2010年9月30日 星期四

20100930 A New Year (1)

A New Year

Here I am back in Southern California

With new-found couraged and faith, I am here again in Southern California. It's my sophomore year. As students enter into their second year, many of them will begin taking classes for their majors, and I am no exception. As I am familiar with the environment and people now, I feel more comfortable. Nevertheless, there are still many new things: new classes, new roommaters and new friends. One of the most exciting things for me is my new baby, an '07 Toyota Corolla - trust me, every guy wants a car. I am also working at the front desk in the library.

I hope I can be more social through the interactions this job provides. On top of that, I am cooking three meals a day for myself. In America, cooking is a lot cheaper than eating out. There are many things I want to share with you, but I need to sto now. Studying abroad is life changing, and I am really benefiting from this experience. If you everhave the opportunity to study abroad - go. This is the end of Luke's Blog with Studio Classroom. I hope you have enjoyed it! This is Luke, a 19-year-old boy studying in sunny Southern California.

