2010年3月8日 星期一

20100308 The World's Artist: Michelangelo (2)

The World's Artist: Michelangelo

His famous works

Growing up during the Renaissance, Michelangelo was influenced by many great artists and works of art. Soon he was creating his own art, and by 16, he had finished his first two sculptures. By25, Michelangelo had completed what some call the world's greatest sculpture, the Pieta. The statue of Mary holding her dead son Jesus amazed everyone because of Mary's emotionless expression. This was the only sculpture ever signed by the artist.

In 1501 Michelangelo began his next masterpiece, a statue of the Bible hero David. People marveled at the 5.17-meter statue because the human form was extremely lifelike. Due to Michelangel's fame, Pope julius II selected him to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Beginning in 1508, Michelangelo spent the next four years painting from a high, wooden platform. When he had finished, over 300 figures covered the chapel ceiling! Artists today still get inspiration from Michelangelo, the man many call the world's greatest artist.

work of art 藝術品/精心的創作
eg: The museum has many works of art from the Impressionists(印象派藝術家).
eg: "The Starry Night" (星空) is one of Van Gogh's most praised works of art.
eg: This beautiful diamond necklace is really a work of art.

statue n. 雕塑/雕像
eg: the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像
eg: The statue of the couple's beloved dog reminds them of him.
=> 這對夫婦'的愛犬的雕像讓他們睹物思人。
eg: A statue honoring the brave fireman was erected(樹立) in his town.

lifelike adj. 栩栩如生的
eg: A lifelike portrait of the president was hung on the wall of his office.
eg: These lifelike glass grapes make people want to touch them.

Pope Julius II 朱利葉斯教皇II
Sistine Chapel 西斯汀教堂

