2011年1月17日 星期一

20110117 Milford Sound, New Zealand (1)

Milford Sound, New Zealand

Discover the magic and majesty of this amazing waterway

New Zealand's narrow, icy blue waterway known as Milford Sound is often photographed and painted. Some have called the sound "the most beautiful place in the world." Yet this fiord remained a mystery to most of the outside world until the 20th century.

Nineteen kilometers long, Milford Sound is situated on New Zealand's South Island. The sea helped create the waterway when it flooded a valley of glaciers. Today, rock walls rising straight up out of the water line the fiord. Though narrow in some spots, the fiord widens to three kilometers. The entrance at Dale Point is only 548 meters wide. This narrow entrance actually kept the waterway a secret from the outside for many years. Early explorers feared getting their ships stuck in the narrow passage and sailed by. In 1812, Captain John Grono sailed into the fiord, proving it was safe for ship travel. The opening of the Homer Tunnel in 1954 made it possible to reach the fiord by car.

remain v. 保持不變/依然是
eg: Sam remains humble even though he's quite successful now.
=> 雖然Sam現在很成功,但是他依然保持謙虚。
eg: A high crime rate remains this area’s biggest problem.
=> 高犯罪率依然是這個區域最大的問題

situate v. 使位於/使坐落在
eg: The city government situated a bus stop near the elementary school for the students' convenience.
=> 市政府為了學生的便利,把公車站設在距離小學很近的地方。
eg: The company's headquarters are situated in Denver, Colorado.

rise up 聳立/樹立
eg: As we were driving, we saw beautiful green hillsides rising up in front of us.
=> 我們開車的時候,看到美麗的綠色山坡在我們的面前聳立。
eg: The first time I went to Manhattan, I was amazed by the skyscrapers rising up around me.
=> 我第一次到曼哈頓的時候,對環繞在我周圍的摩天大樓感到讚嘆。

//== Chat room ==//

magic adj. 魔術/魅力

magic adj. 帶有神秘的美/有魔力的

magical time of year
=> 形容春天大地起死回生的時候

magical adj. 魔術的, 魔法的
=> 要形容魔術,要用magic當形容詞
eg: magic tricks 變魔術的把戲
=> 不是magical tricks。
eg: magic show 魔術秀
=> 不是magical show,除非是具有魅力的一場演出。

