2010年4月14日 星期三

20100414 Liquid Glasses (1)

Liquid Glasses

A new kind of glasses may solve a major world problem

What would you do if you had trouble reading this page? You would probably go to an eye doctor who might give you glasses. For many people around the world, though, such a solution isn't that simple. The World Health Organization reports that around 1 billion people in the world could benefit from glasses. Yet places like Ghana have only one optometrist per 8 million people. This makes glasses almost impossible to get. Joshua Silver, a professor at Oxford University, however, may have solved the problem.

Silver has developed liquid-filled glasses that wearers adjust themselves without seeing a doctor! The lenses are filled with oil. Using a dial on the glasses, the wearer adjusts the amount of oil. This changes the strength of the lens. After the wearer finds the right strength, he seals the lens with a valve. Results show that among those who have tried the glasses, around 80 percent successfully corrected their vision. Silver's goal is for everyone who still needs glasses to have them by 2020. With his self-adjusting glasses, Silver may find that his goal just might be in sight.

lens n. 鏡片
eg: One lens broke when my eyeglasses fell on the ground.
=> 我的眼鏡掉在地上,一邊眼鏡破掉了。
eg: contact lenses 隱形眼鏡

lens n. 鏡頭
=> the part of glasses you look through, usually made of glasses
eg: The lens of this camera is very delicate.
=> 這相機的鏡頭很容易受損。

strength n. 眼鏡的度數
eg: As I grew older, the strength of my eye glasses needed to be readjusted.
=> 我的年齡漸長,眼睛度數需要被重調。

strength 各種特質的強度/長處
eg: I only need coffee of normal strength. Espresso is way too strong for me.
=> 我只需要一般濃度的咖啡。 Espresso對我來說是太濃了。

vision n. 眼睛的視力
eg: He has very limited vision in his right eye.
=> 他右眼視力非常有限。
eg: Doing eye exercises can improve one's vision.
=> 做眼睛體操可以改善視力。
eg: 20/20 vision 標準視力
=> 意思是指在離開視力圖二十呎的地方可以一般人二十英呎應該看得到的字

WHO [World Health Organization] (聯合國)世界衛生組織

billion n. 十億

optometrist n. 1.驗光師
=> an eye doctor who examines your eyes and give you glasses or contact glasses

valve n. 閥/活門
=> a device that open and close to allow gas or liquid in and out

vision n. 視力/視覺
=> the ability to see

//== Chat room ==//

以下名詞都以複數形存在scissors, pants, glasses,其中他們的動詞都要是用複數
eg: Where are my glasses? Here they are.

如果用a pair of + 複數形名詞時,動詞則用單數,因為pair是單數
eg: These pants are expensive.
eg: This pair of pants is expensive.

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

Results show that among those who have tried the glasses, around 80 percent successfully corrected their vision.
=> Results show that around 80 percent of those who have tried the glasses successfully corrected their vision.

...among those who have tried the glasses.
=> 將這個句子的重點放在前面,讓讀者有強烈的印象,用在一些研究報告句子

eg: A study reports that among American children under age 17, 82 percent of them are gamers.
eg: A recent report shows that among 13 year old girls, 53 percent say they are unhappy with their bodies.

//== More Information ==//

Kevin White began Global Vision 2020 as a way to distribute Silvers glasses to needy people around the world. He trains volunteers from local organizations in developing countries. The volunteers are given two simple tasks: distribute glasses to those in need and train OTHER local volunteers to do the same. In this way, White says the Global Vision vision will continue to grow!

