2009年8月11日 星期二

20090811 -- As Busy as Beavers (2)

As Busy as Beavers

Junior wasn't happy about working so hard,
but he decided to quit making trouble.
He made up his mind to work and to make the best of it.
Together, he and his dad cut trees, dragged logs, and stacked sticks.
At last, the difficult task was complete.
"Yahoo! Our work is finished!" shouted Junior with relief.
"Now, let's go fishing! Let's go swimming!"
But there wasn't time.
For just then, lighting flashed and dark clouds began to fill the sky.
"Quick! Make a run for it!" Bucky warned.
And they scrambled into their newly built lodge.
There they waited while the heavy rains fell.
The stream flooded. The waters rushed by.

Yet the beaver lodge remained sturdy and strong.
After a time, the rains stopped, and the sun came out once again.
"We made it!" sighed Bucky.
"Why-ah, everything's all right!"
"Yes!" cried Junior. "And our dam made it too.
Look, every log is still in place.
Now I'm happy that we worked so hard!"
"Me, too," agreed his father.
"And now that our work is done. I'm going to make good on my promise.
Why-ah, let's go swimming!"
"Yahoo!" yelped Junior.
And he and his dad went padding down the river together.
Whatever the task, make up your mind to make the best of it!
A good attitude really makes a difference.

stack v. 堆疊
eg: Sam stacked the papers on the corner of this desk.
eg: Sean stacked all his books on the bookshelves.
eg: We need to stack up the chairs once the meeting is over.

stack v. 堆放/堆滿
stack with
eg: The storage room(儲藏室) is stacked with old files.

yelp v. 動物吠叫/急促的叫喊
=> make a short loud cry
=> here cry for joy
eg: My puppy yelped last night and woke up the neighbors.
eg: The dog yelped when I stepped on its feet by accident.

yelp v. 因為疼痛而喊叫
eg: The boy yelped in pain when the doctor touched his belly(肚子).

paddle v. 涉水/用腳玩水
eg: Michael paddled across the lake in his boat.
eg: We paddled along the seashore and watched the sunset.
eg: We had to paddle across the creek(溪) to get the next stop.
eg: The kids paddled in the puddle(水坑) and got all wet.

make good on 達成(目的)
=> follow/do what you say

make the best 充分利用

//== Chat room ==//

in the works 在準備中/在進行中
=> you're preparing for something or you're working on something

all in a day's work 不足為奇的工作
=> 用來形容一般人覺得很困難的工作,但若是你能夠駕輕就手很熟練,你就可以說all in a day's work
eg: It's all in a day's work.

work one's fingers to the bone 拼命的工作/賣命的工作

work like a charm 很有效/很靈(每一次都奏效)
= work like magic
eg: If you feel hot, lie on the floor and imagine you're in the forest. It works like a charm for me.

