2009年5月1日 星期五

20090501 -- Molly, the Brave Little Pony (1)

Molly, the Brave Little Pony

This special little horse shares hope wherever she goes

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina brought death and destruction to Mississippi and Louisianna. Humans weren't the only ones affected by the terrible storm. Around 600,000 animals died or were left by their owners during the hurricane. A little pony named Molly was one of the animals left behind. After three weeks, neighbors rescued her and moved her to a farm.

Bad luck

Molly joined other rescued animals there in what everyone thought was a safe place. But for the pony, her good luck turned bad.

While the new owner was away, a dog attacked Molly and seriously injured her. Molly's right front leg needed to be amputated. Since horses with missing leg rarely survived, the doctors didn't want to remove it. But after they met Molly, they agreed that she could have the surgery. They felt she had a strong will to live. On January 16, 2006, doctors removed Molly's leg just below the knee. Everyone believe the surgery would give her a fighting chance.

hurricane n. 颶風
-> typhoon
eg: Last week's hurricane blew several large boats onto the beach.

destruction n. 破壞
eg: The tyhpoon left behind a great deal of destruction.
eg: The earthquake caused serious destruction on the city.
eg: The destruction of rainforests leads to enviromental problems.

destroy v.
eg: The fire destroyed the whold building.

rescue n.
-> save
eg: Firemen are trying to rescue three small children from the burning building.

rarely adv.
-> hardly
eg: Eric is so busy he rarely visits his parents' home.

-> certain kind of small house

amputate v. 截肢
-> surgery cut off a part of body for medical reason
eg: Both legs of the survivors were severely injured and infected, so the doctor had to amputate them.
eg: His right leg was amputated below the knee.

fighting chance 經過努力才能獲得的成功機會
-> people believe that she has chance to live even though it will take struggle
eg: If we can get support from the committee, we might have a fighting chance to get this proposal approved.

//== Grammer on the go ==//

Molly joined other rescued animals there in what everyone thought was a safe place.

what everyone though was a safe place

sentence pattern:
what pronoun of subject thought was mistaken idea

eg: When the moviegoers(常看電影的人) heard the alarm, they all rushed toward what they thought was the emergency exit door.
eg: Mr. Wang put all of his money in what he thought was a fail-proof investment plan.

//== Chat room ==//


storm: hurricane, typhoon, hail, snow
hail: frozen ice ball 冰雹

storm v. 刮風下雨/起風暴
storm out of the room (橫衝直撞)衝出房間
storm the government building 猛烈的進攻
storm the Parliament

eg: He stormed out of the room in a rage.

ride out a storm 安然度過難關
-> stay safe

eg: We must work hard to ride out a storm.

