2010年9月20日 星期一

20100920 Psychologists (1)


The who, what and why of mental health

SC: What is the difference between a psychologist, a psychiatrist and a counselor?

WF: Psychiatrists are medical doctors (M.D.), and because their time is often limited, they usually help people primarily by giving them medicine. Psychologists usually have a Ph.D. and help people primarily through counseling and psychotherapy. Counselors often focus on a certain area, such as school counseling or marriage and family counseling. Most experts say that there is no clear difference between counseling and therapy. Despite this, the term "psychotherapy" is usually used to refer to talking with people about more serious or complex problems in living.

SC: Why do people seek counseling?

WF: People are usually looking for help in solving problems with their emotions, behavior and/or relationships.

SC: Everybody has problems. How do you know if you need counseling?

WF: Counseling might be helpful if you sense that you have problems with some emotions, behavior or relationships that you don't seem to be able to change. This is especially true if the problems keep happening in a kind of repeated or habitual pattern.

counsel v. 諮商/勸告
counselor n. 顧問/諮商師[(+to)]
=> a person who counsel people
eg: school guidance counselor 學校輔導升學或就業的老師
eg: marriage counselor 婚姻諮商師
eg: rehab counselor 復健治療的顧問師

counseling n. 輔導/諮商
=> listen to someone's problem and try to give them help or advise
eg: At first Patrick resisted going to marriage counseling with his wife.
=> 一開始Patrick 抗拒和太太去婚姻諮商。
eg: The organization provides psychological counseling for women who are abused.
=> 這個機構提供組受虐婦女心理諮商。

habit n. 習慣
habitual adj. 習慣性的/習以為常的
eg: The boss had to fire him because of his habitual tardiness.
=> 由於他習慣性的遲到,老板不得不把他開除。
eg: Frank is a habitual liar. Don't believe a word he says.
=> Frank是個習慣性說謊的騙子。他的話一句都不要相信。

psychologist n. 心理學家
psychiatrist n. 精神病醫師/精神病學家
counseling n. 咨詢服務
psycholtherapy n. 精神療法/心理療法

//== Chat room ==//

mood n. 心情/情緒
=> 光用mood也可以用來表示不穩定的情緒/壞心情/壞脾氣
eg: in a good mood 心情很好
eg: in a bad mood 心情不好
eg: She's in a mood today. 她今天脾氣不好。
eg: mood swings 喜怒無常/情緒多變

