2010年4月19日 星期一

20100419 A Life of Dance (1)

A Life of Dance

Dreams do come true

Chang Feng-Hsiang (張鳳翔) lay awake. She was facing one of the hardest decisions she would ever have to make. She had come to Spain to study flamenco and follow her dream of becoming a world-class dancer. And now she had been offered a place in a professional dance company. Though staying in Spain was a temptation, it meant a long separation from her husband and children in Taiwan. Chang didn't know what to do.

A life of dance
Music and dance had always been important parts of Chang's life. Under the influence of her grandfather, a composer and folk artist, the entire family became involved in music, drama and dance. Her family supported itself by working as a performance troupe. At age 4, Little Rabbit -- as Chang was called -- began performing solo dances during her family's shows. By age 7, she was performing professionally. In the 1950s, Taiwan was poor, so Chang's family moved around, performing on any stage they could find. With each performance, Little Rabbit's celebrity grew. By 15 she was appearing weekly on television.

professional adj. 職業的/專業的
eg: Frank is a professional golfer who competed in many important tournaments.
=> Frank是一位職業高爾夫球運動員常常出賽許多重要的賽事

amateur adj. 業餘的
eg: Ricky is coaching an amateur baseball team.
=> =Ricky 在一支非職業棒球隊當教練。

tempt v. 引誘/吸引
temptation n. 誘惑/很吸引人的事物
eg: The salary of the overseas job I was offered is really high. It's hard to resist such temptation.
=> 這個海外工作所給的條件薪資真的很高。很難拒絕這樣的誘惑。
eg: Chocolate is a real temptation for me.
=> 巧克力對我來說的真的是極大的誘惑。

solo adj. 單獨的/單獨表演的
eg: She released her solo album last year, and it was a great success.
=> 她去年發布了她的單飛的唱片,並且大獲成功。
eg: The solo performance by the cellist won a nice round of applause.
=> 這個提琴家的獨奏贏得了熱烈的掌聲。

flamenco n. 弗拉曼柯舞(西班牙的吉普賽舞蹈)

composer n. 作曲者/作曲家/作者/作家

troupe n. (演員等的)一團/一班
=> a group that travel around

celebrity n. 名聲/著名
=> fame

//== Chat room ==//

learn the steps 學會跳舞的舞步

step 步伐/步調
one step at a time 一步一步的進行
step by step 一步一步的/循序漸進的

out of step 不和諧/不一致
=> 步伐不整/亂了步伐延伸出來的意思為不和諧/不一致

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

With each performance, Little Rabbit's celebrity grew.

with something, subject + verb
=> how something is progressing

eg: With each workout(訓練/練習) seeion at the health club, John's physical condition improved.
eg: With each speech lesson, Maria became more confident.

