2010年8月30日 星期一

20100830 The Real World of Real Estate (1)

The Real World of Real Estate

Understanding the cost and value of home

SC: Why are houses such an important part of the economy?
MZ: Houses play an important role in the economy because average consumers store most of their net worth in real estate. They are also important because people don't just invest in houses; they also live in them.

SC: What pushes housing prices higher?
MZ: House prices are typically driven by a number of factors including inventory levels, interest rates, employment rates and income levels. Sometimes, governments initiate programs to keep home prices at a certain level.

SC: What is a housing inventory? What affects it?
MZ: The term housing inventory refers to the number of houses that are being sold on the open market. Housing inventory typically includes newly built homes, older properties being sold by their owners and properties that lenders obtain through foreclosure. When there is a high demand for houses, inventory is low because people are buying houses as soon as they are put up for sale. When demand is low, inventory is high because houses aren't selling and are staying on the market longer.

inventory n. 存貨/存貨清單
inventory level 庫存水平
eg: The car dealership has a large inventory of used cars.
=> 這家汽車經銷商擁有數量龐大的二手車。
eg: Our boss told us to take a comprehensive inventory of our goods.
eg: The company had a sale and sold most of their inventory.
=> 這家公司舉行大拍賣,把大部分的存貨都賣掉了。

open market 公開市場/自由市場
on the open market 在公開市場
eg: We intended to sell our house to our friends or family, but now we've had to put it on the open market.
=> 我們原本想把房子賣給朋友或家人,但是現在我們必須公開出售了。

foreclosure n. 法拍
=> a bank or a lender take that properties back
eg: Wesley hasn't paid his loan for months, and is now facing foreclosure.
=> Wesley已經幾個月沒繳房貸,現在面臨法拍的命運。
eg: The foreclosure procedure will take 2 months.
=> 法拍的程序是要發上2個月。

hedge fund 對沖基金
net worth 淨值

//== Chat room ==//

hunt 打獵/尋找/物色

=> bedroom

=> bathroom

bathroom分成full bath和half bath
full bath 整套的衛浴設備
half bath 半套的衛浴設備(只有馬桶和面盆,沒有洗澡或是淋浴的地方)
= powder room
= guest bathroom 客人專用的浴室

2010年8月28日 星期六

20100827 Speak Through Words and Pictures (2)

Speak Through Words and Pictures

Deliver an experience
Slides with pictures, illustrations and some words can powerfully communicate your story. But be careful the slides don't harm your presentation. Scientists who study how people learn say people receive information in two ways: words and pictures. As you speak, the audience listens to your words and looks at your pictures. But, if your slides have too much text, people will read the text and stop listening. Keep the slides simple. Scientists also say people can only process a limited amount of information at one time.

Use only words or pictures that relate to your speech. Don't bother with fancy clip art or several colors on your slides. These might distract the audience.

Practice, practice, practice
Research indicates that body language communicates 60 to 70 percent of one's meaning. Practice while paying attention to your gestures, eye contact, voice tone and the way you stand. These things are essential to your presentation's success. Now you know. So next time, give a presentation that will be one to remember.

2010年8月26日 星期四

20100826 Speak Through Words and Pictures (1)

Speak Through Words and Pictures

You can deliver a presentation that people will remember

Imagine you're at a presentation. What do you picture? Certainly there is a speaker, projector and slides. The slides were most likely made using PowerPoint. What about the content:
Does it hold your attention? Whether you're studying or working, you've probably seen many presentations. Think about the memorable ones. What made them effective? The answer probably begins with the presentation's story.

Tell a story
Apple CEO Steve Jobs gives amazing presentations. One of Jobs' secrets is that he makes people feel like they are part of a story. He believes Appl products will change the world. His passion makes people love a product, not just want to buy it. When you prepare a presentation, don't start with the slides. Start with the story. Think about your topic: Why is it significant?
How can you get your audience to relate to it? What ideas or pictures will help your audience understand it? Communicate these thoughts, and your presentation will interest people.

mem- 記憶
memorable adj. 難忘的
eg: My wedding day is one of the most memorable days of m life.
=> 婚禮當天是一個我最難忘的日子之一。
eg: The famous pitcher pitched a memorable game before he announced his retirements.
=> 這位知名的投手在宣佈了退休前,投了一場令人難忘的比賽。

aud- 聽
audience n.(集合名詞) 聽眾/觀眾
eg: The talk show hostess always has a large audience.
=> 這位脫口秀主持人一直擁有需多的觀眾。
eg: The audience watched the circus in amazement.
=> 觀眾驚嘆地觀看馬戲團表演。
eg: The presenter interviewed one of the audience members about the new policy
=> 這位主持人採訪一位觀眾關於新政策的問題

communicate v. 傳達/傳遞
eg: She tried to communicate her ideaS but no one seemed to listen o her.
=> 她試著傳達她的想法,但是似乎沒人注意聽。

communicate v. 溝通/交流
eg: Because of the Internet, communicating with people around the world is so easy.
=> 因為有網際網路和世界各地的人溝通是很容易。

slide n. 投影片
CEO [chief executive officer]

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

How can you get your audience to relate to it?

to relate to it
=> having some kind of a personal connection to something because there is meaning.

to relate to something
eg: He didn't like the movie because he couldn't relate to it.
eg: Tiffany and Melanie relate to a lot of the same things.


=> connected by family
eg: Tong is related to Andy: They are cousins.

//== Chat room ==//


effect n. 效果/結果(前面往往有個冠詞an)
an effect
special effect 特效

affect v. 影響/對某東西發生作用
eg: Smoking affecs health. 抽煙是會影響健康

affected adj. 矯揉做作的/裝模作樣的/不自然的
affected personality

2010年8月19日 星期四

20100819 Water for the World (2)

Water for the World

The solution
As this water crisis gains attention from around the world, people are taking action. Many organizations are committed to bringing clean water to places in need.

