2010年9月9日 星期四

20100908 Asian Fashion Passion (3)

Asian Fashion Passion

Design with a wide sie: Toshikzau lwaya
Nobody guessed that a textile design from Tokyo's Bunka Fashion College would liven up Japan's runways. But that's exactly what Toshikzu lwaya did, first with the company DressCamp and then with his own label, Dress33.

Dress33's Paris debut came in 2009. Iwaya fearlessly showed Elizabethan designs mixed with modern everyday wear. In fact, Iwaya is known for bold designs like zebra-striped suit jackets and colorful, glittering dresses. His designs draw shoppers into stores in cities from Paris to Hong Kong.

Engineer of design: Goji Lin
Designer Goji Lin's passion for art never died, even while he was studying mechanical engineering in college. Later Lin studied fashion design in Britain. Now based in Taipei, Lin draws on his engineering background for novel fashion ideas. Lin's design feature vivid colors and unique materials, including one material created from used computer monitors. He finds inspiration in Chinese culture: Calligraphy, Chinese paintings and peonies all appear in his designs.

These designers are beloved at home and popular abroad. And it shows as fashion runways increasingly feature Asia's most talented and passionate designers.

liven up something 使充滿生氣/使人興奮
=> live up的受詞可以是事物,也可以是人
eg: The dancers' performance livened up the concert.
=> 舞者們的表演炒熱的演唱會的氣氛
eg: Colorful cushions can liven up a room instantly.
=> 色彩鮮豔的靠墊可以立即讓房間活潑起來
eg: A walk in the woods always livens me up in no time.
=> 在樹林中散散步總是可以令我開心起來

glitter v. 光彩奪目/閃耀
eg: Nina proudly showed her glittering engagement ring to her siter.
=> Nina很驕傲地把自己閃閃發亮的訂婚戒指給姊姊看
eg: The stars glittered in the night sky.
=> 星星在夜晚中閃閃發亮
eg: The movie star's diamond necklace glittered in the spotlight.
=> 電影明星的鑽石項鍊在聚光燈下閃耀

draw on 利用
=> use the information that he already knows in order to help him do something
eg: He draw on his experience as a teacher in order to get close to the young inmates.
=> 他利用過去當老師的經驗來接近這些年輕的受刑人
eg: The auther drew on his childhood when writing his novel.
=> 這位作者在創作這本小說時擷取自己童年的經歷

novel adj. 新奇的
=> profound

calligraphy n. 書法

peony n. 牡丹
=> a kind of flow

//== Chat room ==//

runway n. 飛機場的跑道
runway n. (私人的)時裝秀的伸展台
catwalk n. (用於公開的,給大眾欣賞的)時裝秀伸展台
=> 一般口語上runway和catwalk是可以互換使用的

