2011年2月20日 星期日

20110219 Fashion Goes Green (2)

Fashion Goes Green

Designers and manufacturers clearly have environmental responsibilities to uphold and so do consumers. Fortunately, getting a green wardrobe is easier than you think.

Shop your own closet
Instead of purchasing a new outfit from the mall, make what you already have look new again. Use your creativity to mix old items and accessories together in fresh, new ways. If you know how to sew, the possibilities are endless. Cut up old shirts and piece them together to make a new skirt or jacket. Have fun and be creative.

Be a thrifty shopper
Save money and avoid waste at the same time by shopping for gently used clothing items. Although thrift shops are most ideal for this type of shopping, many online sites, including eBay, sell used clothing.

Get to know eco-friendly brands
What brands do you shop for? Today, high-end designers like Stella MaCartney and Loomstate are supporting sustainable fashion. Likewise, more affordable options include popular chain H& M, which is committed to responsibly using the planet's resources to manufacture its clothing. Buy brands that support eco-fashion. Become an environmental activist by starting with your closet. Dress green every day!

wardrobe n. 一個人全部的服裝/衣櫃
=> a referece to all the clothes that you have
eg: Check your wardrobe before shopping so you can avoid buying things you already have.
=> 逛街前先檢查一下已經有的衣服,避免買到重複的衣服
eg: Betty showed us her new red-wood wardrobe.
=> Betty展示她的紅木衣櫃

accessories n. 配件
eg: The store has all kinds of accessories to go with dresses.
=> 這家店有各種搭配洋裝的配件
eg: The accessories for the convertible are too expensive.
=> 這個跑車的配件太貴了

thrift n. 節約/節儉
thrifty adj. 節省的/節儉的
=> be careful to your money, not spending too much
be a thrifty shopper 花錢買東西會精打細算的人.
eg: Even though Eric is very rich now, he's still very thrifty.
=> 雖然Eric現在非常的有錢,但是他仍然很節儉
eg: Mom has always been a thrifty housewife.
=> 媽媽一直以來都是節儉的家庭主婦
eg: thrift shop

frugal 節儉的、節省的
=> thrifty/economical 經濟的、節約的

penny-pinching 吝嗇/小氣
=> 把每一penny(一分錢)都pinch緊緊地捏在手上/放不開

penny-wise adj. 省小錢的/在小事情上精明的

uphold v. 支撐/支持
=> support/obey
eg: uphold a principal/rule/responsibility

outfit n. 全套服裝

activist n. 激進主義分子/行動主義者

//== Chat Room ==//

tightwad n. 守財奴
=> 緊緊抓住錢的人

wad 一疊的東西
eg: a wad of bills 一疊鈔票

tight adj. 緊的/緊緊的

nest egg 為了養老或是不時之需的儲蓄
=> 留在鳥窩裡的蛋

pay an arm and a leg 貴得要命
= cost an arm and a leg
= charge an arm and a leg
=> 付出一支手臂和一條腿才買得起,即貴得要命
=> pay a very high price, higer than you should
eg: That hair salon charges an arm and leg for a haircut
=> 那家美容院剪髮的價錢很昂貴