Actor Matt Damon has been raising awareness about the world water crisis for years. In 2009 he co-founded Water.org as a way to bring clean water to people. By forming partnerships with local organizations, Water.org teaches people how to solve their own water problems. The results have been amazing. Communities in Africa, South Asia and Central America have seen their lives change through Water.org projects.

The Water project
Another organization working toward transforming lives with clean water is The Water Project.
This organization has already helped bring clean water to 60,000 people in India and Africa. They do this by funding and digging wells. As a result of having clean water, people become healthy again. Men return to work, women start small businesses, and children return to school. Clean water changes lives.

aware v. 察覺
awareness n. 察覺/認知/體認
eg: The campaign raised awareness on global warming.
=> 這個活動提升了全球對溫室效應的認知。
eg: He has a lack of awareness when it comes to understanding how much trouble he causes.
=> 他對於自己造成多少麻煩這件事情缺乏任何的認知。

partner n. 夥伴
partnership n. 合夥/合作關係
=> relationship between two or more people that work together on a project to come up with a result
eg: The medical research team works in partnership with Harvard University.
=> 這個醫學研究團隊與哈佛大學共同合作。
eg: The business partnership between the two companies is strong even in challenging times.
=> 即使在有挑戰的時候,這兩間公司的關係仍然十分堅固。

tran- 越過
transform v. 使改變/使改觀/使革新
eg: The invention of the telephone transformed communication forever.
=> 電話的發明永遠改變了人們溝通的方式。
eg: The conductor totally transformed the orchestra.
=> 這位指揮家讓整個管弦樂團煥然一新。

commit v. 使承擔義務/使作出保證
=> promise to do something

fund n. 提供(事業/活動等的)資金
=> provide money for something

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crisis n. 危機(單數)
crises n. 危機(複數)

water crisis

hypothesis n. 假說(單數)
hypotheses n. 假說(複數)

alumnus n. 校友(單數)
alumni n. 校友(複數)

criterion n. 標準(單數)
criteria n.標準(複數)

//== Gramar on the Go ==//

As a result of having clean water, people become healthy again.
=> People become healthy again because they have clean water.

as a result of 由於...

eg: Mrs. white now has extra time to do other things because she has assigned house chores to her children.
=> As a result of assigning the house chores to her children, Mrs. White now has extra time to do other things.

eg: The workers feel more confident about their jobs after they had a meeting with their new supervisor.
=> As a result of meeting with their new supervisor, the workers feel more confident about their jobs.

2010年8月18日 星期三

20100818 Water for the World (1)

Water for the World

Clean water changes lives

You use water every day and probably take it for granted. When you take a shower, you don't worry that the water will stop. When you drink water, you can be confident it is pretty safe. You never have to worry about not having enough water. It is always available to you. But for nearly one billion people, water is a problem. For those who do not have access to safe water, life is a constant struggle.

The problem
In developing countries, clean, safe water is hard to come by. In fact, entire villages sometimes do not have a clean water source. Villagers cannot turn on a faucet to get water but must walk several kilometers to find it. They often have to collect water from dirty rivers and streams. This water is then used for everything from bathing to drinking. When people drink dirty water, they can become very sick. Water-related diseases can even be deadly, especially among children. One child dies every 15 seconds from a water-related disease.

take something for granted 把某事當作是理所當然的
eg: Children tend to take their parents' loving care for granted.
=> 孩子常常都會把父母親的照顧當作是理所當然的。

take someone/something for granted 不關心/不注意
eg: Mark took his wife for granted for so long that she couldn't stand it anymore.
=> Mark太久以來都不把妻子當作一回事,他太太再也無法忍受了。

come by 得到/獲得
=> get/obtain
eg: Such a great opportunity is hard to come by. You should take it!
=> 這樣難得的機會很難得會有。你應該要把握它
eg: Such a good guy as Joseph is hard to come by.
=> 像Joseph這樣好的人很難再碰上。
eg: Henry couldn't explain how he came by his nasty cut.
=> Henry 無法解釋他為什麼會有這麼嚴重的傷口。

faucet n. 水龍頭
tap water 自來水
eg: The plumber replaced the leaking faucet with a new one.
=> 水管工人把漏水的水龍頭換成新的
eg: When I turn on the faucet, only dirty water comes out.
=> 當我打開龍頭,只有骯髒的水出來。
eg: Dad connected the hose to the faucet and started to water the lawn.
=> 爸爸把水管連接到水龍頭並且開始澆灌草坪

access n. 通道/入口/門路
=> the ability to get something

disease n. 病/疾病

//== Chat room ==//

bathing 洗澡

bathroom 洗澡間/(美)廁所

W.C. (歐洲)廁所
= water closet

the loo (英)廁所

washroom (加拿大)廁所

outhouses (古時) 戶外廁所
=> 遠離主建築物的木頭隔間的戶外廁所

portable toilets 臨時活動廁所
= Porta-Potties

=> we often refer to the toilet as the potty for the little kids

potty training
=> children learn how to use the toliet

//== More Information ==//

In developing countries, It's the women and girls who usually collect the water. They often walk several kilometers to find it - taking as long as eight hours a day! Once filled, their water pots can weigh as much as 20kg. A person living in Sub-Saharah Africa uses about 10 to 20 liters of water each day, in contrast, the average Canadian uses 326 liters of water each day.

2010年8月17日 星期二

20100817 The Many Sides of Matt Damon (2)

The Many Sides of Matt Damon

The skillful professional
Very few actors immerse themselves in their roles with the same intensity as Damon, who changes his preparation strategy depending on what each role requires. He has lost and gained tremendous amounts of weight, moved to Tennessee in order to perfect a Southern accent, and learned to play the piano. His dedication has paid off as audiences have flocked to see him perform in everything from Saving Private Ryan to the Bourne movies and invictus.

