2009年9月11日 星期五

20090911 -- Is Your Job Germy (2)

Is Your Job Germy?

2. Accountant
Average amount of bacteria per square inch: 6,030
Why it's germy: Accountants tend to spend a great deal of time behind their desks. Accountants ' desk and pens ranked No. 1, averaging 12,6000 and 2,350 bacteria per square inch, respectively.

3. Banker
Average amount of bacteria per square inch: 5,400
Why it's germy: Everyone knows how dirty money is. When you think about the one core duty of bakners - handling money - it's no surprise the germs bankers come in contact with.

4. Radio DJ
Average amount of bacteria per square inch: 3,323
Why it's germy: Radio DJs often work in shifts, with several people coming in and out of the station a day. As we said before, an infected person can leave a trail of viruses on every surface he touches. So many people using the same equipment is bound to garner a lot of bacteria.

5. Doctor
Average amount of bacteria per square inch: 2,620
Why it's germy: As professionals who serve sick people, it's no surprise doctors are their own source of germs.

accountant n. 會計師/會計人員
eg: The accountant helped Susan do her income taxes.

respectively adv. 個自地/分別地
=> in that order
eg: Julie and Sarah are 10 years old and 8 year old, respectively.
eg: All students will gather at the hall for the morning session, and afterwards will go to their electives respectively.
eg: In the 400 meters, Joe and Patrick came in 1st and 3rd respectively.

shift n. 輪班/輪值時間
eg: Mac will get off work at 3 a.m. when his shift at the factory ends.
eg: work in shifts 輪班工作
eg: day shift 早班
eg: night shift 晚班
eg: Ray works on the night shift so he can make more money.

shift n. 輪值的人
eg: The day shift usually arrives at 6 am.

garner v. 累積
=> collect
eg: Pete has garnered many awards for being a great baseball player.
eg: The writer garnered information from many resources to compete this book.
eg: The district attorney already gathered much evidence to prove the defendant guilty.

//= Chat room ==//

banker n. 銀行家(銀行高級主管/襄理/副理)

banker n. 課文中指的是bank teller(櫃檯人員)
= cashier

investment bakner

//== More Info ==//

What we know about germs has mostly been discovered within the past two hundred years. It was in the 1800s that doctors first thought to wash their hands between treating patients. It was also at this time that people realized germ - causing sickness could be spread through a public water supply. Because of their tiny size, germs went unseen until the invention of the elcectron microscope, in the early 1930s.

