2009年5月5日 星期二

20090505 -- The Pullet Surprise (2)

The Pullet Surprise

After a while, they came to the edge of a beautiful pond.
"All right, little ones," the mother duck smiled.
"Time for a swim. Everybody in."
"Oh, boy!" they quacked.
"Oh, no!" the chick peeped.
"Psst," she whispered, pulling one of the others aside.
"Is she pulling my leg? What's she trying to pull? We can't swim."
"Sure we can," the little duck quacked.
"It's easy once you get your feet wet. Watch!"
And he jumped into the water with his brothers.
"You can do it!" they cheered.
"We're all pulling for you!"
"Please don't push me," cried the chick.
"I can't pull this off. I can't swim.
I don't ... a-a-ahh-choo ... know how."
"You can't pull out now," the little ducked.
"Jump in!"

But the chick stay on the bank.
"I can't!" she screamed wildly.
"Pull yourself together," the others cried.
"What's wrong? Are you a chicken?"
"Why, yes!" cried the chick.
"And ... I want my mother!"
Suddently from out of nowhere the mother hen appeared.
"There you are, little chick! I am so worried."
"Mother!" she cried.
"I'm so happy you're here. but ..." she sobbed.
"I'm sorry I made you worry. You can scold me. I deserve it."
But instead the mother hen took the chick under her wing.
The little pullet felt warm and safe there.
"Now I know why mother worries," she sighed.
"She ... a-a-ah-choo ... loves me."

get one's feet wet 著手進行/開始參與
-> somebody is experiencing something the first time
eg: Someday I want to study in America. Next year I'll go there for two weeks to get my feet wet.
eg: The boss decided to let the rookie get his wet by doing the big project.
eg: Skiing is not that hard once you get your feet wet.

chicken n. 膽小鬼
-> someone is afraid of something
eg: I don't care if you call me a chicken. I'm not going to climb that ladder!

sob v. 啜泣/哽咽
sob sobbed sobbed sobbing
-> crying so much
eg: Haley sobbed as she told her parents she falled the exam.
eg: She spent the whole day sobbing in bed when she first broke up with her boyfriend.
eg: The little girl sobbed about her lost Teddy bear.

pull one's leg 和某人開玩笑
-> play a joke on someone
eg: Whe the game show host told her that she won one million dollars, she thought that he was pulling her leg.
eg: Don't believe what Charlie told you. He's probably just pulling your leg.

pull somebody
-> trick somebody

pull for someone
-> encourage someone

Don't push me.

pull out
-> give up

pull yourself together
-> calm down

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
-> Don't count something that may not happen.

Don't make assumptions. 別下定論
Anything could happen. 任何事都會發生)
Don't jump the gun. 別太早預測事情、太早行動

//== Chat room ==//

take someone under one's wing 保護/照顧某人
eg: Everyone who lost their home in the earthquakc was taken under the wing of the local church.

spread your wings 不要退縮/此刻嘗試新的經驗

wait in the wings (在舞台兩側等待)準備好要上場
wings 舞台幕後的兩側
-> wait to do something

