2009年10月20日 星期二

20091017 -- Avatars (2)

Avatars and real life

Using avatars can make playing video games or studying English more interesting. But other sites allow users to do more. Online community Second Life lets avatars do anything from shopping to fighting dragons. Second Life is also unique because players can use their avatars to buy real things like art.

This ability raises questions about the relationship between people and their avatars. In fact, research has shown that avatars can affect their users. Nick Yee, from Stanford's VHIL, claims that avatars can change a user's behavior. If someone has a tall avatar, for example, he or she is more likely to be aggressive. Having an avatar that is either very beauriful or handsome may make one more confident.

Through the use of avatars, the link between online life and real life is growing. It is up to the users to decide to be honest in how they represent themselves. Who will you be?

