2010年12月6日 星期一

20101206 Top 10 Ways To Stick To Your Workout (1)

Top 10 Ways To Stick To Your Workout

Keep exercising – you'll be glad you did

1. Show up and book it
Plan your workout in advance. Lack of planning continues to be the biggest reason people fail to work out. Ninety percent of people finish their workout if they just show up.

2. Make a date with a friend
Making a commitment to someone helps you actually keep it. Be sure to find someone on your same fitness level so you both will work toward similar goals.

3. Invest in a trainer
If you don't know what you’re doing when you get to the gym, it pays to hire someone who does. A personal trainer will correct your form to make sure you produce results and avoid injuries.

4. Find a happy place but watch the rut
The “perfect” exercise is the one you’re happiest doing, so make sure you find yourself wanting to work out. With that being said, don’t let your routine become as familiar as “Friends” reruns. Vary your routine day to day and completely change it every three weeks.

5. Cut a soundtrack
Leave the slow songs for the sappy. High-tempo music is a better distracter.

workout n. 訓練/練習/健身
eg: Regular workouts can help reduce weight.
=> 規律的健身可以幫助減輕體重

work out v. 健身
eg: Paul works out twice a week at the gym.
=> Paul一星期在健身中心健身兩次

fitness n. 身體的健康/好的體能
eg: I’m trying to improve my fitness by running every morning before work.
=> 我試著透過上班前跑步來改善我的健康
eg: The exercise program is designed according to your fitness level.
=> 這個運動的訓練課程是根據體能程度來設計的

rut n. 定規/慣例/老生常談
be stuck in a rut 困在一種刻板的模式裡
eg: George felt that he was stuck in a rut for too long, so he decided to change his job.
=> George覺得自己困在刻板的生活中太久了,所以他決定要換工作。

get out of a rut 脫離慣例
eg: It’s time for us to get out of this rut and find more effective ways to run our business.
=> 應該是我們脫離老套、用更有效率的方法來經營我們的事業的時候了。

//== Chat room ==//

sappy 過度的感傷/多愁善感的
=> excessively sentimental
eg: sappy love songs 感傷的情歌

soap operas 肥皂劇的劇情

許多的soap operas也是相當的sappy為的是要賺人熱淚

eg: Leave the slow songs for the sappy.
=> 將幔調子的音樂留給多愁善感的人聽吧
=> 這裡sappy是名詞,指多愁善感的人

