2011年2月10日 星期四

20110210 Sally Hawkins – Toronto's Belle of the Ball (2)

Sally Hawkins – Toronto's Belle of the Ball

When it comes to her own films she says, "I just love creating characters, but it's always weird to watch yourself. I'll be thinking I didn't know my mouth made that shape. It's so big. What am I doing? Ohh, don't do that!" But you just have to kind of get over it. And the older I get, the less I worry about it all." But theater has a definite allure for someone who's all about creating characters.

"There's nothing like a live audience," she says. "It's great, so very different from film. You're having to communicate to a big collection of people, but it's a two-way thing. You're getting back from the audience. You have to be aware of what's happening as well as of what you're doing." But you can overdo it. "You have to be aware but also you have to not aware," she said. "It's terrifying to be on Broadway, and it's also very exciting."

get over something 克服某件事/把某件事情忘記
eg: After a lot of practice, Sandra finally got over her stage fright.
=> 經過許多的練習,Sandra終於克服了上台怯場的毛病。
eg: Although years have passed, George still can't get over the break-up with Molly, his ex-girlfriend.
=> 雖然幾年已經過去,但George仍然?有辦法從與前女友Molly的分手中平復過來。

definite adj. 明確的/肯定的
=> certain, clear
eg: The owner of the house needs a definite offer from us by tomorrow.
=> 明天之前,屋主需要我們給他一個明確的出價。
eg: There has been a definite improvement of the patient's health since he was admitted.
=> 病人從住院之後健康情形就顯著的改善

allure v. 誘惑/強烈的吸引
allure n. 魅力/誘惑
=> the quality of being interested
eg: The allure of winning a fortune attracts people to buy lotto tickets.
=> 獲得大筆財富的誘惑吸引人們去買彩券
eg: The allure of working in the fashion business draws many young talented people.
=> 在時尚界工作的魅力吸引許多有才華的年輕人

lure v. 引誘/誘惑
eg: The prey(獵物) was lured into a trap set by the hunter.
eg: Money lured him away from his morals and he betrayed his boss.

lure v. 吸引
eg: Good benefits and a cash bonus should lure new graduates to accept a job here.

weird adj. 鬼怪似的/怪誕的/神祕的

overdo v. 把...做得過分
=> do it too much

=> extremely frightening

Broadway n. 百老匯

//== Chat Room ==//

cast v. 分派角色(在戲劇或電影的角色)
eg: Peter was cast as a salesman in the play.
=> Peter被選派扮演推銷員的角色

type n.類型

=> 讓演員總是演同一類型的角色,久而久之,被typecast的演員就被定型了
=> 就像成龍早期被typecast,後來進軍好萊塢嘗試了一些喜劇的角色

stereotype n. 刻板印象
=> 通常指對特定族群普遍的看法,這種看法往往是不正確或充滿偏見的。
=> 好萊塢早期的電影,常讓亞裔演員專門扮演陰險的壞角色,這就加深了亞裔族群在美國社會的stereotype。

//== Grammer on the go ==//

Theater has a definite allure for someone who's all about creating characters.
=> Theater has a definite allure for someone who's very interested in creating characters.

be all about
=> very interested or dedicated to
=> often used in informal situation

eg: John is all about protecting the environment.
eg: When it comes to hosting a party, Martha is all about the presentation.


eg: This book is all about the history of Germany.