The caring philanthropist
Besides being known for his great acting ability, Damon is also known as a very charitable person. In 2009, he co-founded Water.org, a non-profit organization with the goal of bringing good sanitation and clean water to people in developing countries. While visiting some of the world's poorest regions, he witnessed the plight of some of the 890 million people with no access to safe drinking water. Damon hopes to use his fame to bring attention to the problem and to raise badly needed money for water projects. The organization currently has ongoing projects in countries such as Honduras, Bangladesh, Kenya and the Philippines. Success to Damon is more than just another hit film - it's making a difference to people who need it most.

im- 進入
immerse v. 浸泡
immerse oneself in something 使自己沉浸於某個事物中
=> completely involved in something
eg: Sean immersed himself in studying.
=> Sean專心於讀書。
eg: Britney immersed herself in the novel.
=> Britney專注的讀這本小說。
eg: This artist completely immersed himself in his painting.
=> 這位藝術家完全地沉浸於自己的繪畫世界中。

sanitation n. 公共衛生/環境衛生
eg: The country's development was impeded by poor sanitation.
=> 這個國家因為公共衛生惡劣,所以發展停滯不前。
eg: The camping site lacks adequate sanitation facilities.
=> 這個露營的營地缺乏完善的衛生設施。
eg: The shelter provides food, water and sanitation.
=> 這個壁避護所提供食物、水和衛生設備。

plight n. 困境/苦情
=> the state (negative term), not good state
eg: The plight of the earthquake victims was reported on the TV news this morning.
=> 這些地震的受害戶的苦情在今早的電視新聞中被報導。
eg: Many were touched by the orphans' plights and made donations to help them.
=> 許多都被這些孤兒的困境所觸動,捐款來幫助他們。

dedication n. 奉獻/供奉

pay off 取得成功
=> because of hard work, he received a lot of reward

philanthropist n. 慈善家
=> a person who helps the poor, especially by giving or donating money

charitable adj. 慈善的/施舍慷慨的
=> give a lot of money away to orgainzations and people to help them

sanitation n. 公共衛生/環境衛生
=> the state of being clean

Honduras n. 宏都拉斯

Bangladesh n. 孟加拉共和國

//== Chat room ==//

non-profit organization 非營利組織
cause and effect 因果

cause n. 主張/目標/主義
eg: He is working for a good cause.
=> 他為了崇高的理想而奮鬥

philanthropist 慈善家
=> donate money

humanistarian 人道主義者
=> sacrifice their time and energy to help people in need

2010年8月16日 星期一

20100816 The Many Sides of Matt Damon (1)

The Many Sides of Matt Damon

This hollywood star is more than just a good actor

Matt Damon is a poster child for success with a life that includes hit movies, a beautiful wife and three daughters, and many well-known celebrity friends. Yet for all of his success, Damon hasn't let fame go to his head, and those who know him insist he's one of Hollywood's nice guys.

The young man
Matthew Damon was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1970 to a stockbroker father and a college professor mother. When Damon was 10, he met Ben Affleck, who lived down the street, and they became best friends. While attending prep school, Damon got his start in acting by performing in several plays. Later, he attended Harvard University for three years but dropped out to pursue acting seriously.

The new celebrity
Damon headed to Hollywood and soon began landing small to moderate-sized roles, but nothing brought him much attention. Then he and Affleck finished a screenplay Damon had begun at Harvard, which was made into the movie Good Will Hunting. The film won the men an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay and earned Damon praise and recognition for his acting performance. The film proved to be the door opener Damon needed to get better film roles.

go to somebody's head 衝昏了頭/過度自負或驕傲
eg: Fame and wealth went to his head, and the singer became arrogant and self-absorbed.
=> 名望和財富讓這位歌手過度驕傲,他變得傲慢和自私。
eg: Even though Frank is tremendously successful, he hasn't let his success go to his head.
=> 即使Frank是極其成功,他還沒有讓他的成功衝昏了頭。

drop out 輟學/退學
dropout n. 輟學者/退學者
eg: David dropped out of school when he was only 16.
=> David才16歲就輟學了。
eg: Patricia dropped out of college in order to take care of her mother.
=> Patricia為了要照顧媽媽只好退學了。

door opener 開啟機會之門的事件
eg: The band's television performance was a door opener for their success.
=> 這個樂團電視上的演出,為他們展開了成功的契機。

poster child 海報孩子
=> a very good example of something

go to somebody's head 衝昏了頭過度自信或驕傲
=> become prideful 高傲的

stockbroker n. 股票(或證券)經紀人
=> a person who buy/sells stocks for people

prep school 私立而且收費高的/專為使學生能進入著名大學而辦的特種中學

drop out 輟學;退學
=> leave school before you get your degree

screenplay 電影劇本

//== Chat room ==//

screenplay 電影劇本
screenwriter 電影劇本作家/電影編劇
the big screen 電影大銀幕
eg: What's playing on the big screen?
=> 電影院在放映什麼電影?

silver screen 銀幕
=> 早期電影院的螢幕為銀色的,螢幕也稱silver screen

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

Yet for all of his success, Damon hasn't let fame go to his head...

Yet for all..., subject + has not...
=> Even though the situation make a person act a certain way, the subject actually is doing the opposite

eg: Yet for all the hospital trips she has made, Karen has never once complained.
eg: Yet for all the money he has lost in gambling, Nick has never learned his lesson.

2010年8月12日 星期四

20100812 Worst Case Scenario How to Deal With Travel Disasters (1)

Worst Case Scenario: How to Deal With Travel Disasters (Part 1)

Here's what to do if you lose your passport, break a leg or even get arrested overseas

The Bucharest baggage carousel stopped. All of the other passengers had plucked their luggage from it. Even my suitcase, checked through three flights from Seattle, had arrived. My wife's bag, however, was a no-show. Now What? We visited the British Airways luggage office, provided our baggage claim tags and waited. We were departing on a 12-day cruise the next day. Fortunately, our tour guide received the bag the next morning. Travel is fraught with these kinds of potential disasters. Here are some practical steps you can take to prevent trouble.

