2010年3月29日 星期一

20100327 Exercise Is Needed; a Diet Is Essential (1)

Exercise Is Needed; a Diet Is Essential

Trying hard to get rid of this 10 kg of American food

If you live in a great place like Taipei, dear readers, you might sometimes forget that the food is so delicious. In my school, all freshmen are required to purchase a meal plan, so most students eat at the campus cafeteria. After eating cafeteria food for seven months, I am sick and tired of it. And it's making me fat. I've gained almost 10 kg. Even though I have done some weight training. I need to start doing cardio exercises to get in shape. There is one thing I am grateful for: I live in California.

California is known for its high number of Asian immigrants, so finding traditional Chinese food isn't a big problem. After eating American food for a week, I always find a way to get some Chinese food with friends. A nearby city, Arcadia is even noted for some Taiwanese stores like Ten Ren Tea (天仁茗茶) and Din Tai Fung Dumpling House (鼎泰豐). Eating there is so wonderful! Oh, and I just passed my written driver's permit test. I am now scheduling times with an instructor to learn how to drive. This is going to be really exciting!

sick and tired of 對某事或某物感到極度厭倦/厭倦
eg: I'm sick and tired of working hard and still not getting a pay raise.
=> 我對於一直努力工作但仍然沒有調薪感到十分厭煩。
eg: Alice is sick and tired of her parents' constant nagging.
=> Alice 對父母常數嘮叨感到十分厭煩 。

note v. 注意
noted adj. 有名的
be noted for something 以某件事而有名
eg: The noted Korean singer will perform in Tokyo this summer.
eg: The teacher is noted for her strictness.

instruct v. 訓練/指導
instructor n. 教練/大學講師/訓練員
eg: Brenda works part-time as a swimming instructor.
=> Brenda兼職當游泳教練。
eg: Wesley is a History instructor in USC.
=> Wesley是USC的歷史講師。

//== Chat room ==//

driver's license 駕照
driver's permit 學習執照
learner's permit 學習執照
driver's training 駕訓班
written test 筆試
road skills test 路考

在取得駕照之前,你必須先得到driver's permit/learner's permit,
要取得driver's permit就必須要上driver's training,
駕訓班結業後可以去考written test,
通過了筆試之後,還要考road skills test,
通過這一連串的測試才可以取得driver's license

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

(1) There is one thing I am grateful for: I live in California.
(2) I am thankful that I live in California.
=> (1) 寫法可以讓人有較強烈的第一印象

make strong first impression
catch the audience's attention

(1)Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to report to all of you that we finally have one million customers using our product.
(2)Ladies and gentlemen, we finally did it; We finally have one million customers using our product.
=> (2)的寫法較人印象強烈,強調We finally have one million customers using our product.

(1) Our company has many problems, but we need to work together as a team.
(2) Yes, our company has many problems. But one thing is for sure; We need to work together as a team.
=> (2)的寫法較人印象強烈,強調We need to work together as a team.

