2010年2月25日 星期四

20100225 Tour Guide or Travel Guide (1)

Tour Guide or Travel Guide?

How do you like to travel?

Some people enjoy having their trips planned and led by a tour guide. Others like the freedom of deciding their own itinerary - perhaps with the help of books called travel guides. Which guide makes a better travel compainion? Jean and Melinda are planning a trip to Japan. Let's see what they think.

Conversation A

Jean: Hey, Melinda, look at this advertisement for a tour to Japan. It includes everything - flight, accommodations, all meals, transportation, and it's fully escorted by a tour guide.

Melinda: That sounds good, but...

Jean: But what?!

Melinda: It looks like a great deal. I don't know, Jean. I'm not too keen on traveling with a group.

Jean: Why not?

Melinda: On every tour I've been on, I have been herded on and off a bus. It's always the same routine: Stop at a tourist sight, get off the bus, take pictures, get back on...

Jean: Melinda, you're exaggerating! You do more than take pictures. You also learn about the local history from the tour guide.

Melinda: But I also get annoyed when we stop at a lot of places with souvenir shops. In my mind, those places are tourist traps.

Jean: But in my opinion, those places are great! I get to see and buy local goods.

companion n. 同伴/伴侶
=> a partner
eg: My dog, Rocky, is my favorite jogging companion.
eg: Sandy is a wonderful shopping companion. She always gives good advice on what to buy.

companionship n. 陪伴
I really enjoy your companionship.
=> 我很高興你陪我。

accommodation n. 住處/膳宿
=> the place where you would live, work or stay
=> a hotel

escort v. 護送/陪同
eg: My brother will escort me to the train station.
=> 我哥哥會陪我到火車站。
eg: The movie star was escorted by security guards as she left the hotel.
=> 這個影星離開飯店是由保鏢護送著。
The boss was escorted by his executives while touring the factory.
=> 老板巡視工廠時有行事主管陪同著。

herd n. 一群(動物)
=> a group of wild animals, like elephants zebras, whales and seals
eg: a herd of elephants
eg: a herd of zebras
eg: a herd of whales
eg: a herd of seals

herd v. 成群移動/成群的趕
=> 這個動詞常用在動物
eg: The cattle were herded into the barn by the shepherd.
=> 牧羊人把羊群趕進了農舍。
eg: The participants of the conference complained that they were herded from one hall to another.
=> 參加研習會的人抱怨他們從一個廳被趕到另一個廳。

itinerary n. 旅行計劃
=> a plan of trip
eg: Robin carefully planned his itinerary before he traveled to Malaysia.
eg: The travel agent planed our itinerary and arragne our transportation and hotel reservation.

exaggerate v. 誇張/言過其實
eg: Kimmy often exaggerates her stories so that people think she is more interesting.
eg: The side-effect of the treatment has been greatly exaggerated.
eg: I'm not exaggerating; tonight's dessert is the best I've ever had!

souvenir n. 紀念品
eg: She spent a lot of money buying souvenirs.

tourist trap 敲遊客竹槓的地方

goods n. 商品/貨物
=> things are for sale

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

I'm not too keen on traveling with a group.
=> I'm not too enthusiastic about traveling with a group.

keen adj. 熱心的/熱衷的
=> enthusiastic
=> used in informal conversation
eg: My father wants to take the whole family on a trip, but my mother is not very keen on the idea.
eg: My manager has been keen about the project ever since he saw my proposal.

//== Chat room ==//

tour guide 導遊
=> a person who lead a trip

travel guide 旅遊書
=> a book has the information about travelling

go on a tour 有專員介紹的旅遊
= take a tour
eg: go on a tour of the art museum

go on tour 巡迴演出

