2010年5月11日 星期二

20100511 Summer Movies (2)

Summer Movies


Young people will enjoy a remake of the 1984 film The Karate Kid. Filmed in China, the picture stars Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan. In the movie, a single mother moves to China with her son Dre. Once there, Dre gets interested in martial arts. He wants to protect himself from mean kids at school. His teacher is a martial arts master named Mr. Han. Another adventure film, Prince of Persia, comes from a popular video game.

This fantasy tells the story of Prince Dastan. He is a 6th-century Persian Prince. He and a beautiful princess join together to stop a villain from getting the Sands of Time. This treasure can actually turn back time. The film has many exciting special effects. Adventure moves to modern times in Salt. Angelina Jolie stars as a CIA officer accused of being a Russian spy. She must go on the run and try to prove her innocence.

villain n. 故事中的反派/壞人
=> the bad guy
eg: The actor made a comeback by playing the villain in the blockbuster movie.
=> 這位演員因為演出這部轟動電影的反派角色而東山再起。
eg: The villain in the story became a good guy by the end.
=> 這個壞人到故事結束時成為了一個善良者。
eg: She was cast to be the villain in the play.
=> 她被選上演出這齣戲劇的反派角色。

accuse v. 指控/控告
accuse someone of something 控告某人某事
eg: Nathan was accused of cheating.
=> Nathan被指控考試作弊。
eg: He was accused of stealing the company's money.
=> 他被控盜用公司的錢。
eg: The doctor was accused of negligence by several patients.
=> 這位醫生被好幾名患者指控有醫療上疏失。

innocence n. 無辜/清白
eg: The lawyer proved the defendant's innocence with concrete evidence.
=> 律師用了具體的證據證明了被告清白。
eg: He claimed his innocence when he was arrested.
=> 他被拘捕時,宣稱自己是無辜的。

adventure (n) 1.冒險,冒險精神
martial art 武術(源於東方的幾種搏鬥技巧,如空手道、柔道等)

fantasy n. 空想/幻想/夢想

CIA [Central Intelligence Agency] (美國)中央情報局

spy n. 間諜
=> a person who tries to collect information about other countries by acting someone they are not.

//== Chat room ==//


=> refer to the movie
=> motion picture
=> 電影除了可以叫movie,也可以叫picture
=> 電影早期叫做motion picture,字面上為移動的圖片,後來就簡稱為picture
=> movie用於一般大眾化娛樂性質的商業片

=> 電影還可以叫film
=> film是比較有藝術價值的,比較有深度的電影

film festival 影展
the big screen 大銀幕
= the movie
=> 電影也可以叫做big screen,
=> big screen除了可以當作名詞也可以當作形容詞
eg: Who is your big screen star?
eg: He is a big-screen star.
= He is a movie star.

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

She must go on the run and try to prove her innocence.
=> How Angelina Jolie is trying to escape from people who want to capture her.

on the run
=> try to get/stay away from something
eg: The bank robbers were on the run from the FBI.
eg: The police have issued an arrest warrant, and the suspect is now on the run.


on the run
=> how somebody is in a hurry trying to get from place to place
eg: Matilda has been on the run, picking up different things for the party.
eg: Nancy's scheduie is very crazy, she is always on the run.

