2010年1月4日 星期一

20100104 Happy Pets, Happy People (1)

Happy Pets, Happy People

Choosing and caring for the perfect pet

SC: What should a person consider when choosing a pet?

JH: The determining factor should be your lifestyle. Do you spend more time at home or outdoors? Do you have small children or elderly people in the house? Do you keep you house neat? You should also ask yourself how long you are willing to commit to the pet. Dogs and cats may live 15 to 20 years, but birds can lie 30 years or more.

SC: How can people and pets adjust to living with each other?

JH: Good, continuous training and lots of love are the
keys to good relationships between pets and people.

SC: What is the best way to go about training you pet?

JH: Patience! Patience! Patience! Teach your pet one skill at a time, and reward your pet for good performance instead of just punishing it for failures.

SC: How much exercise do pets really need?
JH: As a general rule of thrmb, most dogs need at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. Most cats, in contrast, exercise when they feel like it.

veterinary n. 獸醫

commit v. 承擔某種責任/答應負責
=> 當不及物動詞,後面要加to再加受詞
=> commit to something is to promise yourself
eg: Parents must commit themselves to their children.
=> 父母一定要對自己的孩子負起責任。
eg: He seems to have a problem committing himself to relationships.

adjust v. 調整/使適合
=> adjust to 受詞
=> change something in order to fit
eg: He quickly adjusted to the new environment when he moved to town.
eg: She adjusted well to the extreme weather in this area.

reward v. 報答/報償/獎賞/報應

rule of thumb 經驗法則/行事法則
eg: A good rule of thumb is to brush your teeth before bed.
eg: A good rule of thumb is to exercise 30 minutes a day.

//== Chat room ==//

literal adj. 照字面的/原義的
figurative adj. 比喻的/象徵性的

key n. 關鍵/祕訣
=> to key to
=> 在象徵性的意義上,key的意思為關鍵/祕訣
eg: Diet and exercise are the keys to good health.
=> 飲食和運動是健康的秘訣。
eg: the key to the problem => 解決問題的鑰匙
eg: the keys to good relationships => 良好關係的鑰匙
eg: the key to mastering English

//== More Information ==//

Can dogs eat chocolate? The simple answer is no. Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine, which dogs have a hard time digesting. Dogs will usually vomit and develop diarrhea after eating small amounts of chocolate. If dogs eat large amounts of chocolate, they may become restless or hyperactive pant or have difficulty breathing. The heart may even stop working, resulting in the animal's death.

vomit v. 嘔吐

diarrhea n. 【醫】腹瀉
= diarrhoea

hyperactive adj.【醫】活動過度的
restless adj. 焦躁不安的/煩躁的

