2010年4月12日 星期一

20100412 The Wonderful World of Antiques (1)

The Wonderful World of Antiques

How can you tell if what you are buying is really an antique?

SC: What is an antique?

FA: Well, there are really three words you need to knowin the antique business: antique, reconstruction and reproduction. An antique is an item that is over 100 years old and less than 33 percent restored. A reconstruction might also be more than 100 years old but has been altered more than 33 percent. A reproduction is a new piece - with or without old materials - that has been made to look antique.

SC: How much do antiques cost?

FA: It depends on anumber of factors like age, size, the materials and techniques used in construction.

The quality of the piece is also important. Real antiques tend to be unique items because they were made before things were mass-produced. Most of them were also originally made for wealthy families because they could afford to have things made with better materials. In the 1970s and '80s, there was an abundance of antiques in the Asia market. Now that the market is depleted, prices have gone up a lot. But generally, reconstructed pieces are worth between a quarter and a third of the price of antiques.

construction n. 建造
reconstruction 重建
eg: The reconstruction of the chapel took over 15 years.
=> 這個教堂的重建花了超過15年的時間。

reproduction 複製品
eg: a reproduction of Van Gogh's "Starry Night"

alter v. 改變
=> has been changed, changed to fit a certain thing
eg: We have to alter our schedule to meet the new deadline.
=> 為了要在新的限期內交件,我們必須修改我們的日程表。

alter v. 修改
eg: The engine of this car was altered to have more horsepower.
=> 這輛汽車引擎被改裝過讓馬力更增加。

deplete v. 消耗/使減少
depleted adj 枯竭的
=> reduced, gone done
eg: Depleted food supplies were the key reason the weak troops were defeated.
=> 食品補給的不足是隊伍被擊敗的關鍵原因。
eg: The river is depleted of fish.
=> 這條河激幾乎沒有任何魚了。

antique n. 古董

mass-produced 大量生產

=> brought back to the original condition

//== Chat room ==//

old adj. 舊的
oldie n.
=> 老東西
=> 古時候的東西
=> 令人懷念的老歌、老電影
=> 老人/資深的老資格的人

newbie n. 新手/菜鳥

