2010年9月3日 星期五

20100903 Worst Case Scenario How to Deal With Travel Disasters Part 2 (2)

Worst Case Scenario: How to Deal With Travel Disasters (Part 2)

Lost boarding pass in Lima
Travelers seem to delight in gamboling through airports with their boarding pass hanging from a pocket, clutched in two fingers or tucked behind their ear. Bad passengers. No pass, no passage.
What to do: A gate agent or airline service-counter staffer can replace the lost boarding pass when you show valid ID.
How to prevent it: Pretend it's a $200 bill. Keep your boarding pass in a secure pocket except when you have to show it at security and the gate.

Lost luggage in Luxembourg
In our case, we'd made a tight connection through Heathrow, but my wife's suitcase didn't.
What to do: Find the luggage office immediately and file a claim. Be prepared to return to the airport to retrieve the bag once it appears. If the bag never arrives, you can always buy some basic garments and supplies.
How to preventg it: Upon check-in, always ask to see the destination tag before your bag goes on the conveyor belt. If you're departing on a long, expensive trip for which there will be little recourse if either you or your luggage fails to arrive, plan to fly in at least one day early. Also, don't choose the last flight of the day. And don't forget to put essentials, such as cameras and documents, in your carry-on bag.

gamble 賭博
gambol v. 戲鬧/跳躍
=> run and play
eg: The puppies are gamboling around their mother.
=> 小狗狗在媽媽的身邊蹦蹦跳跳的。
eg: Kids are gamboling around on the playground.
=> 小朋友在操場中蹦蹦跳跳的。

clutch v. 緊握/抓緊
=> hold on to it very tightly
eg: The old lady clutched her handbag to her chest while walking to the bank.
=> 這位老太太在走到銀行之前緊緊的她的皮包在她的胸前。
eg: Patricia clutched her busband's hand while she was in labor.
=> Patricia在生產的時候緊抓著先生的手。

re- 回來
retrieve v. 取取
eg: I tried to retrieve the email that I accidentally deleted but I didn't succeed.
=> 我試著找回之前被刪掉的電子郵件,但是行不通。
eg: The wide receiver quickly retrieved the ball after dropping it.
=> 接球員掉球之後很快重新把球接住。

boarding pass 登機卡

tuck v. 把...塞進/把...藏入

airline service-counter staffer 航空公司服務櫃檯工作人員

destination n. 目的地

conveyor belt 輸送帶

garment n. (一件)衣服
=> a piece of clothes

recourse n. 依靠/依賴/求助

//== Chat room ==//

airline service-counter staffer

staff 指一個機構的全體職員/全體工作人員
=> 不能用來只個別的人員

a staff member
=> 可以說一個人是a staff member,卻不能說他是a stuff,為了應付這個需求,美國人創造了staffer

staffer (可數名詞) 職員
eg: He is a White House staffer.
=> 他是白宮職員。

staff v. 為某個地方配備人員
eg: fully staffed 名額已滿/沒有空缺

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

Upon check-in, always ask to see the destination tag before you bag goes on the conveyor belt.
eg: At the time of check-in, always ask to see the destination tag before your bag goes on the conveyor belt.

= at the time of

eg: Upon seeing her boyfriend on his knee with a big diamond ring and a large bouquet of flowers, Alicia began to cry.
eg: Upon the singer's arrival at the airport, the fans who had been waiting quietly became a screaming mob.


eg: Upon the surface of the water, dragonflies were dancing.