Passport lost in Latvia or stolen in Somalia
Passports do get stolen or lost, and it can be quite a calamity. What to do: Visit your home nation's nearest embassy or consulate with whatever identification you still have, and apply for emergency passport replacement. If you're stranded far from major cities, go to local police. Even if you had all your identification stolen or lost, you can get temporary papers. How to prevent it: Always keep your passport in your possession. Keep it in a zipped pocket or a front pants pocket. Before going overseas, make photocopies of the face pages of your passport, and store the face pages in your luggage. Be sure to memorize your passport number.

worst case scenario 最遭的狀況
eg: We should consider the worst case scenario before we rush into a decision.
=> 在作決定之前,我們應該考慮最遭的狀況會如何
eg: In the worst case scenario, we'll lose all our savings.
=> 最遭的狀況就是我們會失去我們所有的存款。

pluck v. 拔/扯
=> pull it out suddently
eg: The robber plucked my bag right out of my hands and ran away.
=> 這個強盜從我手中把我的皮包拔了就跑掉了
eg: Charles's job involves plucking ripe fruit from the trees in the garden.
=> Charles 的工作包括採收果園成熟的果子。
eg: Hank plucked a piece of gray hair from his head.
=> Hank從頭上拔掉一根白頭髮。

fraught adj. 充滿的
fraught with something 充滿某物(通常指充滿負面的事物)
=> full of ...
eg: This project has been fraught with problems ever since the manager was replaced.
=> 自從經理被徹換了以後,這個案子就充滿了各項問題。
eg: The mountain expedition is fraught with danger and uncertainty.
=> 這個登山的遠征之旅充滿著危險和不確定性。

carousel n. 旋轉木馬
baggage carousel 行李傳送帶

=> expected to show up at the place but they don't show
eg: He was a no-show at his own birthday party.

=> a journey on a large ship

calamity n. 災難/大禍/大災害
=> a serious accident

embassy n. 大使館
consulate n. 領事館
=> an office that represents your home country but it's located in the foreign country

stranded adj. 擱淺的/無依無靠的
=> you're not able to go anywhere

zip n. 拉鍊
zipped adj. 用拉鍊扣上的

//== Chat room ==//


lose v. 遺失
eg: Don't lose your passport. 不要把你的護照弄丟

lose v. 失敗
eg: I win. You lose. 我贏,你輸了。

loose adj. 沒有綁好鬆開的
eg: My shoes are loose.
=> 我的鞋子太鬆了.

loose adj. 為包裝的/散裝的
eg: loose change 口袋裡的零錢/銅板
=> loose change可以幫忙記憶這個單字,因為loose裡面的兩o就像兩個銅板

2010年8月11日 星期三

20100811 Uncovering the Mystery of Family Names

Uncovering the Mystery of Family Names

Most English surnames can be traced back to one of four sources:

Place names
Perhaps the most convenient way to acquire a surname was to adopt a name based on the place one lived. A man named John who was living in Bristol, England, would be called John of Bristol. Gradually the prepositions disappeared, and John of Bristol simply became John Bristol. A person named Oliver who lived by a lake might become Oliver Atwater.

Nicknames also have a place in English surname history. For example, if a man were unusually strong, he might adopt a surname such as Armstrong. Likewise, a person who was tall might become Longfellow.

Trade names
Trade laborers often used their occupations as surnames. A woodworker might go by the last name Carpenter. Down the street might be Mr. Smith, the village blacksmith.

Surnames that indicate family relationships were the last to catch on. They worked like this: Peter's son John became John Peterson, and Robert's son Joseph would have been called Joseph Robertson. Whether common or unique, all English family names are full of history!

acquire v. 取得/獲得
=> get/obtain
eg: Tom acquired his fortune by investing in the stock market.
=> Tom的財富是從投資股市中獲得的。
eg: Harry drove his newly acquired convertible to work today.
=> Harry今天開他剛買的跑車上班。

acquire v. 學習到
eg: Nathan acquired Japanese when working in Japan.
=> Nathan在日本工作時,學會了日文。

labor n. 勞動
laborer n. 勞動者/勞工
=> people who got a lot of physical labor
eg: Farm laborers protested against the new import policy.
=> 農場勞動者抗議新的進口政策。
eg: The union declared that they will fight for the rights of the railroad laborers.
=> 工會宣稱他們為鐵路工人的權力抗爭。

catch on 流行/受到歡迎
=> become very popular
eg: The band's song soon caught on and quickly became number one on the Billboard Top 100 chart.
=> 這個樂團的歌曲很快的流行起來,很快就成為了告示板排行的第一名。
eg: The software slowly caught on and today many companies use it.
=> 這個軟件慢慢地風行起來,現在許多公司使用它。

preposition n. 介系詞

patr- related to father
-nym- name
patronymic n. 源自父(祖)名的名字

trace v.
=> follow the path that something took

occupation n. 工作/職業

blacksmith n. 鐵匠

//== Chat room ==//

surname 姓
= family name 姓
= last name (mainly used in west) 姓
=> 之所以叫做last name,是因為西方的姓氏都放在最後面
=> 而中文的姓放在名字前面
=> 為了方便西方人,很多東方人會將自己的姓移到名字的後頭

Yo-Yo Ma 馬友友
Ang Lee 李安

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

Nicknames also have a place in English surname history.
=> Nicknames are important part of English surname history.

comebine "have a place" with history
= a certain part of history

eg: The athlete won a place in history when he broke the world record.
eg: Copernicus claimed a place in history with his contributions to astronomy.


have a place
having somewhere to go
eg: Do you have a place to stay when you're visiting London?

20100810 Uncovering the Mystery of Family Names

Uncovering the Mystery of Family Names

Where do English family names come from?

Go to America, and you're certain to find people with the last names Smith, Johnson, Williams, Jones and Brown. That's because these surnames are the five most common in the nation. Over 300 million people living in America today use around 152,000 last names. And while some of these names are common and others are unique, all of them have a story to tell.

Surnames begin to surface
Throughout much of history, surnames were not considered necessary. For thousands of years, people only used first, or given, names.

