2010年5月29日 星期六

20100529 What's in a Nym (2)

What's in a "Nym"?

These interesting words have their origin in the proper name of a real or fictional person or thing. Examples include sandwich from the Earl of Sandwich, who is credited with the food's invention. And boycott comes from Charles Boycott (1832-1897) an Irish land agent.

This is one of two or more words that haved the same spelling or pronunciation but differ in meaning. For example, some homonyms are buy, bye and by or peek, peak and pique. Homonyms with the same spelling but different meanings would be bank - a place to keep money, and bank - the side of a stream or river. These are also called heteronyms.

Exonyms are place names foreigners use that differ from the place names in the original language. For example, English speakers use the exonym Vienna for the Austrian Wien. Chinese use the exonym Mei Guo(美國) for the United States.

A metonym is a common word or phrase that also has an associated meaning. For example, the White House means the American executive branch of the government. Tongue is a metonym for a language or dialect.

boycott n. 抵制
=> show you don't support something by not using/purchasing
eg: People are boycotting beef products imported from the foreign country.
=> 人們正在抵制從外國進口的牛肉產品。
eg: The union boycotted the private meeting between the owner and some of the workers.
=> 公會抵制這個老闆和部分員工私下舉行的會議。

pique n. 生氣/激怒
=> cause them to be angry
eg: He left in a fit of pique, demonstrating that he was treated unfairly.
=> 他一賭氣就走了,一邊抗議他被不合理地對待了。

pigue v. 生氣/激怒
=> 通常都用被動式
eg: She was piqued by her husband's harsh words.
=> 她被她的先生苛刻的話給激怒了。

dialect n. (區域性)方言/土話
=> a variation of a language
eg: Canonnese 廣東話
eg: Timocthy can speak the regional dialect fluently.
=> Timocthy可以流利地講地方方言。

language 方言, 土話
=> 國家或一個民族所使用的語言
eg: Mandarin 國語

eponym n. 名祖(其名字用來命名人種,土地,時代的人)

homonym n. 同音異義字/同形同音異義字;/同形異義字
=> words have the same spellings or pronunciation but different meaning

=> place names that foreigners use that differ from the place names in the original language.

metonym n. 換喻詞

fictional adj. 虛構的
=> fictional people/story

earl n. (英)伯爵
=> a person very high rank lives in the England a long time ago

Why are movies stars so cool?
=> Because they have so many fans.

//== Chat room ==//

eponym n. 人名名詞
=> 指的是源自於人名的名詞

narcissism n. 自戀/自我陶醉/自我中心
=> 源自於希臘神話的美少年Narcissus,他因為長得太俊美了,
=> 當他看到自己水中的倒影的時候,就被它所迷住

narcissist n. 自戀的人

