2011年2月17日 星期四

20110217 Working From Home (3)

Working From Home

Rachelle Goldenberg, a contract social worker, says setting up a home office dedicated to work was a necessity when she started working form her residence. She also created a routine to keep her motivated to work rather than goof off throughout the day. "I set a specific time when I start working on projects in the morning. When 8 a.m. rolls around, I start to work," she says.

Goldenberg says working at home has been a necessity because she was laid off last year. But she says she has been rewarded with more time for her kids and a flexible schedule. That allows her to, for example, take a break to watch her son's swim meet and then work later in the evening. Goldenberg is also highly organized. She creates lists of tasks that need to be done and checks them off when complete.

Acuthor Lister says the most successful at-home workers are systematic with their work. They have a home office and never routinely take care of children at home while trying to perform work tasks.

"There are so many remote workers doing so many different jobs today." she says.

reside v. 居住
=> live in a place

residence n. 住所/住宅
eg: The governor's residence is located near the state capitol.
=> 州長的官邸的位置很靠近州的首府
eg: The Peterson's residence is undergoing some remodeling now.
=> Peterson的房子現在正在重新裝修

goof v. 閒晃
goof off 混日子/偷懶
=> avoid work, spending time in a lazy way
eg: The boy has been goofing off the whole weekend and didn't finish any homework.
=> 這位男孩整個週末都在偷懶,沒有完成任何的功課
eg: Becky和同學偷懶沒上課跑去看電影

sytem n. 系統
systematic adj. 有條理的/系統化的
eg: The article is a systematic introduction to the issue of global warming.
=> 這篇文章有系統的介紹暖化這個議題
eg: Hank is systematic in his job.
=> Hank在工作上相當有條理

dedicated adj. 專注的/獻身的
=> designed specifically for something

motivated adj. 有動機的/有目的的
=> want to do something well

roll around
=> When something happen regularly, as the time passed and it happened again
eg: Christmas rolls around every December 25.

lay someone off 開除某人

//== Chat room ==//

necessary adj. 必要的
necessity n. 必要/需要
=> 出於不得以的需要
eg: the necessities of life
=> 生活中的必需品,像是食衣住行

necessary evil 必要之惡
=> necessary evil並不一定是什麼大的罪惡,
=> 任何一件你不喜歡但是必須做的事情,
=> 像是整理房間或是報稅都可以稱為necessary evil
=> 因為即使你不想做,你還是得做

//== Grammer on the go ==//

When 8 a.m. rolls around, I start to work," she says.
=> Whenever it is 8 a.m., I start to work.
=> I begin to work at 8 a.m. every day.

to roll aaround (用於非正式的場合)
= to happen again

eg: When summer rolls around, the school campus becomes a very quiet place.
eg: When evening rolls around, bats come flying out of their cave looking for food.


The pig likes to roll around in the mud.
=> roll around 打滾

