2010年12月23日 星期四

20101223 Christmas at the Biltmore House (2)

Christmas at the Biltmore House

"A Vanderbilt Christmas Celebration"
Visitors today are equally awed by the beautiful estate - though it's smaller now at around 7,000 acres- and the palatial house with 34 bedrooms, 43 bathrooms and 65 fireplaces.

An even more spectacular treat, though, awaits those who visit during the annual "Christmas at Biltmore" event. Known as one of the largest Christmas displays in the Southeast, the event boasts nearly 100 decorated Christmas trees and more than 1,000 wreaths and bows. Thirty thousand lights illuminate the Biltmore House and another 150,000 lights light up the estate. During the holiday event, thousands of ornaments also decorate the Biltmore House and its grounds.

People visiting at night are greeted on the front lawn by a 55-foot spruce tree covered with 32,000 lights. Inside, Christmas music, candles and glowing fireplaces provide a festive setting for guests viewing the thousands of decorations spread throughout the house. More than 300,000 people are expected to attend this year's display entitled. "A Vanderbilt Christmas Celebration," which started in November and runs until January 2, 2011.

Thanks to the Vanderbilts' dedication to preserving the Biltmore estate, people today - like the original guests 115 years ago - can still experience the famed Vanderbilt hospitality.

awe v. 使敬畏/使驚嘆
eg: The tourists were awed by the spectacular view of the Grand Canyon.
=> 觀光客們被大峽谷壯觀的景色給震撼了
eg: I was awed by the singer's beautiful voice.
=> 歌手美麗的歌聲震撼了我

awe n. 害怕/敬畏
eg: I'm in awe of my grandfather, even though I'm an adult now.
=> 即使我現在已經是個成人了,我對祖父還是十分的敬畏

illuminate v. 照亮/用燈裝飾
eg: The neon lights illuminate the dark night of the city.
=> 這些霓虹燈照亮了城市黑暗的晚上
eg: The windows of the bookstore were illuminated with Christmas lights.
=> 書房的櫥窗用了聖誕燈來裝飾

illuminate v. 啓發
eg: His instruction really helped me by illuminating the complicated issue.
=> 他的教學讓我讓我明白了這個複雜的議題真的幫助了我

hospitality Un. 款待/好客
eg: Eileen always treats her guests with great hospitality and makes them feel very welcome in her home.
=> Eileen總是對客人待以最好的款待讓客人覺得賓至如歸
eg: I sent a bouquet of flowers to show my gratitude for the hostess' hospitality.
=> 我送了一束花來表達對女主人的熱情款待的感謝

palace n. 宮殿
palatial adj. 宮殿的/廣大的/宏壯的

wreaths and bows
wreath n. 花圈
bow n. 蝴蝶結

ornament n. 裝飾品

spruce tree 雲杉
=> a kind of pine tree

//== Chat room ==//

Thousands of ornaments decorate the Biltmore House and its grounds.
=> 上千個飾品裝飾著biltmore House以及它的庭院

grounds n. 建築物周邊的庭院
eg: These are private grounds.
=> 這裡是私人庭院

ground n. 地面

grounds n. 動機/理由
eg: He resigned on the grounds of ill health.
=> 他因病辭職

grounds n. 沉澱物
eg: coffee grounds 咖啡渣

//== More information ==//

Imagine you go to the Biltmore during the Christmas holiday season and take a tour of the estate. After experiencing so much Biltmore Christmas magic, you realize that you are inspired to decorate your own home in a similar style. But, where do you begin? You start by joining a free Biltmore holiday decorating seminar where Biltmore staff offer Christmas decorating tips and fresh ideas for your own home.

