2010年4月6日 星期二

20100406 A Mother's Choice (1)

A Mother's Choice

Many new moms face a big decision: return to the workplace or stay at home with her child

Anita and Roger Blackwell had a baby girl, Denise, two months ago. Before Denise arrived, Anita had planned to return to her office job, but now she's having second thoughts.

Conversation A
Anita: Roger, I've really enjoyed being home with Denise. Now that my maternity leave is almost over, I'm actually rethinking returning to my job.

Roger: Really? When we talked about this before Denise arrived, you always insisted you would keep your job.

Anita: But that was before I experienced the joys of being a full-time mom.

Roger: You know I will support whatever decision you have made, but losing your income will definitely affect to our financial situation...

Anita: I know, we may have make some sacrifices, and some changes in our life style.

Roger: Maybe even have to put off buying a house.

Anita: But we wouldn't have to worry about child care expenses.

Roger: Money is one thing, but how about your career? You love your job.

Anita: I would miss it, but I just can't stand the thought of someone else raising Denise. I feel as I was neglecting her.

Roger: No one can take the place of the parents in a child's life that's for sure. But quitting your job is a big decision that will hurt your career.

have second thoughts 改變主意
=> 有另外的想法即改變主意
eg: I intended to accept the job offer, but now I'm having second thoughts because of the long commute.
=> 我原本打算要接受這份工作的機會,但是因為通勤時間很長現在我改變主意了。

sacrifice n. 犧牲/犧牲的行為
eg: In order to give their children the best education, the couple made a lot of sacrifices.

sacrifice v. 犧牲
eg: Becoming successful doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice your principles.
eg: Parents are willing to sacrifice for their children.

put off ph. 拖延/延遲
eg: She had to put off her dentist appointment because she had to go on a business trip.
eg: The school decided to put off remodeling the cafeteria until more funding became available.
=> 學校決定要延後餐廳的裝修,直到有更多的經費下來.

//== Chat room =//

maternal adj. 母親的
paternal adj. 父親的

maternity leave 產假
=> 記法:ma開頭,聽起來像媽
paternity leave (得新生兒後的)父親假
=> 記法:pa開頭,聽起來像爸

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

Now that my maternity leave is almost over, I'm actually rethinking returning to my job.
=> Since my maternity leave is almost over, I'm actually rethinking returning to my job.

now that 因為
= because
= since
eg: Now that the club's usual meeting place will be torn down, the club members have to find a new location.
eg: Now that Paul and his wife have a baby to take care of, Paul needs to find a second job.

