2010年4月7日 星期三

20100407 A Mother's Choice (2)

A Mother's Choice

Conversation B

Anita: That's possible. And I know my supervisor really depends on me.

Roger: Of course – you're talented and good at what you do.

Anita: Thank you. But as important as my career is, I am beginning to have different priorities.

Roger: What do you mean?

Anita: Since Denise's birth, I've been thinking. Babies grow and change so fast – I don't want to miss that. When she's in school, I can go back to work.

Roger: But I know you enjoy interacting with people. Are you sure you want to spend all day taking care of Denise and the house?

Anita: To be honest, I am afraid I might get bored. But maybe I can get to know some of the mothers from the playgroup that meets in the park.

Roger: OK. I guess I just thought we'd work together to juggle the responsibilities of raising a family and having careers.

Anita: Me too, but now I'm afraid that we'll just get burned out.

Roger: You're probably right. And being stressed out isn't fun.

Anita: And it won't be forever. I just think it's what's best right now.

Roger: Well, the most important thing is that you're happy with this decision.

as adjective as something is 既使...仍然要
eg: as important as something is 既使...仍然要
eg: As costly as the treatment is, we still decided to take a chance with it.
=> 既使這個治療方式這麼昂貴,我們決定試試看。
eg: As hard as the training is, Dave is determined to stay on the team.
=> 既使這個訓練這麼辛苦,Dave 還是確定留在隊伍中。

priority n. 優先事項/優先考慮的事
eg: Getting a loan from the bank is now our first priority.
=> 得到銀行貸款是我們現在的當務之急。
eg: To have better time management, you need to first get your priorities straight.
=> 要有更好的時間管理,您首先需要把優先順序排好。

juggle v. 耍把戲(同時拋很多球)
juggle v. 本文章指同時應付很多種任務/責任
eg: As a CEO, it's not easy to juggle so many responsibilities.
=> 身為CEO,要同時應付這麼多的事是 不容易的事。
eg: Victor is having trouble juggling school and baseball.
=> Victor沒有辦法兼顧學業和打棒球。

depend on 依靠/依賴
= count on

supervisor n. 監督人/管理人/指導者
=> a person in a company that supervises/manages people
=> a leader in a certain organization

take care of 照顧/注意

playgroup n. 學齡前幼兒遊戲組

get burned out 不再熱衷/失去興趣、熱情
=> do something so long and so intensively and you really get sick and tired of it
eg: When you burn out, you lose enthusiasm, I always loved computers. All of a sudden I just didn't care
=> 一個人失去了興趣,就失去了熱心,我向來熱愛電腦,突然間我卻一點也不在乎。

//== Chat room ==//

housewife n. 家庭主婦
=> 和homemaker比的話,housewife算是negative term
=> housewife是帶有刻版印象的字,
=> 它會讓人聯想到一整天帶小孩、忙家事
=> 使自己變成沒有自我的黃臉婆的家庭主婦

homemaker n. 主婦/持家的人
=> It's better to say homemaker, stay-at-home mom or full-time mom
=> 現在家庭主婦升級為homemaker
=> 這是一個看不出性別的字
=> 因此一個在家帶孩子、負責家務的丈夫也可以是homemaker
=> 他的工作就是把房子改造成一個家

stay-at-home mom 全職媽媽
full-time mom 全職媽媽
=> a full-time mon cooks clean and takes care of their children

domestic engineer 全職媽媽
=> domestic engineer take care of something in the house
=> politically correct的用語

maid n. 傭人
=> 和housekeeper比較的話,maid算是negative term
=> 如果要用politically correct的用語,可以說domestic worker
=> 一般我們用housekeeper就可以了

housekeeper 女管家
= people that clean houses

