2011年2月24日 星期四

20110224 Good Parenting Skills Can Change the World (1)

Good Parenting Skills Can Change the World

All of us need to practice healthy parental behaviors toward young children and teenagers

Have you noticed that relationships all over the world are full of tension? Many families are stressed to the breaking point. Governments, schools and workplaces all wrestle with "people problems." The world cannot change for the better until families become more emotionally healthy. Mental health and balanced citizens create a sane society. There is no substitute for a mentally healthy parent figure in one's life. Individuals who raise mentally and emotionally healthy children make a major contribution to our world.

Good parents use these strategies:
* They listen to their children. We all feel valued when other people listen to us. Children cannot feel safe without adults taking time to listen.
* They treat children with respect. Respect means treating a child's feelings tenderly in every possible situation.
* They give out hugs. Children need the power of touch. Parents who dish out orders and never give hugs are raising emotionally deprived children.
* They discipline properly and consistently. Parents should take control and speak authoritatively when necessary. Children feel safe when parents take control.

wrestle v. 摔角/角力
wrestle with something 努力解決/對付某個問題
=> try to deal with something
eg: For weeks, Sean has been wrestling with the decision of which school he should go to.
=> 幾個星期以來,Sean 一直在為要到哪個學校苦思
eg: The goverment is wrestling with the problem of unemployment.
=> 政府正在努力解決失業問題

dish out something (口語用語)給/分發/提供
=> give out something
eg: Tom loves to dish out advice that you don't need.
=> Tom 喜歡給一些你根本就不需要的建議
eg: Hilary dishes out criticism so easily that she often hurts the people around her.
=> Hilary隨隨便便就批評別人,所以常常傷害週遭的人

deprive v. 剝奪/使喪失
deprived adj. 缺乏的/貧窮的/被剝奪的
=> lack something
eg: Brenda came from a deprived family, but that only motivated her to succeed.
=> Brenda出生於貧困的家庭, 但這是鼓勵他成功的動機
eg: Steep-deprived teenagers may have emotional problems.
=> 缺乏睡眠的青少年可能會有情緒上的問題

tension n. 緊張局勢/緊張狀況

sane adj. 健全的/無疾病的

contribution n. 貢獻

authoritatively adv. 命令式地

//== Chat room ==//

parent figure 父親或母親的化身
=> substitue parent who cares for a child in many ways
=> 一個parent figure不一定是guardian
=> 但是不是只有孤兒才有parent figure
=> 任何一位能像父母親一樣扶養照顧教導你的長者都可以是parent figure
=> 如果出遠門到一個陌生的環境求學或是工作能夠有一位parent figure收容你
=> 提供你一個home away from home 像家一樣舒適的地方

guardian 法律上的監護人

home away from home 當出遠門求學或工作,有parent figure提供像家一樣舒適的地方

