began composing stories of his own. He even adopted a pseudonym and started writing under the name Boz. After he had some success with his early writing, Dickens pursued a career as a novelist. Around the same time, he also married Catherine Hogarth, his editor's daughter. Many of Dickens' most well-known novels first appeared as monthly installments in magazines.

Oliver Twist was one such story, running from 1837 to 1839. As many of Dickens' writings did, Oliver Twist exposed the evils of society. Years later, David Copperfield (1849-1850) and Great Expectations (1860-1861) also ran as magazine series. Both of these famous works are said to be largely autobiographical. Dickens' bad childhood memories of working in a factory come to life in these stories. Dickens' life had its share of difficult times. But in the end, those experiences brought him great success as an author.

installment n. 分期/連載的部分
=> parts of whole
eg: I can't wait to read the next installment of the author's sci-fi novel series.
=> 我等不及要讀這位作者科幻小說系列的下一期的連載

installment n. 分期付款
in installments 以分期付款的方式
eg: Eric bought his stereo system in installments.
=> Eric是用分期付款的方式買這套音響的

expose v. 暴露/揭發
=> show it to people
eg: The bribery scandal surrounding the police officer was exposed by a reporter.
=> 有關這個警察收受賄賂的醜聞是一個記者所揭發的
eg: The newspaper exposed the widespread exploitation(剝削) of sweatshops(血汗工廠).
=> 這家報紙揭露這些血汗工廠中普遍存在的剝削情況

auto- 自己
-bio 生活
autobiography n. 自傳
autobiographical adj. 自傳式的
eg: The autobiographical movie based on the pop star's life was last summer's biggest blockbuster(風靡一時的電影巨片).
=> 這部根據這位流行歌手生平的自傳式電影是去年暑假最轟動的電影
eg: Linda is writing an autobiographical novel about her childhood.
=> Linda正在寫有關她童年的自傳式小說

installment n. 分期付款
in installments 以分期付款的方式

Will that be cash or charge?
=> 你要付現還是用信用卡?
=> 如果你要使用信用卡付費,則說charge
=> 如果你要使用現金付費,則說cash

compose v. 作詩/作曲/構圖
=> put something that has many parts together

=> not real, fake

=> a name

pseudonym n. 假名/筆名/雅號
=> false name

novel n. 小說
novelist n. 小說家

//== Chat room ==//

bad childhood memories

childhood 童年時代
=> hood 表示一種狀態、階級、某一個團體或圈子
eg: adulthood 成年時期
eg: fatherhood 父親的身份
eg: motherhood 母親的身份

=> hood 也可以表示某一個團體或圈子
eg: sisterhood 姊妹關係/婦女團體
eg: brotherhood 兄弟關係/志同道合的一群人

//== Grammer on the go ==//

Dickens' life had its share of difficult times.
=> Dickens' life is full of difficulties.

to have one's share of
=> to have a large amount

eg: Justin has had his share of good luck this month.
eg: Ellen has had her share of headaches recently.