The world was less populated, and because everyone knew their neighbors, one title of address was enough. When two people living in the same area shared the same first name, a simple solution was developed. A second name was adopted to distinguish one individual from the other, but these names were seldom passed on. When the French conquered England in 1066, they brought the practice of using surnames with them. This practice slowly became popular, and by 1400, most people were using surnames they inherited from their families.

sur- 在...之上
surname n. 姓氏
=> 也可以稱作last name
=> formal way to say family name or last name
eg: I thought John was French because his surname is Dupont.
=> 我原以以認John是法國人,因為他的姓氏是杜邦。
eg: Don't forget to write down your surname on your test.
=> 考試卷上別忘了寫下你的姓。

distinguish v. 分識/區別
=> show how two things are similar, show how they are different
distinquish from/between 分辨...
eg: It's hard to distinguish Sean from his twin brother Simon. They look exactly alike.
=> 要分辨Sean與他的雙胞胎弟弟Simon很困難。他們看起來完全一樣。

pass on 傳承/傳遞下去
=> given to the next person
eg: Kevin's family's beautiful antique ring was passed on to me when we got engaged.
=> Kevin家族中這指美麗的傳家古董戒指,在我們訂婚的時候傳給了我。
eg: Please make sure this message gets passed on to your supervisor.
=> 請確定這個口訊有傳達給你的老板。

given name
= first name

first name, family name, middle name ,last(surname) name

The world was less populated
= The world was less full of people

unique adj. 唯一的/獨一無二的/獨特的

populated v. 居住於

inherit v. 繼承(傳統/遺產等)

//== Chat room ==//

address n. 地址
=> 重音在前面
eg: What's your address(重音在前面)? (美)
eg: What's your address(重音在後面)? (英)
=> 你的地址在哪裡

address n. 對人的稱呼/演說/致詞
=> 重音在後面
=> what you call someone
eg: One title of address was enough.
=> 一個頭銜當作稱呼就夠了。

//== More Information ==//

When Europeans began immigrating to America, their surnames often took on different spellings and pronunciations. After reaching their new home millions of immigrants volunteered to have their amily names changed so that they would be easier for others to pronounce. Many immigrants found it easier to adjust to American culture with American-sounding names. So they gladly took or their new names.

2010年8月10日 星期二

20100807 Nicolaus Copernicus: Moving Astronomy Forward (3)

Nicolaus Copernicus: Moving Astronomy Forward

While his conclusions would answer astronomers' questions, Copernicus was well aware that "moving the Earth" would shake the foundations of everyone else's worldview. So sometime before 1514, he carefully revealed his conclusions, gradually introducing them in an essay he sent only to various colleagues in philosophy and astronomy. Over the next several years, he refined his results while his theory circulated around Europe, spreading his reputation as a remarkable astronomer.

In 1539, a young mathematician named Georg Rheticus came to study under the seasoned 66-year-old astronomer. Fascinated by his conclusions, Rheticus worked with Copernicus to publish an introduction to his sun-centered universe model.

Its success pushed Copernicus to complete and publish his entire, massive six-volume work, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly spheres, at the end of his life. Legend holds that Copernicus held a published copy of his life's work on his deathbed on May 24, 1543. in subsequent years, astronomers built upon Copernicus' conclusions, continuing to challenge the previous perspective. By the 1700s, it was nearly impossible to find an astronomer who wasn't convinced of the Copernican model's accuracy. Copernicus' impact on both astronomy and how we pursue knowledge today has truly been astronomical.

20100809 Betty Boop (1)

Betty Boop

This 1930s character is still stealing hearts today

With her dark curly hair and big eyes, Betty Boop "boop-oop-a-dooped" her way into everyone's heart. "Born" on August 8, 1930, Betty actually started "life" as a dog. But soon her dog ears changed into big gold earrings, and she became all girl. By 1932, she was America's first multi talented animated female star. She could do drama, comedy and musicals. Betty appeared in more than 100 cartoons as well as several films. In addition, she appeared in newspaper comic strips from 1934 to 1937.

Betty last appeared in a film in 1939. Then she disappeared. But she reappeared in the 1980s and gained a new generation of fans. Today, Betty's image is everywhere. She even has a rose and a perfume named for her. Young people buy merchandise with her picture on it, including cell phone covers, clothing, calendars and clocks. Most likely they know very little about her film days but love her sweet face. While her little girl voice is a thing of the past, her image lives on. No one can take her "boop-oop-a-doop" away.

multi- 多
multi-talented adj. 多才多藝的
=> have many natural ability
eg: Will Smith is a multi-talented actor who playsa variety of characters in his movie roles.
=> Will Smith是位多才多藝的演員,在電影中飾演各式各樣的角色

multi-colored adj. 多種顏色的
multilingual adj.使用多種語言的

animated adj. 動畫的
eg: "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" is one of Disney's classic animated cartoons.
=> 白雪公主與七矮人是迪士尼經典動畫作品之一
eg: "Shrek" is my favorite animated character.
=> Shrek是我最喜歡的動畫人物

animated adj. 活潑的/活耀的
eg: We had an animated discussion about our Christmas plans.
=> 我們討論聖誕節計畫討論地非常熱烈

merchandise Un. 商品/貨物
=> goods that are bought for business
eg: The store's merchandise is mostly imported from China.
=> 這家店所販售的商品大多數都是中國進口的

merchandise v. 販賣/推銷產品
eg: The product is merchandised through online websites.
=> 這個商品是透過網路的網站所販賣的

steal heart
=> make people fall in love with someone

=> Betty Boop's signature phrase(口頭彈)

earring n. 耳環/耳飾
=> the jewelry wore in the ear

musical n. 歌舞劇/音樂片
comic strip 連環漫畫

image n.
=> her picture, image of her picture

//== Chat room ==//

name v. 取名/命名

Betty Boop even has a rose and a perfure named for her.
=> 有一種花和香水都是被取名為Betty Boop.

name someone after someone 以某人的名字命名
=> 如果命名的對象為人,介系詞通常為after
eg: My sister was named after my grandmother.
=> 我妹妹的名字以我祖母的名字命名的
=> 也就是說祖母如果叫做Carrot,則我妹也叫做Carrot

name for
=> give a person's name to non-living thing
eg: The Gerogre Washington Bridge was name for Washington
eg: Lincoln Tunnel was named for Abraham Lincoln.
eg: Lincoln Tunnel is named after Abraham Lincoln. (If Lincoln is still alive)

name from 以事物的名字命名
=> apply to things only
=> name comes from many of things not from people
eg: The street name is named from a Beatles song.

