2010年4月3日 星期六

20100403 The Story of Easter (2)

The Story of Easter

The resurrection
Jesus' friends took his body, wrapped it in cloth, and placed it in a tomb. Jewish leaders, though, feared someone would steal it because Jesus had promised to come back to life on the third day. So Pilate ordered the massive stone at the tomb's opening be sealed and guarded. Three days later, a violent earthquake occurred when an angel appeared and rolled the stone away, terrifying the quards. Later that morning as several women rushed to the place, the angel met them.

He greeted them with the news that Jesus wasn't there; he was alive! The women raced back to Jesus' disciples with the news. When his followers met together that night, Jesus appeared in the midst of them. Naturally, they were frightened. But he ate with them and let them touch the wounds in his feet and hands, proving he was alive. Over the next 40 days, Jesus appeared to over 500 people. After that, his disciples confidently spread the word about Jesus' victory over death and that he truly was the Son of God!

massive adj. 大而重的/巨大的
eg: A massive monument was erected to honor the hero.
=> 人們立了一座巨型的紀念碑來紀念這位英雄。

massive adj. 大量的
eg: Massive clouds covered the sky as it started to rain.
=> 剛開始下雨時天空佈滿了又厚又重的雲層。
eg: A massive crowd gathered in front of city hall to protest.
=> 大批的群眾聚集在市政府前抗議。

disciple n. 本文章指跟隨耶穌的門徒
eg: Peter was one of Jesus' twelve disciples.
=> 彼得是Jesus的十二個門徒之一。

disciple n. 信徒/門徒/追隨者
eg: This painter considered himself a disciple of Andy Warhol.
=> 這位畫家自認為是Andy Warhol的追隨者。

midst n. 中間/中央/當中
in the midst 在某群人之中/在某種狀況中
eg: I saw my son in the midst of the kids who just came out of school.
=> 我在剛下課離開學校的孩子中看見了我的兒子。
eg: Can you call me later? I'm in the midst of an important meeting.
=> 你可以晚點打給我嗎?我正在一個重要的會議中間。

//== Chat room ==//

tomb n. 墳墓(高出地面的)
=> a tomb is above the ground

grave n. 墳墓(低於地面的)
=> a grave is below the ground

cemetery n. 墓地/墓園

//== More Information ==//

What if you got caught doing something wrong like stealing? Then, just as you were about to be punished, your friend stepped in and took the punishment for you. That's exactly what Jesus did for us. Jesus died so we wouldn't have to face the punishment for those bad things we've done. Because of Jesus' death, we've all been given the chance to be forgiven!

