2009年8月12日 星期三

20090812 -- Cruising Down to Mexico (1)

Cruising Down to Mexico

The trip of a lifetime, both on and under the water!
Every day, cruise ships depart from different places for exotic ports of call. Earlier this year, my husband, Mike, and I were fortunate enough to be on one. Our ship, the Norwegian Spirit, measures 268 m in length and can accommodate 1,996 guests and over 900 crewmembers. This floating city offers everything a passenger could want, including a golf course, a library, an Internet cafe, an art gallery, Broadway-type productions and much more!

Economy vs. luxury travel
In the past, luxury cruises were mainly for the wealthy, but today there' something for almost everyone's budget. Staterooms range from small, inside rooms to suites equipped with a living room; dining room; large, ocean-view balcony; and butler services.

Food, glorious food!
Cruise ships pride themselves on their abundance of good food, and the Spirit live up to that claim. With 11 restaurants to choose from, food was everywhere. The culinary event of the week arrived with the "Chocoholic Buffet" - tables loaded with chocolate masterpieces, all ready to be sampled by happy passengers. Those who choose to go cruising on their next vacation can expect to be entertained and pampered and probably to gain a few pound too!

cruise v. 巡航/巡弋
=> going from place to place on a ship
eg: During our vacation, we'll cruise from Mexico to Belize and then ride a bus to the ruins.
eg: The boat will be cruising around the Greek islands this weekend.

cruise n. 巡航/周遊
=> travle on a ship
cruise ship 豪華郵輪
eg: Miami, Florid is a popular port of call and numerous cruise ships can be seen there every day.
eg: A cruise to the Caribbean has always been my dream.

accommodate v. 容納/提供膳宿
=> hold
eg: The hotel suite can accommodate five people, so you can bring a friend along on the trip.
eg: This hotel can accommodate over 1000 guests.
eg: The school dorm can only accommodate an additional one hundred students this year.

culinary adj. 烹飪的/廚房的
eg: Each time I return to Taiwan, I enjoy the culinary treats that I can't find in my city in America.

pamper v. 無微不至的照顧嬌寵
eg: On her birthday, Jessica's children pampered her by serving her breakfast in bed!
eg: My grandparents pampered us when we were little.
eg: After a hard day at work, Rita pampered herself with a bubble bath.

port of call n. (航行途中的)停靠港/停泊港,(旅途中的)落腳處/落腳點

exotic adj. 異國情調的/奇特的
eg: exotic food 異國料理

crewmember n. 全體船員

broadway 百老匯
broadway-type 百老匯形式

stateroom (輪船、火車等的)包房/特等艙/單間臥舖/包廂
=> small private room that you sleep in, you put your luggage in

butler n. 男管家/司膳總管
=> male servant

glorious adj. 極其愉快的/極好的
eg: Last week I had a glorious time with my girlfriend in the movie theater.

//== Chat room =//

live up to 符合某件事
eg: live up to someone's expectation 不辜負某人的期望
eg: live up to its reputation 不枉費好名聲

live it up 盡情享樂/狂歡
eg: Tomorrow is weekend so let's live it up tonight.

live down 將(失敗)...忘掉
eg: She never lived that moment of failure down.

//== Grammer on the go ==//

Cruise ships pride themselves on their abundance of good food, and the Spirit live up to that claim.

to pride oneself on 以...自豪
=> to take pride in
=> to find satisfacation in

eg: Sandra prides herself on always being early at every company meeting.
eg: Tony prides himself on always being the first to turn in his homework.

//== Did you know ==//

How much food do people eat on a cruise ship? One ship, the Mariner of the Seas, consumes 9,000 kg of beef, 28,000 eggs and 30,000 liters of ice cream - in just one week! Of course, with thousands of passengers to feed (not to mention entertain, and make comfortable) the number of hospitality staff on a cruise ship is huge and ometimes can even exceed the number of guests!

hospitality n. 好客/殷勤招待
hospitality staff 好客的員工

