2010年8月3日 星期二

20100803 Business Jargon (1)

Business Jargon 不可不知的商用術語

Understanding confusing business conversations

Have you ever attended a meeting only to leave wondering what it was about? If so, you may be a victim of business jargon. Jargon - words used by a group of people that aren't generally understood - has both advantages and disadvantages. Many professionals use specialized terms that help them communicate specific ideas that are hard to describe in simple language. Unfortunately, the use of jargon can result in confusion. This is especially true when speakers use terms that their listeners misunderstand or don't understand at all.

These examples of commonly used business jargon may help you figure out what's going on. But use them carefully - don't leave your audience struggling to interpret what you are talking about.

Water under the bridge
This phrase refers to events of the past. Generally, the term suggests that the past should be forgotten and people should move forward. Last year's mistakes are water under the bridge.

Touch base
When people touch base, they get in contact with each other. The term is often used in reference to meetings. Let's touch base on Thursday afternoon.

dis- 否定
disadvantage n. 不利條件/弱點
=> something that harms you
eg: The disadvantage of international travel is the extremely high cost.
=> 國際旅行的缺點是費用極度的高。
eg: After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, we decided to move to the suburbs.
=> 在斟酌好處和缺點以後,我們决定搬到郊區。

inter- 兩者之間
interpret v. 解釋/說明/詮釋
=> explain what something means
eg: Few people can accurately interpret confusing stock market figures.
=> 只有少數人能正確解讀令人迷惑的股市統計數據

interpret v. 口頭翻譯
eg: The non-native speaking audience member had to ask someone to interpret the speech for him.
=> 這位不會說當地話的聽眾得請別人翻譯演講的內容給他聽。

reference n. 有關/涉及
=> mention
reference to 和...有關
eg: The CEO made no reference to the possible bank merger in the meeting.
=> 執行長在會議並沒有提及可能與銀行合併的事情
in reference to 有關某個對象
eg: What should we do in reference to Richard's tardiness?
=> 關於Richard遲到的問題我們該怎麼做呢?

jargon n. 行話/黑話
=> words or phrases that are used in particular field of study or particular field of work

specialized adj. 專門的/專科的
=> created for a special purpose

confusion n. 困惑/慌亂

//== Chat room ==//

in deep water 陷入困境
=> 字面上意思為在深水中

water under the bridge 過去的事.

keep your head above water 維持生計/避免挨餓/不破產/不欠債
=> 大多用於和經濟相關的事物

Throw the baby out with the bathwater
=> 常用於否定句
eg: Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. 不要把好東西連同壞東西也一起拋棄

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

Have you ever attended a meeting only to leave wondering what it was about?
=> Have you ever attended a meeting but left wondering what it was about?

only to
=> however/but

eg: Jessica thought she was late for the party only to discover that she was actually the first one to arrive.
eg: Paulo's family moved to the city for better job opportunities only to find themselves in poverty.