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

With her dark curly hair and big eyes, Betty Boop "boop oop a dooped" her way into everyone's heart.

=> Betty Boop say "boop-oop-a-dooped" so much, the word is used as a verb
=> This noum is used as verb called verbification

eg: She likes to sing on her way to school.
=> She likes to "la-la-la" her way to school.
eg: Let me google that information and see what I can find.

microwave oven 微波爐
eg: Bob microwaves his lunch.

2010年8月6日 星期五

20100805 Nicolaus Copernicus Moving Astronomy Forward (1)

Nicolaus Copernicus: Moving Astronomy Forward

History credits this astronomer with moving the earth

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) changed the world by challenging the common beliefs of his time. He completely altered the way people thought about their world and the universe. Thanks to Copernicus' theories the entire Western world began to shift its perspective from an Earth-centered universe to a sun-centered system. The broadly educated student Copernicus was born into a wealthy merchant family in Poland in 1473. When his father died, 10-year-old Copernicus moved in with his uncle, who later became a Roman Catholic bishop. While raising Copernicus,
his uncle directed both the boy's advancement in the church and his education.

Copernicus began his university studies at the University of Cracow where mathematics, astronomy and astrology sparked his interest. But he left before finishing his degree, as was common at the time, and went to work for the church in Frombork. Then he followed in his uncle's footsteps by studying at the University of Bologna. While there, he lived with
Domenico Maria Novara, the school's chief astronomy professor. Novara was probably the first person Copernicus had ever met who dared to challenge the 1,400-year-old conclusions of that era's paramount astronomer: Ptolemy.

20100806.Nicolaus Copernicus Moving Astronomy Forward (2)

Nicolaus Copernicus: Moving Astronomy Forward

From Bologna, Copernicus went on to the University of Padua to study medicine, which at the time was closely linked to astrology. While studying how the movements of the heavents' spheres affected a person's health, Copernicus became an expert on the night sky. Settling at the University of Ferrara, his fourth and final university, Copernicus obtained his first and only degree: a doctorate in canon law. With his broad education complete, Copernicus returned to Frombork in 1510 to resume his duties with the church.

The revolutionary astronomer
In Copernicus' day, Europe believed the Earth sat motionless at the center of the universe. People were convinced the sun, moon and planets revolved around the Earth, and the second-century Greek astronomer Ptolemy had "proven" it with mathematics. Although busy with church work: Copernicus made time for his scientific work, finding several problems with Ptolemy's Earth-centered model. More significantly, Copernicus found that a sun-centered model with a revolving Earth fit the data much better. Although centuries of tradition and superstition suggested otherwise, mathematical calculations convinced Copernicus that Earth was not fixed at the universe's center. Instead, he realized Earth moved with the other planets in yearly revolutions around the sun.

resume v. 重新開始/停頓後再繼續
=> start to do it again after a perioud of not doing it
eg: The manager resumed his job right after his surgery.
=> 手術之後,經理就立刻恢復上班。
eg: Bobby resumed reading after he answered the phone.
=> Bobby接電話之後,又開始閱讀。

revolve v. 旋轉/運轉
=> move in a circular motion around a central point
eg: There are many satellites revolving around the Earth.
=> 地球周圍有許多人造衛星圍繞運轉。
eg: The Earth revolves around the Sun once a year.
=> 地球每年繞太陽公轉一次。

revolve around someone or something 以某個對象為中心
eg: Our lives revolve around our kids.
=> 我們的生活以孩子為中心。

superstition n. 迷信/迷信行為
eg: Few people still believe in the old superstition that the number 13 is unlucky.
=> 很少人仍然相信數字第13是不幸的老迷信。
eg: Superstition and ignorance kept the tribes people from communicating with the outside world.
=> 迷信和無知讓這些部落的居民不和外界溝通。

sphere n. 球/球體

canon law 教會法

Ptolemy n. 托勒密

//== Chat room ==//

doctor n. 醫生/博士

a doctor's degree n. 博士學位
= a doctorate n. 博士頭銜/博士學位
= Ph.D.
=> Ph.D 為 Doctor of Philosophy 的縮寫

philosophy 哲學
=> philosophy來自於希臘文的最高學位,意思為愛好智慧
=> 任何一科的最高學位都是 a doctor of philosophy

a Doctor of Philosophy in Literature 文學博士學位
a Doctor of Philosophy in Physics 物理學博士學位
a Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy 哲學博士學位

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

Although busy with various priestly responsibilities, Copernicus made time for his scientlfic work...
=> Although Copernicus was busy with various priestly responsibilitis, he made time for his scientific work.

Although + subject + be + adjective, subject + verb
=> Although + adjective, subject + verb.

eg: Although Andy was angry at his younger brother, he still helped him clean his room.
=> Although angry at his younger brother, Andy still helped him clean his room.
eg: Although Kathy was confused with the map, she didn't want to stop and ask someone for directions.
=> Although confused with the map, Kathy didn't want to stop and ask someone for directions.

2010年8月5日 星期四

20100804 Business Jargon (2)

Business Jargon

Tee up
People use this term to describe making preparations for something. It is often used to describe preparing technical support for presentations. Can you tee up the DVD player while I get the projector working?

Take it to the next level
When you take something to the next level, you are improving or intensifying it. Let's take this project to the next level and improve our sales.

The ball is in your court
People say this when it is someone else's turn to do something or make a decision. It often suggests the speaker is waiting for someone else to act. I've done all I can. Now the ball is in Matthew's court.

