2010年4月21日 星期三

20100421 The End of the Year (1)

The End of the Year

You hold me, you guide me. Whenever I look back. I know you're watching over me

Time flies like a speeding arrow. After a year of hard work, I can finally see the end of my freshman year. After months of adjustments, I feel comfortable living in this environment. This year has been such a blessing for me. I am amazed by how God has led me. His grace and love have held me together through many difficulties; His Word and promise have given me strength. I can't wait to go back to Taipei and share what I have learned this year – this wonderful and amazing year – with my friends.

I can hardly wait to start my summer vacation and am already making plans. I had a bad dream a few days ago that my friends in Taipei forgot me; however, I'm sure it was just a bad dream, right? I am enjoying my life. I've really pushed myself to get out of my comfort zone this first year of college. I am glad that I made some American friends - it helped me blend more into this society. Drinking my Caramel Frappuccino and writing my blog, I am ready to go to the library. Finals are next week, my flight is the week after next. Coffee, I love you.

blessing n. 祝福
=> extremely good that makes you feel happy/comfortable/thankful
=> good things coming from god
eg: Eric asked for his future father-in-law's blessing to marry his daughter.
=> Eric請求他未來的岳父為他們的婚姻祝福。

blessing n. 幸運的事
eg: It was really a blessing that no one got hurt in the car accident.
=> 車禍中無人受傷真地是很幸運的事。

comfort zone 一個人覺得舒適/安全的範圍
=> a situation you feel comfortable
eg: Rob is fairly shy, so he was out of his comfort zone when he gave that speech.
eg: The training actually forced you to step out of your comfort zone and face your fears.
=> 這個訓練真的會強迫您離開舒適的範圍面對自己的恐懼。

blend v. 融入/混合
=> mix
eg: Cathy moved a lot as a child, so it's easy for her to blend with different kinds of people.
=> Cathy小時候常常般家,所以她很容易跟不同的人打成一片。
eg: The sofa blends well with the color of the walls.
=> 沙發與牆壁的顏色配合得很好。

The End of the Year
= The End of the School Year

//== Chat room ==/

melting pot 大熔爐
=> 很多人比喻美國為melting pot,
=> 顧名思義不同的族群背景的人彼此融合(blend)在一起
=> 族群融合是一種迷思,錯誤的以為美國是一個民族大熔爐
=> 因此在過去二三十年越來越少人提到大熔爐
=> 取而代之的是salad bowl
=> 也就是多元文化的提倡
=> 在沙拉碗中大家都是具有特色的/有風味的
=> 而這些風味是組合起來的,而不是融合

blend v. 融入/混合

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

After a year of hard work, I can finally see the end of my freshman year.
=> After a year of hard work, I can finally imagine the end of my freshman year.

see v.
=> consider using "see" when you want to talk about something is not hard to imagine
eg: Ted can see himself opening a small restaurant.

see v.
=> it's hard for you to understand
eg: Stanley's plan is so strange; it's hard for me to see how it could ever work.

see v. 看見
=> I see clouds in the sky.

