2009年9月10日 星期四

20090910 -- Is Your Job Germy (1)

Is Your Job Germy?

The top five dirty jobs

Did you know that the average toilet seat is 400 times cleaner than your desk? Or that there are more than 10 million germs on the average desktop? Your desk isn't the only thing harboring germs. Your phone, keyboard, light switches, buttons on the elevator and door handles–each of these things is loaded with countless microbes. In one study, Dr. Charles Gerba, a microbiologist at the University of Arizona and his researchers found that an infected person can leave a trail of viruses on every surface he touches. The viruses can survive on surfaces for up to three days. Here are five of the germiest jobs, in order from most to least germy.

1. Teacher
Average amount of bacteria per square inch: 17,800

Why it's germy: Kids' desktops are probably the dirtiest objects in a classroom. Additionally, when children turn in tests and assignments, they hand in germs too. Teachers had 5 1/2 times more germs on their phones and nearly 27 times more germs on the computer keys than other professions studied.

germ n. 微生物/細菌/病菌(和microbe意思差不多)
=> bacteria
eg: The germs around you can make you sick.
eg: Cockroaches and flies spread germs rapidly.
eg: The germ that causes this disease can be easily eliminated.

germy adj. 帶菌的
eg: germy working gloves

countless adj. 無數的
eg: Timothy spent countless hours working on his English speech.

assignment n. 作業/任務
=> homework
eg: Our assignment today is to read 30 pages in our science textbook.
eg: Our assignment is to write a letter in English to our best friends.
eg: The assignment to set up a branch office is easy for Larry.

profession n. 職業/專業
eg: Hank is a doctor. What is your profession?
eg: Kathy intends to make acting her profession.
eg: There are more and more females entering the legal profession each year.
eg: The writer of the book is a doctor by profession.

microbe n. 微生物/尤指引起疾病的細菌

microbiologist n. 微生物學家

//== Chat room ==//

Is your job germy?

germy adj. 有細菌的


bookish adj. 愛好書本的/用功的
doable adj. 可做的

superlative adjective 形容最高級


=> prettiest

=> greatest

=> most beautiful

=> the most delicious

//== Grammer on the go ==//

a trail of viruses
=> here trail means "a long line of something left behind by someone or something"
eg: The explorers followed a trail of clues to find the hidden treasure.
eg: The billionare's disappearance left a trail of questions for investigators to figure out.

a mountain trail