Apples and oranges
This term is often used when arguing that two things are too different to be compared. Comparing the new arena to the new hospital is like comparing apples and oranges.

Strike while the iron is hot
To strike while the iron is hot is to proceed while you have the chance. The term is often used to encourage people to take action quickly. If we want to make this sale, we need to strike while the iron is hot!

jargon n.
=> specialized vacabulary only used with certain of people

pro- 向前的
-ject 拋/擲
projector 投影機/放映機
=> a machine that is used to show some kind of image
eg: You need to focus the projector to make the images clearer.
=> 要讓畫面更清楚你得要調整投影機的焦距。
eg: slide projector 放幻燈片的投影機

intensify v. 加強/增強/使強化
=> make it more serious/bigger in some way
eg: Tension between the two parties has recently intensified due to the controversial proposal.
=> 這個具爭議性的提案造成兩黨緊繃的情緒升高
eg: The coach intensified the team's training by adding more time to their practices.
=> 教練增強球隊練習的時間來加強訓練。

pro- 向前的
-ceed 走
proceed v. 進行/開展
eg: Preparations for the wedding banquet are proceeding very smoothly.
=> 婚禮宴會的準備非常順利地進行。

proceed to do something 進行下一件事情
eg: He put on his glasses and proceeded to read the novel.
=> 他帶上眼鏡之後然後讀小說。

arena n. (周圍有觀眾席的)比賽場/競技場
eg: sports arena 體育場
=> 如果名詞原本就是複數就要用複數

//== Chat room ==//

field n. 大型的戶外球場
ballpark n. 棒球場
diamond n. 內野的球場
=> 一壘到本壘形成的形狀像是diamond

court n. 有網子的室內球場
basketball court 籃球場
tennis court 網球場
volleyball court 排球場

hockey rink 曲棍球場

bowling alley 保齡球館
lane 保齡球館的球道

arena (indoor) 室內運動場
stadium (open-air) 大型戶外體育場

2010年8月3日 星期二

20100803 Business Jargon (1)

Business Jargon 不可不知的商用術語

Understanding confusing business conversations

Have you ever attended a meeting only to leave wondering what it was about? If so, you may be a victim of business jargon. Jargon - words used by a group of people that aren't generally understood - has both advantages and disadvantages. Many professionals use specialized terms that help them communicate specific ideas that are hard to describe in simple language. Unfortunately, the use of jargon can result in confusion. This is especially true when speakers use terms that their listeners misunderstand or don't understand at all.

These examples of commonly used business jargon may help you figure out what's going on. But use them carefully - don't leave your audience struggling to interpret what you are talking about.

Water under the bridge
This phrase refers to events of the past. Generally, the term suggests that the past should be forgotten and people should move forward. Last year's mistakes are water under the bridge.

Touch base
When people touch base, they get in contact with each other. The term is often used in reference to meetings. Let's touch base on Thursday afternoon.

dis- 否定
disadvantage n. 不利條件/弱點
=> something that harms you
eg: The disadvantage of international travel is the extremely high cost.
=> 國際旅行的缺點是費用極度的高。
eg: After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, we decided to move to the suburbs.
=> 在斟酌好處和缺點以後,我們决定搬到郊區。

inter- 兩者之間
interpret v. 解釋/說明/詮釋
=> explain what something means
eg: Few people can accurately interpret confusing stock market figures.
=> 只有少數人能正確解讀令人迷惑的股市統計數據

interpret v. 口頭翻譯
eg: The non-native speaking audience member had to ask someone to interpret the speech for him.
=> 這位不會說當地話的聽眾得請別人翻譯演講的內容給他聽。

reference n. 有關/涉及
=> mention
reference to 和...有關
eg: The CEO made no reference to the possible bank merger in the meeting.
=> 執行長在會議並沒有提及可能與銀行合併的事情
in reference to 有關某個對象
eg: What should we do in reference to Richard's tardiness?
=> 關於Richard遲到的問題我們該怎麼做呢?

jargon n. 行話/黑話
=> words or phrases that are used in particular field of study or particular field of work

specialized adj. 專門的/專科的
=> created for a special purpose

confusion n. 困惑/慌亂

//== Chat room ==//

in deep water 陷入困境
=> 字面上意思為在深水中

water under the bridge 過去的事.

keep your head above water 維持生計/避免挨餓/不破產/不欠債
=> 大多用於和經濟相關的事物

Throw the baby out with the bathwater
=> 常用於否定句
eg: Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. 不要把好東西連同壞東西也一起拋棄

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

Have you ever attended a meeting only to leave wondering what it was about?
=> Have you ever attended a meeting but left wondering what it was about?

only to
=> however/but

eg: Jessica thought she was late for the party only to discover that she was actually the first one to arrive.
eg: Paulo's family moved to the city for better job opportunities only to find themselves in poverty.

2010年8月2日 星期一

20100802 Volcano Boarding — a Hot New Action Sport (1)

Volcano Boarding — a Hot New Action Sport

Travel to Nicaragua for a new adventure ride

Flying down a 400-meter-long slide like Taichung's Sky Pool provides plenty of excitement for most. But for those who like more extreme adventures, Nicaragua offers an even more exciting "slide" experience. Instead of sliding down water, people slide down volcanic ash on the side of an active volcano! Volcano boarding began in 2005 when a local tour company came up with the idea. Since then, over 10,000 people have traveled to Cerro Negro to give it a try. Cerro Negro is one of Nicaragua's most active volcanoes. Riding down the side of a smoking volcano is an experience like no other.

How is it done?
After a 45-minute climb to the volcano's rim, riders put on protective gear. They receive brief instructions and then try sliding down a short slope. After that, it's time for the real thing! Sitting on a specially designed board, riders push off and fly straight down a 488-meter slope. The black volcanic ash provides a dusty, dirty ride. But boarders usually arrive at the bottom with smiles on their faces. With riders reaching speeds up to 82 km/h, volcano boarding offers a one-of-a-kind adventure ride!

ex- 向外
extreme adj. 極端的/激烈的/極度的
eg: The extreme weather conditions made the desert journey really difficult.
=> 極端氣候讓這段沙漠之旅非常的艱辛。
eg: Always use extreme caution when you take medication.
=> 服用藥物的時候,總是要特别謹慎。

come up with 想出/提出某個想法/答案
=> think of an idea
eg: The students came up with several options for their new club's name.
=> 學生们想出幾個他們新社團可以選用的名字。
eg: After several hours, we finally came up with the correct answer to the difficult math problem.
=> 經過幾個小時以後,我們終於想出這個很難的數學題的正確答案。

rim n. 邊緣
=> the outer
eg: The rim of the glass was broken.
=> 這個玻璃杯的邊緣破掉了。
eg: The basketball bounced back from the rim.
=> 籃球從球框彈回來。
eg: The rims of the tires are rusted and need to be replaced.
=> 輪胎的外緣鋼圈已經生鏽並且需要被更換。

volcanic ash 火山灰

gear n. 齒輪/傳動裝置/(汽車)排檔
=> an equipment that you need to take part in the activity

slope n. 傾斜/坡度
=> the side of the hill

//== Chat room ==//

volcano boarding

volcano 火山

active volcano 活火山
dormant volcano 休眠火山
extinct volcano 死火山

lava 岩漿

erupt v. 爆發
volcano eruption 火山爆發

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

...for those who like more extreme adventures, Nicaragua offers an even more exciting "slide" experience.
=> ...for the people who like more extreme adventures, Nicaragua offers an even more exciting "slide" experience.

for those who
=> for the people who

eg: Every member in the tour group will get a sandwich and a drink for lunch; for those who want to have dessert, they just need to pay $2 dollars more.
eg: Most students have no trouble completing their assignments; but for those who need extra help, they could meet with the school counselor after school.

//== More Information ==//

An excerpt from the bigfoot Adventure website reads. "After a 45 minute hike up the mountain we are standing at the top, wondering how we'll get down! However, after a lesson on boarding and a quick 5 meter practice run, we are ready! At one moment we are sitting and watting for a push, the next we are flying down the side of a volcano at 80km/hr!"

2010年8月1日 星期日

Claiming the Arctic's Treasures

While the melting of Arctic ice has been detrimental to the region's fragile environment, it has been helpful to those trying to study the area. Record reductions of Arctic ice in recent summers have allowed teams to examine and map areas that were previously unreachable. Consequently, countries that may have a claim to ownership are scurrying to determine the shape and structure of the Arctic Ocean's floor. In the summers of 2008 and 2009. the U.S. and Canada partnered in expeditions to map the bottom of the world's least-explored ocean.

Two icebreaker ships with various technologies enabled researchers to record the shape and surface of the ocean floor and to collect data about what lies beneath it. As a result, recent mapping expeditions have been very successful. Scientists not only gathered evidence about national territories, but also charted underwater features such as mountains and volcanoes. Next month, Canada and the U.S. are preparing to embark on their third cooperative voyage. Their work will surely bring us closer to answering an urgent question: Who can rightfully claim the Arctic's resources?

detrimental adj.有害的/不利的
detrimettal to something 對...不利
eg: Drinking alcohol is detrimental to one's health.
=> 喝酒對健康有害。
eg: The sudden change of cast will cause detrimental effects to the movie that is currently filming.
=> 臨時換角對現在正在拍攝的電影會有不好的影響

scurry vi. 急匆匆地跑/急趕
scurry scurried scurried
eg: Tanya scurried into the office because she was almost late.
=> Tanya跑入辦公室,因為她快遲到了。
eg: Pam scurried to the preschool because she had to pick up her son.
=> Pam趕緊衝到托兒所,因為她必須接她的兒子。

embark v. 上船(或飛機等)
embark v. (本課課文指)開始從事/著手
embark on/upon something 著手某事
eg: We will embark on a new project next month.
=> 我們下個月將著手一個新的案子。
eg: After working for his father for 10 years, Larry decided to embark a new career.
=> 替父親工作10年後,Larry決定從事新的事業

20100730 Claiming the Arctic's Treasures (1)

Claiming the Arctic's Treasures

The shrinking Arctic ice invites a rush of exploration

Our world is on the verge of a modern-day resource rush in the earth's Arctic regions. For decades, we've suspected that the Arctic Ocean holds an abundance of natural resources. Some scientists estimate that as much as 30 percent of the world's undiscovered natural gas and 13 percent of its undiscovered oil lie beneath its waters. We've always assumed these lucrative resources would always be unreachable, locked under the thick Arctic ice. But a warming climate and rapidly melting ice cap have now put these resources within reach.

Currently, the biggest question for the countries surrounding those resources is one of ownership: To whom do these resources rightfully belong? The U.N.'s Law of the Sea Treaty aims to resolve this very question. The treaty states that a country has economic control of all natural resources within 200 nautical miles of its coast. However, it's also possible for a country to claim possession of ocean territory beyond the 200-nautical-mile boundary. To make this kind of claim, a country must prove that the ocean bottom in question is part of the country's continental plate.

verge n. 邊緣
on the verge of something 瀕於某種狀態/某件事即將發生之際
eg: Financial burdens left him on the verge of despair.
=> 經濟上的重擔讓他幾乎要絕望。
eg: The swimmer is on the verge of breaking another world record.
=> 這位游泳選手即將打破另一個世界紀錄

lucrative adj. 賺錢的/有利可圖的
eg: Every advertisement agency is competing for the lucrative contract.
=> 每家廣告公司都在為這有利可圖的合約在競爭
eg: The fashion company's most lucrative line is children's wear.
=> 這家時尚公司獲利最多的是童裝。

boundary n. 分界線/界限
eg: Troops are posted near the boundary between the two countries.
=> 部隊駐紮在二國間的邊界。

boundary n. 界限/限制
eg: Parents should set boundaries and teach their children to respect them.
=> 父母應該設置界限並教他們的孩子遵守這些界限